"Mind, Body, Heart. It's all about that." --Jinx
Before thinking of stealing from the page of this thief, you should know that theft is not permitted. Or, at least, that's what this fanfic writer says. Okay, fine, Jinx has to admit, albeit begrudgingly, that she doesn't want her content stolen either. And no heavy referencing or inspiration either. Jinx would like to stay unique, thank you!
Jinx is a young dragonet who went to Culprit Academy (a roleplay created by Mayuris Cringe alt account), and, contrary to the belief that LunaStar is LunaStar77's dragonsona, is her actual dragonsona, or something along those lines. She is one of the protagonists of my fanfic, The Star Below The Moons.
My only reply to Queen Jam of the JamWings: 😈 *plots evilly*
Okay, okay, to clarify, yes, Jinx is almost exactly like me. She's smart (way to sound like a narcissist, but, hey, a girl gotta speak the truth) (lol), can manipulate others easily (I'm an actress *thumbs up*), is a singer/songwriter (pretty much my second dream job), is an artist (drawing, painting, etc), and is a great leader (presenting my number one dream job: leader of my country!! mwa ha ha.......). She has a lot of similar traits as me. I don't exactly have PTSD, but I can get really stressed at times and I need to breathe and I hyperventilate and STUFF. If I were put in the same situation as her, I'd probably turn out the same as her (minus, you know, her being a super-powered dragon and such). If she were put in the same situation as me, she'd probably turn out like me. We're very much alike, and we both like to win. We both overthink things way too much, as I am doing now. It all comes down to circumstances, and the circumstances are that her dad is a super evil criminal. My dad isn't. Her mom died. My mom's alive. She lost all her siblings. My one and only sister is still upright, doing what she does best and annoying me to death :)
There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare
Jinx's scales are a shade of dark purple, shimmering with tiny stars and galaxies that are barely recognizable but show an obvious sheen, with the skin underneath and underscales glowing phosphorescent, iridescent aquamarine. Her underbelly is a paler, muted aquamarine, and she is covered in phosphorescent SeaWing markings. She can speak fluent Aquatic. She has a glittering golden SandWing tail barb, which she keeps curled in. Her wings are enormous, and darker than her scales, shimmering purple, with aquamarine, gold, and pink scales shining constellations, planets, and galaxies on both sides of her wings. Her Wing Claws are gold, as well as her normal claws, which boast a few rings. She is quite tall, and always keeps her posture perfectly upwright. She is also quite thin. She has phosphorescent-iridescent aquamarine SandWing ruff with gold edges going all along her spine and up on her head, flopping slightly in some sort of hairdo.
She has a long, graceful neck, thin eyes that always give a dragon the impression that she is always calm, or suspicious of them, with golden markings around them, similar to the famous Egyptian Eye of Horus. Her dark red-pink-purple forked tongue flicks in and out quite a lot, resulting in an almost eerie feel about her. The sclera of her eyes is completely black, because of her SandWing genes, with bright iridescent aquamarine irises shining a range of different colors. Her horns are gold, and on her ears are a pair of gold triangular earrings with the symbol of the Eye of Deception, and several other smaller earrings, which she wears regularly. Her accent is a rough, mostly American accent with cold, calculating undertones.
See how I'll leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch, and it's bringing me out the dark
Jinx usually sticks to the shadows, watching other dragons. She is cold, calculating, and calm, and usually quiet. She can make polite conversation, but usually makes wry, witty, darkly humorous, or sarcastic remarks. She might be described as smart, cunning, and vicious by some, and kind, open-hearted, but hard to figure out to others.
Jinx is quite understanding when it comes to opening up to dragons. To kinder dragons, particularly those not involved in crime, she is calm, understanding, and kind. She can open up easily to dragons who don't try to kill her or don't show any obvious signs of manipulation. She fights tooth and claw for her friends, especially since her siblings died. She is quite overprotective, which could be a strength, or a weakness, depending on the situation. She also cares a lot about the fundamental side of the world, and wants to change it for the better. She wants to end the distinct difference in nobility between Pureblood and Multibrid dragons, the first having a high standing among the monarchy, and the latter being known for their beauty and powerful abilities. In that way, she is a Rebel. She wants to establish a sort of Democracy among the people, with a communism among smaller communities, because smaller communities need all small sides heard, whereas broader spectrums like tribes need to view the larger picture. She wants to end the need to monetize everything, and help stop sieges against the Queen of the RainWings and NightWings (the first-ever Democratically Voted Queen, after the previous Queen had too many dragonets and it was left to the population to decide.
