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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Ladybug is a female HiveWing dragonet and a supporting character in How to Train Your Wings of Fire 3, an upcoming How to Train Your Dragon and Wings of Fire crossover and threequel to How to Train Your Wings of Fire, written by HTTYDPokemonFan under the username ReptileGirl497 on[1]. She is Braconid's younger sister.


Ladybug has bright red scales that are freckled all over with small black spots of varying sizes. She has kind eyes and pinkish-red wings.


Braconid often describes Ladybug as being the nicest HiveWing he knows. She's innocent and sweet, and hates it when Queen Wasp enters her mind. She is always willing to lend a helping talon to any dragon who needs it, regardless of what tribe they're from.



When Braconid was four, Termite discovered that she and Cockroach were going to have another egg. This time, they had all of the necessary preparations for it and had it sent to the hatchery. When the egg hatched, Braconid suggested the name Ladybug because she looked like one, and his parents agreed.



Ladybug greatly admires her older brother, looking up to him even before they knew they were biologically related. She kept Braconid's mysterious immunity to the "Hivemind" a secret from everyone else, including their parents. She thinks he's the smartest HiveWing ever and that if anyone can change the world, it's him.


Ladybug encountered Crescent while she and Braconid were shopping in The Sugar Dream. When Chafer refused to serve Crescent on account of her being a SilkWing, Ladybug stood up for her, stating that Crescent was first in line and that it wasn't fair to make her wait any longer than necessary. She offered to pay for Crescent's honey drops herself to help resolve the matter, despite Crescent insisting that she could afford it.


"Hey, that's not fair! [...] She was here before us, so she should be served first!" - to Chafer, about Crescent

"I hate it when that happens. [...] It always feels like I'm waking up from a bad dream, and then it turns out to not be a dream and I really actually might have hurt somebody. [...] I didn't hurt anyone, did I? Please tell me I didn't hurt anyone!" - to Braconid, about Queen Wasp's mind control

"I believe in you. [...] You're the smartest HiveWing ever, Braconid. If anyone can save the world, it's you." - to Braconid


  • A ladybug is a small beetle with a domed back, typically red or yellow with black spots.

