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An emerald prince
An orb of dreams
A talon's touch
A plague of screams
Once upon a time, in a small, lonely village at the edge of the Ice Kingdom, there lived a young IceWing. His scales glittered the color of pristine emeralds, and he was the most gifted and revered inventor in the entire village. He had many wonderful ideas about the gifts he could create to protect and benefit his tribe, but, being rather poor, he lacked the resources he needed to turn any of his designs into reality.
One year, a terrible sickness spread across the Ice Kingdom, infecting and killing off thousands of prey animals across the tundra. Hundreds of IceWings suddenly found themselves with no food, and many villages began to starve.
The emerald IceWing's village was one of the poorest among these, and many of his friends and family fell ill or starved to death. He tried everything in his power to help them, but brilliant though his mind was, he was not a skilled hunter. Without food to feed his village or resources to support his projects, his many wonderful ideas went to waste, and more dragons starved every day that he failed.
One night, he was visited by Khione, an ancient ice spirit who had watched over his many frustrated failures. Pitying the young dragon, she soared to earth and spoke to him in a dream.
"Young IceWing," she told him, "you are gifted far beyond your years, and your heart is purer than those of even the most benevolent queens. If you choose to undertake this perilous quest, you may find the means to achieve your heart's every dream ... but it will come at a terrible price."
The young emerald dragon was brave and unafraid of the dangers Khione described. His greatest wish had always been to give back to his community and tribe, and he was prepared to face death if it meant his tribe would be freed of the terrible hunger that haunted them. Weak and hungry though he was, he set off alone to complete Khione's quest.
He flew tirelessly into the mountains, determined to do whatever it took to save his tribe. After several hours, it began to snow; the snowfall grew heavier the longer he flew, until at last it weighed down his wings so much that he was forced to continue on foot. Still the snow flew thicker and faster through the air until a full-fledged blizzard raged around him. He plunged forward, but the storm was relentless, whipping his scales and stinging his eyes until at last he collapsed onto the ground.
As he lay in the midst of the raging storm, weak, tired, and hungry, he felt defeated. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move his numb limbs. As he fought to stay conscious, a voice whispered in his ear. "Just a bit further," the soft hiss echoed around his head. "Just a bit further and your tribe will be saved." And though every aching muscle in his body screamed in protest, the emerald dragon slowly pushed himself to his feet and took a step. Then another step, then another, until he suddenly stumbled through a copse of snow-laden trees into a small spring clearing.
Here, all was calm. The storm that had raged around him a moment before was gone, and as he limped forward and collapsed into the water, a new strength seemed to seep through his body. His mind, foggy and tired a moment before, suddenly became clear. He pushed himself shakily to his feet and there, on the opposite bank of the spring, stood Khione.
"Young dragon, you have proven yourself," she said. "You were willing to sacrifice everything to save your people. You have shown yourself worthy of the gift I now offer you." And with a wave of one talon, the water around her rose and swirled into the shape of a small, glowing orb. It floated above her talon as she held it out to the emerald IceWing.
The young Icewing reached out to lay a talon on glowing, swirling orb. As his scales brushed its surface, he suddenly saw everything. The raw magic vibrating against his talon could give him power unimaginable ... but the consequences would be dire. Visions poured into his head: hundreds of IceWings, heads bowed over his own dead body; a young green IceWing with a cruel sneer on her face, manipulating a hundred dragons with her claws; an unfamiliar queen watching with cold, glittering eyes as guards bound the talons and snout of an old, frail emerald IceWing, ignoring his pleas ...
The young dragon cowered under the weight of the visions, trapped in despair over the terrible things that could happen if he accepted the power offered him. He began to shrink away, pulling back from the almost magnetic pull of the orb. But even as resisted the pull, a new torrent of visions crashed into him like a tidal wave: him returning home on tired wings, empty-taloned; the crestfallen faces of his village; dozens of bodies, wrapped in blankets, outnumbering the survivors that grieved beside them; the faces of the dragons he loved, still and lifeless, their eyes open without seeing ...
"No," the young dragon whispered. "No. I can't let them die. I have to save my people." And as he curled his talon over the orb, its power surged into him, pulsing through his veins, numbing his arms with its sheer might. A thousand visions sliced his heart as he made his choice. The futures where his tribe starved to death suddenly brightened, full of life, and as their joy flooded into him, he knew he had made the right decision. But a torrent of screams split his head as he accepted the power, the screams of innocent dragons who would be hunted and manipulated and killed in the distant future, all because of one dragon's choice.
—Legends of the Ice Queendom
The Emerald Prince is perhaps one of the most interesting and disputed myths in Pyrrhian history. (WIP)
—A Review of the IceWings' Most Controversial Fairy Tale by Starsearcher of the NightWings
early life
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