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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


Lifewings are one of the most adaptive Tribes in all of Pinion, although their abilities aren't shown off due to the flat plains they live on, it is proven that Lifewings will adapt to any and all environments if need be. Such adaption can be as simple as adjusting their sight in darker areas or as complex as growing thick fur in colder areas.

Another attribute of the lifewings is their healing properties, their blood is able to quickly close and heal any wound within hours maybe even minutes if the Lifewings has strong enough healing, this has also caused unforseen affects on other aspects of lifewing life.

Lifewings are also naturally small with back spikes.


Lifewings are by far the most lively tribes as they have many, many rituals and cultural items that server to both help them mentally and physically.

The great fire of life[]

Lifewings believe that all that is and all that will be comes from the sun, or as they refer to it, the great fire of life. The importance of the Great fire of life is something that all Lifewings take very seriously, any hate towards the great fire of life is hatred towards their entire tribe.

Lifewings also believe that the Moons hold the souls of the dead and to appease both the Great Fire of life and the Moons, they throw a yearly celebration to celebrate both life and death, they call this day, The day of Life and Death or Lovers day.

The day of Life and Death/Lovers day[]

Lifewings tend to envision Life as the bright Light that crosses they sky, a beautiful and powerful Dragoness who blesses them with life, while Death is a Dark and destructive dragon who feeds on life, yet Life and Death love each other, so to keep each other alive they allow most to live until their time has come and then Death will feed on their life to stay with his beloved in the dark night sky. It is belived that while Life is the sun, Death is the Darkness and his heart is the three moons and stars bursting with light and life.

The fire of Life[]

The fire of Life is believed to have descended from the sky, just before night while the three moons were full and the sun was out, it is believed to be the offspring of Life and Death, an eternal flame powered by emotions, both good and bad.

The Fire of Life was first found by a Lifewing named Cell, he cared for the flame and fed it all his emotions upon realizing what it was, he then decided to give it the biggest meal ever by presenting it to Queen Heart while proposing to her, this ended up causing enough emotions to feed the flame for weeks as did the ensuing wedding of King Cell and Queen Heart. The fire of Life has since been fed regularly by Dragons using it as a popular spot for vacations and special events.


As most will know, Queens are the strongest dragons in all their tribes, this is no different for Lifewings, although their Queen is chosen by the fire of life, Lifewings adaptive abilities have shown to mix strangely with the Fire of Life, if one is worthy of being Queen the fire will burn Gold and their scales will turn white, this is why it is common to see Queens with white talons, or tails or wings. But if your scales turn white but the flame burns silver, then they will not be worth but one of their dragonets will.

Another thing that can happen is the flame glowing gold but their scales staying natural, this shows that you are worthy but it is not what you truly desire. And one of the worse things that can happen is if the dragons Scales turn black and the flame is white, this means they are perfect in every way to be queen but they will fall before they can, this has only happened 20 times and after the first five times the princess has gone into a deep despair knowing she can't help her kingdom, many dragon will mourn the princess long before she's gone, especially the queen, it is common for the Queen to spoil her daughter until her death in which the night will be filled with many candles to spit the darkness and to spite Death.


Deaths are something all Lifewings mourn for, they all hope to keep Death and Life together but they also fear being taken away from their families, this is especially seen in the royal family, after the death of one family member the castle is filled with lights to keep Death at bay and keep Life with them in hopes that they can bring the life back to their dead family.


The islands are super important to Lifewing culture, they are the island of Life, The island of Death and the Currupted island (Formerly the island of the hated)

Island of life[]

This island is known to keep many items from a dragons life, if a dragon is good their most prized possession is kept on this island to stay alive.

Island of Death[]

The island is known for keeping the items of the most hated dragons to keep them dead forever and to ensure they can never return to the light.

Corrupt island (Formerly Island of the hated)[]

Once a spot to bury the most hated Dragons in all of Lifewing history, it is now a mushroom infested island after a Mushroomwing named Corpse was brought to help get rid of some of the dead bodies, unfortunately he was untrained with his tail spores and accidentally sprayed them all over the island, making the island into a giant mushroom island, the once green land was now covered in tons of mushrooms and mycelium.

Abilities (indepth)[]

Environmental changes[]

Due to their small bodies and an unknown feature of their blood, they have the ability to quickly adapt to other environments and situations, this has caused many to try and make sub tribes still ruled under the queen but focused more on their environment (Examples: Pinewings, Aquaticwings and MountainWings) although all attempts of full separation have been meet with aggression from not just the Lifewings but also the neighboring Mushroomwings as they had a war with a sub tribe (Pinewings) over their land.

Changes in environment[]

As stated before many have attempted to become sub tribes but failed due to them still being Lifewings, just with slight differences.

Pine woods- an environment completely controlled by the Mushroomwings it is unknown how but some lifewings were able to find a place to live for about two years before being found out. The Lifewings in question called themselves Pinewings, they had developed brown bark-like scales and their talons were able to more easily cut through wood.

Mountains- A small part of Lifewing territory has mountains, so the MountainWings were bound to appear. Unlike the Pinewings, Mountainwings were content being part of the lifewing population, they also had grown larger with thicker grey scales and very thick scales on their head, not only that but they also seem to show behaviors simular to mountain goats and prefer to ram together in fights or for fun.

Lakes, rivers, oceans- due to fish being a very loved food source and trading item with the Mushroomwings many Lifewings have adapted to water forming a quite large and varied group called the Aquaticwings. Aquaticwings are some of the most loyal dragons in the Lifewings kingdom, they are known for their sea green and blue scales and webbed talons, they also seem to have been recently trying to make a form of communication for when they are underwater.

Healing blood[]

Lifewings blood is one of their most powerful things and in times of need powerful blood will be stored for any deadly wounds. Their healing blood has also been show to help cure small sicknesses within their bodies and if need be, heal other tribes.

Animus magic[]

Most Lifewings believe Animus magic to be a myth created to make them question things like the Fire of life, but in truth their was once Animus dragons on Pinion and one was even married to the very first Lifewing Queen, Queen Eternity. It is unknown who or what these first animus dragons were but some think they had fallen from the Great Fire of Life while others believe they came from another continent that they fled after some terrible disaster. In the end most Animus Lifewings are quite unwelcomed as most Lifewings feel that the Great Fire of Life never intended to give them this power.
