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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Heterogeneous is a character made by JadeTheElemental. Do not steal! (Pretty pls?)


Hetra is described as a colorful mess. Her wings are a ravishing red, with the light gemstones (Is that accurate? I don't know! I'm new!) that LightWings traditionally have on the edges of the wings. Her talons slowly change into a maroon-pink shade and her snout into night-sky blue. The tail is a blend of red, green, yellow and blue. Her entire body is covered in ink splotches. Their origin is covered below.


Heterogeneous, preferably known as Hetra, is a bubbly bundle of joy, intelligence and fierce loyalty. She is cheerful and happy about almost everything. She always tries to see the best in any situation, but is not always successful. Her love of nature and science has managed to persuade herself and others to learn more as their is more to the world than meets the eye. Her motto is "Learn, Love and you shall truly Live".

Hetra's intellect staggered her uncle and her aunt from the start, although it was only Uncle Lark who encouraged her to learn and is referred to by Hetra as 'her true family left'. She was convinced that she would be a great scientist and began to gather as much information as possible. She also temporarily teached RainWing and NightWing dragonets science, until Mightyclaws came and wrecked her school to make room for more houses. Ever since then, she has began to resent him and most NightWings, except Lightbeam.

In the events of, Hetra shall eventually meet blind Lightbeam, deaf Sonicroar and smell-less Flowerthrust, after they escape the soldiers sent by Deathbuilder. Hetra invites them to hide out until the heat of their search party dies down. She stated that she would never abandon them, even offering to make some 'boiling beakers of burning potions' and throw them at the soldiers.


Heterogenous (Dingo-i Base)