Internally, she holds a lot of trauma, so, occasionally, especially during fights, she runs away crying. This is because of the constant abuse she suffered from her father, as his fourth and final dragonet, and only heir to his crime empire. She feels that no dragons can understand her, but if they speak to her when she is most vulnerable, she will open up easily. She is manipulative, starved for the attention she never really got from her mother when she was a dragonet, but also quite self-detructive, taking away her own attention by hiding. If another dragon is kind to her, it would be easy for them to manipulate her, simply because she lacks company and is starved for the company of other dragons. Romantic feelings are quite uncommon for her, and only come when she shares a special moment with a dragon, but quickly fade away. She has yet to find her "forever dragon," as some like to say, and her grandmother, Sage, was not willing to share her future "lover" with her. She does, however, have a persistent crush, a dragon whom she wants to look at with indifference but she is unable to. She is quite overprotective, and gets angry easily if anyone dares to harm one of her friends.
Intellectual Intelligence: 10/10
Emotional Intelligence: 3.2/10
Physical Intelligence: 9.5/10
Social Intelligence: 2/10
Creative Intelligence: 10/10
The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinkin' that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
Jinx is an Empath. This string of telepathy derives from the fact that she is a tribrid with mostly NightWing genes, and was hatched partially under a full moon. This caused her telepathy to be weak. She can only hear the most powerful, emotional thoughts that pierce through her like a spear.
She can breathe underwater, due to her SeaWing gills, speak Aquatic, survive long periods of time without water (thanks to her SandWing genes), blend into the Night Sky, stab dragons with her venomous poison barb, and escape other dragons easily.
She has a strange genetic defect that makes her fire blue. She calls it hydrogen fire, because it's like extremely hot water, like old-fashioned gas stoves. Any part of her that is aquamarine, apart from the eyes, and the glowy spots on her wings is able to dim or dissapear completely. She can turn it back on whenever she likes. This is so that she can be completely hidden in the cover of darkness.
Jinx is able to channel her fire through her scales, kind of like Firescale dragons. She basically is one. This only happens when she feels the most powerful emotions, like anger, love, or pain.
Jinx is also a witch. When she was much, much younger, she sketched a five-pointed star with the three moons around it, and it opened a hiding place in her bedroom wall where she could hide her most valuable possessions. She also has a pack of painted tarot cards, which she designed and painted herself. The cards with an image of her on it are: the Joker, The Magician, The Star, and the World.
We could've had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Fighting Techniques:[]
Her entire technique is to simply escape, and manipulate the dragons' thoughts into thinking she is defensive, but she plays the offence. She expertly twists in fast spirals out of their claws, before shredding their wings and burning them with her blue fire, to make them think what? When she has no more opportunities, she chomps on the weak spot of their tail. This disarms them for a bit.
Baby, I have no story to be told
But I've heard one on you, now I'm gonna make your head burn
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Make a home down there, as mine sure won't be shared
Jinx hatched during a full moon, partially in moonlight, as her grandmother, Sage, had warned her parents that her mind reading abilities would lead her astray. Her father, thinking this meant that she wouldn't become a crime lord like him, removed her from moonlight. Her mother, however, was quite angered, and took her egg. They began fighting, which caused her egg to roll into partial moonlight, and thus she was hatched as an Empath. Her egg was the darkest shade of purple, twinkling with constellations and universes, with wavy aquamarine and golden lines like someone had splashed the ocean over the top half. That half turned silver in the moonlight.
She hatched after her three siblings, Hex, Curse, and Fortune. They were all born without abilities, even though they were laid in the Moonlight. Her father called them, "not NightWing enough," but genetics saw that as untrue. They were all half NightWing, being that one of their father's parents were NightWing (his other parent being SandWing), and their mother had one NightWing parent as well, being a NightWing/SeaWing hybrid. Curse died soon after she was hatched, after complications with her lungs not being big enough and her head being too large for her neck. Jinx only had a brief encounter with her older sister when their parents put them together to play after their hatching.
