❖ Jabuka | Female | She/They | Lesbian | 12dys | Explorer/Merchant/Farmer ❖
Hyena is a solidly built dragon, padded with a fair amount of muscle. She is small in height and thick in physique. Her face is rounded with soft features, and her snout is short and thick. Their frill is small than the average dragons', and their tail is short. Her wings are large, but not impressive. Their scales are a darker cherry-pink and her under-scales are a light yellow, nearly white. Their frill is the color of brown sugar and is ripped in many places.
Her horns are a lighter gray with a slight purple hue and her large eyes are a lighter cherry-pink. She often wears a faded pink scarf that was given to her by her father. They also carriers around small leather pouches with assorted herbs and snacks.
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Kiba: (mother; positive) Jabuka has a good relationship with her mother. They occasionally fight, but their relationship remains positive.
Taipan: (father; positive) Jabuka has a close relationship with her father. He was the one that gave her the scarf she wears almost every day. She nursed her father back to health when he fell sick, although she missed an expedition to the MudWing Kingdom that she wanted to go on.
Caracal: (brother; positive) Caracal is Jabuka's oldest brother and the oldest sibling. He helped his parents raise her.
Bontebok: (brother; positive) Bontebok is Jabuka's youngest brother. She helped raised him and saved him from being bullied by their neighbors. When there was an attack on their home, he ran away to protect himself, but got lost and couldn't find his way home. Jabuka spend years searching for him and eventually found him in the MudWing Kingdom.
Okapi: (brother; positive) Okapi was Jabuka's brother and the second youngest sibling. She was devastated when he died and blamed herself for his death, although it wasn't her fault.
Impala: (sister; positive/neutral) Impala was Jabuka's sister and the second youngest sibling. She died in a fire when she was five months old.
Antelope: (neighbor; negative) Antelope is Jabuka's neighbor and Sage's brother. His family wants to buy Jabuka's family property and often attacks the family, trying to scare them off.
Sage: (neighbor; negative) Safe is Jabuka's neighbor and Antelope's brother. His family wants to buy Jabuka's family property and often attacks the family, trying to scare them off.
Tumbleweed: (classmate; negative) Tumbleweed is a bully at Jabuka's school. He eventually left to go to another school.
❖ Her name means apple
❖ She was originally made for a contest hosted by Iceshadow84
❖ She lives in Possibility
❖ She has distant SkyWings ancestry through her father
❖ Her favorite number is nine
❖ She is twelve years old