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You take a seat at a white table, waiting for your food. You hear yelling coming from the kitchen. "No, no, that's too much salt!" Then a yellow-blue dragon walks out of the doors, carrying a tray of tomato soup. He had a scowl on his face as he clanked the dish on the table in front of me. "Dinner is served," he said sarcastically. "Enjoy."
Lemon's frills are an orange color tinted with gold. His underbelly is a sky blue with rounded squares centered in the middle that are colored pale yellow. Lemon's horns are a lighter blue-grey. They are medium sized and slightly curved. Lemon's body is mostly made up of a lemon color. He has a wavy pattern of bioluminescent scales that are colored an almost neon lighter blue.
But, by far the most beautiful thing about Lemon is his eyes. They are bright neon green with a light green color swirled into them.
Lemon's wings are the same light blue color of his underbelly. On the edges of his wings, there is a wavy pattern that is made up of a bright lemon color.
;emon has bright orange circles that swirl around his neon eyes only halfway.
Overall, Lemon is a beautiful dragon. No matter how he acts, he is still beautiful.
Lemon really only has one characteristic. When you see him, you might think that he is going to be this really sweet dragon. lemon is sweet, but usually not at his restaurant. He wants everything to be perfect. Even the smallest things. For example, someone putting to much salt or to less salt on a food. he would go up to them and confront them. He might even fire them for that little mistake. Lemon prefers to do most things himself.
Lemon loves to chat with people. He prefers chatting with people that talk about topics that he likes, but he doesn't mind. When he does group stuff, he get's really mad when no one listens to his ideas and ignore him. Lemon will get very angry though if people talk behind his back. Lemon is usually cheerful and funny at his restaurant when he is happy. Sometimes he does tricks and dances.
You could say that Lemon is a perfectionist. He loves when he gets to work with professional chefs like him. Also, he likes to teach other little dragons how to cook, but sometimes they get out of hand. Lemon likes things to go his way.
Lemon is actually known for his cheerfulness. They only time that he gets stubborn is when he is at his restaurant and someone is annoying him.
Lemon does very good in school. He loves to study, and was the top of the class almost every year. Sometimes, Lemon had some trouble in class, but he always figured it out. Lemon could tell that he was favored by the teachers in his classes.
Lemon took up cooking when he was a dragonet. He found a passion in it and trained to become a professional. He then opened up a restaurant called Shoreline Restaurant and Cafe. It instantly became very popular.
When Lemon was little, he used to do all kinds of fun activities with his parents. His mom, Waves, used to bake fun treats for him everyday along with a fancy dinner. One day, when Lemon was bored, he decided that he wanted his mom to teach him how to cook. They started with the basics. Lemon was finally able to cook and bake himself. His mother even started to let him cook his own dinners some nights. Eventually, Lemon became super interested in baking and wanted to start a restaurant. He got his wish, and his parents helped him set up a restaurant on the beach. Lemon wanted to name the restaurant "Shoreline Restaurant and Cafe". The name stuck ever since. This is one of the most popular restaurants in the area. It is known for it's amazing foods and the entertainment.
Lemon has always been a good student. Surprisingly, he never talks when he's not supposed to in school. It's the other way around with his family. He always has so much to say when their around. Lemon is a lot smarter than the other dragons. He is accelerated by three years. His parents wanted him to stop accelerating because they thought that it was too much for him to handle. Lemon agreed and stopped. He still studied ahead, but he never skipped any more.
Lemon has lived a great life, and is hoping to be a very famous chef. This was his dream since he was a little kid.
Kiwi is Lemon's girlfriend. They met when Kiwi was staring at a wall in his restaurant. Kiwi admitted that she was staring at the wall because she wanted to see how mad Lemon could get at her if she ignored him. They then became friend/enemies. She is now Lemon's girlfriend and eats at his restaurant everyday.
Lemon can't stand Summit, who is another chef at Shoreline Restaurant and Cafe. Lemon constantly fires him, but someone keeps rehiring him, someone who is going to get dumped in a pot of burning soup.
Lilac is a RainWing that sometimes comes to the Shoreline Restaurant. Lemon can't stand her. She s always too happy. Lemon tried to fire her before, but he lost most of his customers because they followed her to another restaurant. He soon re-hired her. He always craves when she comes.
Gummy Bear is a young dragonet who ate at Lemon's restaurant one day. When Lemon came out to serve Gummy Bear and his family, Gummy Bear couldn't help asking a million questions. He kept asking how Lemon became such a good chef and was talking about how he wished that he could be as good as Lemon. Lemon stared at him with a smile and invited him into his kitchen. He taught Gummy Bear the basics. Gummy now begs his parents to eat at Lemon's restaurant everyday, so that he can see his friend. He also wishes that he can work along side Lemon when he grows up.
• "Are you here to eat or are you going to stare at the wall all day!" -Lemon to Kiwi
User blog:Copperrose14/div style= • "Pick that up RIGHT NOW!" -Lemon
• STOP slurping right this instant, if you need a refill, ask for one!" -Lemon
• "And no, I don't care that much for lemons." -Lemon
• He hates lemons
• He has a British accent
• His nickname is Lemon Boiiiii