Their father put them to work to become criminals. He moved them to the Scorpion Den, his hatching place. He put them through rigorous training, which became increasingly stressful for Hex. He put them in a pit of dragonbite vipers. Hex was bitten and didn't survive. He died at only one year old. Fortune and Jinx soon became terrified of their father. Fortune helped Jinx, who was falling behind, and offered insightful help, or as insightful as help could be at one year old.
Jinx discovered that she had 'Witch Abilities', which she used by burning runes onto her scales. One such rune, a five-pointed star with three circles around it, enabled her to make a secret hiding place in the rock wall of her room, which she used to store all her personal items, and, later, her Witch Stuff, which she took from her grandmother.
At the age of two, Fortune and Jinx were instructed to fight. Fortune slipped off the platform they were on, and Deathstalker (their father) punished her for incompetence, locking her in a prison and neglecting her. Jinx snuck some food to her. Deathstalker found this out and began poisoning said food. Fortune died soon thereafter during one of Jinx's visits. Deathstalker caught her crying and punished her for this by stopping her from visiting her grandmother for a whole six months. She never cried again, and vowed she'd get her revenge.
Her mother fell ill when she was two. She was bedridden for a year, and Deathstalker never allowed Jinx to enter her room. One day, after overhearing the doctors say that her mother's condition was worsening, she snuck in. Her mother smiled at her, and told her to stay strong. She warned her about her father and told her that she should stick to her grandmother's side. Then she died. Deathstalker blamed her for her mother's death and made her training more painful.
The only one helping her through the next four years was her grandmother, Sage. In secret, she'd teach her the basics of becoming a spy, of blending in, of protecting and fighting. Her greatest teaching was that it takes three components to fight properly: the mind, the body, and the heart. Jinx took this teaching wherever she went; she didn't have any friends, but this knowledge would be enough to get her through life. She became increasingly reclusive and stayed in the shadows due to her unfriendly father, double life, and painful training. her grandmother found out about her Witch Abilities, and helped her use them better.
Jinx snuck out, once, after a fight with her father, at the age of five. There, she met a dragonet named Pastelle, a SilkWing/HiveWing/SandWing tribrid with brilliant scales and odd butterfly wings behind her ears. Every day after that, she snuck out to meet Pastelle, who'd tell her about her own troubles. She found out that Pastelle had an Uncle who was a criminal, too, and had kidnapped her once, much to the dismay of her parents, who nearly killed him for this. Jinx was a little jealous of Pastelle for her kind parents, contrary to the father Jinx had and her sad mother. Pastelle later introduced her to Jester, a friend of hers from the clinic she went to for her misshapen wings. Jester was partially blind. The three became close friends.
At the age of six, she was sent to Culprit Academy, a school for criminals which her father saw as a good opportunity for her. Originally, he was reluctant to send her there, but then learned that Anuke, a famous Assassin, was teaching there and he wanted her to receive the highest level of criminal education. His worries about her making friends and deciding becoming a criminal wasn't right for her soon disappeared and he sent her anyway.
At school, Jinx cried for the first time in over four years, running out of Anuke's classroom in utter misery. Abyss chased after her, and she blurted out her deepest secrets there. Later, Abyss, Abyss' friend Copper, a dragoness named Neptune, and Muse decided to steal from Anuke. Jinx tried to help them escape, and ended up trying to hide Neptune. Anuke found them, and they ended up fighting with Anuke. Jinx and Neptune were thrown out of the room, but Jinx was able to figure out that hot water (her fire) can break cement, and they were able to get back inside and help the others. After the fight, Neptune ended up running down a corridor away from them. Jinx and Elytra chased after her. The entire band ended up in the basement. Later, she met Pastelle, who'd been sent there by her Uncle after being kidnapped again. Pastelle had been introduced into school by a dragoness named Adira, who radiated some level of fear at Jinx. Pastelle and Jinx caught up with each other. Suddenly, the entrance to the basement sealed itself, locking them in. (still needs to be updated as roleplay goes on)
Upon escaping school, Jinx and Pastelle traveled back to the Kingdom. Jinx went to live with her Grandmother, much to the dismay of her father, who wanted her to become a criminal.
