All Landwings are smaller then a Rainwing. Their head is narrow and snake like. They have skin flaps between their front legs to their waist. They have 2 horns that shot up to the sky. Royals have patterns on their back and are bigger. All landwings has a mark on their left side face that is a clan's mark(see Clans for more info). Animus do not have a mark nor Royals. Their colors are tan brown to tan red to tan yellow.
The mark is painted onto the dragonet's cheek at hatching and the paint stays there for the rest of the dragon's lifespan.
All Landwings have a dangerous venom that is shot over of their noses. This is call venom stabs. When this venom comes touches a dragon, it would burn and poison the dragon, killing it in 56 hours.
They can speak and understand non dragon languages too
The tribe is spited into 4 clans, each with its own leader. But the clans are all loyal to the king/queen. The mark is painted on at brith.
Earth Clan[]
this clan is known for its creativeness and artwork. The clan uses the earth for homes, as in digging into the ground and making large networks of tunnels. The mark is a broken down rocks.
Sky Clan[]
The clan of animus and Royals. This clan lives in the sky, with islands that float in 780 ft. The mark is flames.
Apple Clan[]
This clan in more commonly known throughout the Landwings. The mark is a Apple
Bug Clan[]
The clan everybody hates. They are very quick paced and fast. The mark is a Wasp head.
Pre scorching[]
The tribe was formed after the 3rd queen(yet the first queen of the Landwings) organized a attack on the humans. Her name was Queen Tiger. She and her group attacked cities of humans and many other dragons were afraid of this group. Tiger wanted her new tribe to make peace with the others. So she made many many treaties with the other tribes, which sadly were forgotten to this day.
They settled west of an range of the Claws of the Clouds mountian. The tribe claimed the territory before another did. They made weapons and soon an LandWIng discovered their most dangerous weapon of all: venom stabs.
Founding of the 4 clans[]
After 345 years, the tribe settled down in the eastern area of the claws of the Clouds Mountains. The first animus was discovered by accident and soon the current queen of that time (Queen Ecosystem) wanted to use him. The animus, Ground, didn't want to be used. So he created a idea: clans.
At first this was turned down. But more and more LandWings started to see that the Royal family was corrupt and overthrown them. With that taken care of, Ground used his magic to create sky islands and marks on the dragons. The first King was Ground.
The death of a queen[]
6 years ago during the Great War, a prince had discovered that he was a animus. He wanted to be a King like Ground did. His name was . . . Jade. He got a group of Skylings(Sky Clan) and they all wanted to have him as king. He planned to use his magic to cause a heart attack on his mother, Ore, and take his sister's unhatched egg to the sea and dumped it.
Ore died of the heart attack later that night. The egg was dumped into the sea... but fate had other ideas for the dragonet inside the egg. The egg washed up near the Sky Kingdom and was found by a SkyWing who worked with the Talons of Peace. Thinking it is a SkyWing egg, he took it to the Talons. Meanwhile, Jade had used his magic to brainwash the LandWIngs who saw him dump the egg.
The egg hatched and soon, the talons found out it was a LandWIng. Alder took the dragonet and raised it.
During the war, the Landwings allied with Burn.
The Landwings are having a time of their lives, a ally was made: the FloofWings!
LandWings named their kids after stuff with the land
Ex: Ground, Ecosystem, Jade, Rocky, and more.
Royal family[]
After the overthrown of Queen Ecosystem and her family, all Landwings Royals are descended from King Ground.
- Queen Tiger(First LandWing queen, historical)
- Queen Ecosystem(Historically before being overthrown by her people)
- King Ground(first King of the LandWings, historical)
- Queen Ore(died by a mysterious heart attack)
- King Jade
The only heir(no one knows about) is Princess Geobe who has no clue that she is a princess.
RainWings: allies. King Jade thinks Queen Glory is not dumb and adimts he likes their alliance
MudWings: hate them
NightWings: same as the RainWings
SkyWings: kinda trying to stay away from this tribe
Floofwings: A lot of the Landwings loves this tribe due to the fact that their naming is so unique
Strikewings: Somehow not hate but view them as an powerful tribe.
LucidWings: trade allies. The LandWings respect this tribe
SpinoWings: Allies, the tribe understands this tribe.
Life After Death[]
LandWings are one of those tribes who believe that there is an Afterlife. There are two afterlives: the Peace and the War. The Peace is where all pure hearted Landwings go after dying. The War, yes you guessed it, is for the evil ones.
Its their god.
LandWings have no wings. For some reason, LandWing hybrids have a 50-50 chance of having wings.