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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

The content on this page belongs to Jack.
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Holly is a young LeafWing who lives in Possibility and works at a local bakery called The Mistledough.


Holly stands taller than most dragons cos age, with a plump build and rounded features. The LeafWing's scales are primarily a muted green, although dappled faintly with a darker pattern. Cos scales are also accented by splotches and subtle gradients of red, which are especially prominent on cos talons, sails, and tail. Co notably lacks a pair of wings.

The spade at the end of cos tail is shaped like a holly leaf, which lends itself to cos name. Cos eyes are gold, while cos pupils are reddish-brown in color. Holly also dons a variety of more vibrant red accessories. The most ubiquitous of these is cos belled collar, but co can also be seen wearing a scarf or ribbon around cos neck.


  • Cheerful and outgoing, always willing to strike up a conversation with someone new
  • Easily excitable
  • Very physically affectionate, never passes up an opportunity to cuddle with her friends
  • Loves giving others small gifts
  • Intelligent and observant
  • Not afraid to get into a brawl every so often, but prefers to resolve issues with her words
  • Still tends to be a bit impulsive when it comes to making decisions
  • Cares deeply about her friends and family, would do anything for them
  • Spends a lot of her time making herself available to others; tries to help in as many ways as she can
  • This also results in a lot of burnout for her
    • Also feels as though she has to be seen contributing in some way or else she lacks a purpose
  • Feels the need to put up a brave front to prevent herself from burdening others
  • Can be a bit oblivious sometimes
  • She's trying her best!


  • Has leafspeak, although it's not especially powerful—co usually just uses cos powers to help the plants in cos garden grow more quickly
  • Can play the harp and flute
  • Also dabbles in art and writing occasionally, but it's more of a casual hobby for co
  • High level of physical endurance; co's quite strong as well
  • Likes to cook and bake in cos free time; can whip up some pretty tasty egg custard tarts and scallion pancakes


  • Holly's mother immigrated to Possibility from Pantala years before she hatched
  • Never knew her father and her mother doesn't bring him up very often
  • She's lived in Possibility for as long as she can remember
  • With the popularization of boats as transportation, she and her mother have been able to travel back to Pantala on a few occasions, but she still isn't especially familiar with the continent
  • Would love to travel there to study the culture and flora/fauna more extensively. Has aspirations of someday attending Optera University to study Pantalan megafauna
  • Currently working in a local bakery called The Mistledough
  • Enjoys her job but still has hopes of someday leaving Possibility and traveling around the world
  • Used to live with her mother, but recently moved out and is now living in a bungalow on the outskirts of the city



It's complicated. She cares deeply about her mother and knows that she should be grateful to her, but their relationship has been volatile in the past and she still isn't entirely open with her about a lot of things. Currently working on repairing her relationship with her.


She first met Festival at a baking internship in Possibility, and they quickly bonded over being two of the only Pantalan students there. They eventually had a falling-out after Festival became extremely reliant on her, and Holly made herself more and more available to faer to the point where it was greatly affecting her life. They've lost touch since then, but she still thinks of faer from time to time.


The two of them practically grew up together, and she considers sol one of her closest friends. They see each other as family and would do anything for each other.


She knows the hybrid fairly well as a result of their frequent visits to Possibility and considers them a good friend.


Holly genuinely despises him. Aside from Zia being the one who orchestrated the kidnapping of her best friend's sister, she hates him for his cowardice and finds his motives and actions extremely hypocritical.


  • Holly's favorite dessert is egg custard tarts.
  • Cos favorite flowers are chrysanthemums.
  • Cos theme song is “happy im” by UMI.
  • “Sweet Pea” is cos mother's pet name for co.