(You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love remind me of us
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) They keep me thinkin' that we almost had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) I can't help feeling
Jinx has trouble making friends. The sheer fact that dragons with positive relationships with her existed was beyond astounding.
Very positive - at a level that is almost romantic; a relationship that is close-knitted, loyal, trustful, and recognizable without a thought, no strings attached
Positive - a friendly, familial, or close relationship with no strings attached, quite close-knitted, almost to a level that the two dragons involved can share lots of things
Positive-neutral - not quite as close-knit as positive, but still friendly
neutral - a relationship that isn't as strong; the two dragons involved don't think too highly or too lowly of each other; not very close-knit
Negative-neutral - a neutral relationship that leans more to the negative sides (eg. if a dragon sometimes speaks behind your back; if you and a dragon don't know each other that well and they've expressed that they don't really like you)
Negative - a relationship that can be described as unhealthy, rude, or toxic; a relationship that is barely able to be kept together
Very negative - think of 'Negative' to the extreme
Sage: positive. Sage has been there guiding Jinx from a young age. Through her works as a seer, she has been able to protect Jinx so far. Dragons come to her for help when they want their dragonets' futures told, or other such items. Through the night, she has been training Jinx. She is afraid of her son. One of their most special moments was when Sage brought Jinx to an archaeological dig site in the Old Kingdom of Night. There, Jinx discovered a pair of gold triangular earrings with the symbol of the Eye of Deception, and several other earrings, which she wears regularly. The Eye of Deception earring was found to have been enchanted to bring the wearer to someone they love upon mind-controlled command.
Fortune: positive. Fortune was Jinx's older sister, who'd protected her from their father. They shared lots of secrets, and Fortune teased her for once speaking to a dragonet named Koi (who was killed by Deathstalker shortly thereafter for fear that Jinx would harbor some feelings for the dragonet), who she believed was her lover. Fortune gave her a bowl of art/writing prompts for her second birthday because Jinx would not stop asking for things to draw or sing about. Jinx still hasn't gotten through all the prompts. Whenever Jinx was angry, or threw a tantrum, or tried to be sentimental, Fortune would call her "Queen of Hearts." When she was normal, she'd be called, "Ace of Spades," or just, "Ace." When she was playing cards, though, she'd be called, "Queen of Aces," because she almost always won, and Aces are known to be the highest-valued cards in most card games. Jinx wishes she was still alive, almost every day, and is the dragon haunting most of her thoughts. Jinx hasn't been happy for a very long time, because of the death of her sister.
Pastelle: very positive. Pastelle is pretty much Jinx's only friend after the death of her siblings and her mother, a calm and kind dragon at heart. She always offers a helping talon and listens to Jinx's endless problems. One of their special moments was when Pastelle helped Jinx paint her brand-new tarot cards, and they ended up covered in paint and laughing. Jinx is able to share everything with Pastelle, including her deepest secrets or most traumatic memories.
Petunia: positive. Petunia was Jinx's family's head RainWing servant. She always helped Jinx with whatever she did and never told her father when Jinx got in trouble. She helped Jinx escape when her father was angry with her, and just barely managed to escape with her life. She married a dragon named Sprout and ended up quitting her job after another one of Deathstalker's harsh explosions.
Angel: positive. Angel was Jinx's mother. They resembled each other in their facial features, and their kind personalities. Jinx doubts herself because of the success her mother had, and doubts that she's anything like her mother (this was later discovered to have been caused by circumstance). Jinx cares about her mother very much. Jinx misses her mother and wishes she were still alive, or, at least, that she could hold her talons one last time.
Jester [Jack-of-Hearts]: positive. When Jinx first met Jester on her trip to the Scorpion Den, she regarded soar as just another passenger. When she met Pastelle, things began to change. Pastelle went to get an operation to fix her wings, where she met Jester. One of their special moments is when Jester pulled soar tarot card.
Abyss (Razalk-Quazar): positive-neutral. Abyss is Jinx's clawmate, and they are part of the same Winglet. Jinx is unsure what she thinks of Abyss, but probably that he's a bit nicer than other dragons. During their first class, Abyss and Jinx were supposed to practice their fighting skills. Jinx ran out, crying, because of "daddy issues," and Abyss listened to her explanation. In that way, he was very helpful. Jinx sees him as somewhat of a friend.
Stardust (Raindrop0704): positive.
Muse (Chaoticicewing132): positive-neutral. Jinx met muse at Culprit Academy. Jinx sees Muse as a half-friend. She's careful of him, because of the amount of fights he had gotten himself into during their time at school. Altogether, Jinx has respect for him and doesn't despise his company.
Hex: positive-neutral. Jinx didn't really get to know Hex, her brother. Hex was killed before she could really converse with him, as, originally, he was the heir to their father's business. Jinx respected him, but misses him. She wishes that she had more time before he died, so that they could get to know one another. She wishes he was still alive. She's glad she had some contact with him. They fought a lot, especially on trips, and Hex was altogether quite a nuisance to Jinx.
Curse: neutral. Jinx didn't really get to know Curse, her sister. Curse died before they could even speak properly; they were too young to converse about much of anything. Jinx wishes she was still alive.
Deathstalker: negative. Like really, really negative. Deathstalker is Jinx's father. Apart from their SandWing frilly thing (which isn't even the same color between both of them), and his poison barb, they bear no resemblance, emotionally or physically. Jinx really hates him for the constant abuse he's put her through and the neglect he put her through, as well. He didn't completely ignore her, but trained her mercilessly in the hopes that she'd take over his crime business, but he neglected her emotionally. Jinx has zero respect for him, but she still has to be really careful about what she says to him. One wrong word and she's dead, although she's already "daddy's favorite," which isn't a title she necessarily wants. One of their less-than-terrible moments is when Deathstalker gave her a special type of bouncy chakram "toy," (more like a weapon but okay dad) and Jinx pretended to be delighted by it, but really she accepted it with contempt instead of pride.
Ask for relations! Currently open hehe
We could've had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Jinx is an avid songwriter, singer, and artist. She uses all her spare time writing these songs, and drawing them out. She enjoys this. Here are a few of her songs:
Save Me:[]
The exact origins of this song are unknown. Jinx just remembers her father beating her up and then the rush to her room, and how the tears blurred her vision as she scribbled this down. Perhaps this song came from pain. Perhaps we'll never know.
[Chorus; Intro Chorus]
Are you, protecting my fire, but hurtin’ my fury
Will you, pretend you’re not a liar, but run to her in a hurry
Are you, saying that you’re sorry, but these lines are gettin’ blurry
Will you, act like it’s fine, act like it’s bravery
You won’t save me
[Verse 1]
I’ve been hoping for a while
That I could just become a nyctophile
So that when you leave me in the dark
There wouldn’t be any pain in my heart
I’ve been hoping for some time
That you’d realize that you had no right to characterize
All these painful memories
That you’ve sufficed
Your rain, your rain
Was it your pain, your pain?
Well I’m not a pluviophile
So I’ll find some shelter
Away from your weather
Hope that after this I’ll still see myself smile
Are you, protecting my fire, but hurtin’ my fury
Will you, pretend you’re not a liar, but run to her in a hurry
Are you, saying that you’re sorry, but these lines are gettin’ blurry
Will you, act like it’s fine, act like it’s bravery
You won’t save me
[Verse 2]
I’ve been hoping for a minute
That you realize you’ve been tryna act innocent
I’m trying to understand
I’m drowning in these grains of sand
I’ve been hoping for years
That you realize I’m not addicted to tears
I don’t do this so I can have fun
I’m a sunflower and you took away the sun
Your rain, your rain
Was it your pain, your pain?
Well I’m not a pluviophile
So I’ll find some shelter
Away from your weather
Hope that after this I’ll still see myself smile
Are you, protecting my fire, but hurtin’ my fury
Will you, pretend you’re not a liar, but run to her in a hurry
Are you, saying that you’re sorry, but these lines are gettin’ blurry
Will you, act like it’s fine, act like it’s bravery
You won’t save me
Your rain, your rain
Was it your pain, your pain?
Well I’m not a pluviophile
So I’ll find some shelter
Away from your weather
Hope that after this I’ll still see myself smile
Your rain, your rain
Was it your pain, your pain?
Well I’m not a pluviophile
So I’ll find some shelter
Away from your weather
Hope that after this I’ll still see myself smile
Are you, protecting my fire, but hurtin’ my fury
Will you, pretend you’re not a liar, but run to her in a hurry
Are you, saying that you’re sorry, but these lines are gettin’ blurry
Will you, act like it’s fine, act like it’s bravery
You won’t save me
You never will
This song came from a doodle in Jinx's sketchbook, using one of the prompts given to her by her sister. These prompts were the following: Draw one of History's greatest heroes in their worst moment, and Draw one of History's greatest heroes as an Evil dragon. Here is the sketchbook image:
[Verse 1]
There are outcasts, outliers
They always get caught in our crossfire
Why can't we keep our troubles to ourselves?
We manipulate their feelings
Act as if our scars are worth healing
Why can't kindness be the thing from which we are compelled?
The Queen of Hearts, Ace of Spades
The monster stands just beyond our facades
The truth comes rushing in like a typhoon
And the lies we tell ourselves
And the lies we do still tell
"Ooga Booga," they say this was done by the moons (not us)
We like to lie, and to deceive
We like to steal, and to thieve
We like to trick, and to cheat
We don't like to crumble beneath talons & teeth
When darkness falls and lightness dims
My house of cards ain't caving in
We like to plot, won't admit defeat
Why must we be so bittersweet?
[Verse 1]
There are those who run from war
Those that think it's worth fighting for
Why can't we keep our troubles to ourselves?
We make them fight, this is greed
Why can't we be diplomatic, perform a good deed?
Why can't kindness be the thing from which we are compelled?
The Queen of Hearts, Ace of Spades
The monster stands just beyond our facades
The truth comes rushing in like a typhoon
And the lies we tell ourselves
And the lies we do still tell
"Ooga Booga," they say this was done by the moons (not us)
We like to lie, and to deceive
We like to steal, and to thieve
We like to trick, and to cheat
We don't like to crumble beneath talons & teeth
When darkness falls and lightness dims
My house of cards ain't caving in
We like to plot, won't admit defeat
Why must we be so bittersweet?
Throw your soul through every open door
Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
"HA! Royal flush! I WIN. It's all mine now, mwa ha ha!" --Jinx after winning poker against her entire family, including extended family. They were very sour after that. She won lots of moolah
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
We could've had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could've had it all, yeah (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
It all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Because of her criminal upbringing, she takes with her the following items to every place she visits, all in a dark purple leather back she wears:
- Poison Inkpot: An inkwell filled with dragonbite viper poison instead of ink.
- Blade Feather: A large white peacock feather with a small, extremely sharp knife instead of the writing tip
- Notebook: She stores an assortment of knives and round throwing-blades and all sorts of stuff in there
- Rings: Around her claws are rings, each with a hidden weapon (melting glitter-bombs, some sort of smeary stuff that her dad thought would be useful, rotating blades, lockpicks, etc)
Jinx also brings normal items:
- Pencil Case: A whole lot of markers, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and pens in a leather pencil case
- Sketchbook: Basically just a leather bound notebook in which she draws and writes songs
- Inspiration Box: A small wooden oak box with a gold lock with a bunch of prompts given to her by her sister so that she never has art block
Musical Items:
- Violin: A painted violin with sparkling designs
- Songwriting book: A book in which she writes songs
And then her "witch items":
- Tarot Cards: Cards used to reveal the thoughts and future of those who pick the cards, each painted by her, with a gold border
- Hourglass: Used to keep time when spells are cast; made of glass, with thick pine oak bases, with yellow-purple-aquamarine star-and-moon gemstones surrounded by gold wrapped around each base
- Crystal Ball: Used to spy on other dragons or foretell the future; is yellow, purple, and aquamarine on a gold base; kinda broken ngl
We could've had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Art made by me: Art made by ppl other than me:Could've had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
But you played it, you played it, you played it
You played it to the beat
- Her 'theme song' is Rolling in the Deep by Adele
- I realized she's like Jinx from that one, really well-animated show that I forgot the name of. Idk if it's appropriate for our age group and am too lazy to search it up so not naming it should be good enough.