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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki



Harvestmen is a female HiveWing, and a loyal follower to Queen Wasp.


Harvestmen hatched right after the Tree Wars, alongside her brother Fly to Mosquito and Cocoon. The siblings never had a good relationship, as they were always fighting. When Harvestmen and Fly were old enough to go to school, Harvestmen begged her mother to be in a separate school, one that Fly would never go to. It took a lot of complaining from the tiny dragonet for Mosquito to finally say yes. So, Mosquito arranged the school plans with Queen Wasp, trusting the Queen's judgement better than anyone else's. So, Harvestmen ended up going to the school in Wasp hive.

Later on, when Harvestmen was 5 years old, she met a SilkWing of the same age named Ebony. Ebony and Harvestmen had actually become great friends after spending 3 years together. Eventually, Harvestmen developed feelings for this SilkWing. But, she knew Wasp would never approve of her decision. So, she framed the SilkWing for treason and reported it to Wasp, hoping this would remove all feelings she ever had for the SilkWing. Instead, watching the SilkWing get executed made her more depressed than she ever thought she'd be. She had to suck it up, because she wouldn't let anything get in the way of her being loyal to her tribe.

So, eventually, when she was 13 years old or whatever is the adult age in dragon years (I'm pretty sure 7) paired up with a HiveWing who was all black, except for red talons and yellow eyes. This HiveWing's name was Lycorma. She had two HiveWing dragonets with this dragon, she named them Longhorn and Diaphorina. She raised them pretty well, teaching them good manners, how to respect all dragons, including SilkWings, what to do after Queen Wasp calls out a full-hive command or just a massive hive-command, teaches them how to keep their secrets completely safe, and how to be well-behaved HiveWing citizens.

Harvestmen was eventually murdered by Poinsettia, a LeafWing, after kidnapping another LeafWing named Venus Flytrap. Poinsettia had a friend that was a flamesilk, Ebony's little sister, who had escaped a month prior to Venus Flytrap's kidnapping. Poinsettia had simply followed the traces of overgrown plants made by Venus Flytrap, carrying Ebony's sister's flamesilk in her talons. Of course, this did burn Poinsettia's talons, but she managed to endure it the majority of the flight. Poinsettia had found Harvestmen's den and flew straight at Harvestmen, landing on her back and searing the flamesilk into one of her arteries, while clawing at the other. This was Harvestmen's death. Unfortunately, Longhorn and Diaphorina don't know about their mother's death, as they were fully grown at the time and had little contact with her.


Harvestmen was a large, thin, sickly-looking, female adult HiveWing. Her scales are gray-autumn orange, with darker orange spots, and smaller black spots. Her wings are brown and short, causing her flight speed to be slower than other HiveWings. Her eyes are nearly black with a tiny bit of bright dirt-brown for her iris. She has curved, short talons. Her teeth are pointy and yellow. Her horns are a pretty orange-brown. Her voice was raspy, rough, and high-pitched.


Harvestmen at first was a pleasant, sassy, stubborn, sly, sneaky, mischievous, and smart HiveWing. Later on, when she gets older, she becomes a deranged, evil, cruel, and crazy HiveWing. She ended up developing neutral/positive opinions about LeafWings and SilkWings near the end of her life.



Ebony was Harvestmen's best friend, and Harvestmen eventually developed feelings for him. Harvestmen knew that Queen Wasp would never allow it, so she never attempted to tell Ebony her true feelings. But she knew that she had a very hard time hiding those feelings, as a rumor eventually spread around Wasp Hive that she had a crush on a SilkWing. So, to stop this rumor, she set up a painting of a SilkWing standing over the dead body of Queen Wasp, and took it to Queen Wasp. She told Wasp that Ebony had painted it, and this resulted in a public execution. Harvestmen ended up feeling more depressed than ever when she had been 'gifted' a place by Wasp's throne to watch.


Cocoon is Harvestmen's father. They never really had much of a relationship, as he was always busy with work or doing something with Fly.


Mosquito is Harvestmen's mother. Harvestmen likes Mosquito the most out of all her family members. She adores her mother, especially because she let Harvestmen go to a school in Wasp Hive.


Fly is Harvestmen's brother. Harvestmen hates Fly with all her heart.


Lycorma was Harvestmen's first and last mate. After they had Longhorn and Diaphorina, they split up. They didn't really care much for each other, as they were paired up by Queen Wasp.


Longhorn is Harvestmen's firstborn, and only son. They have a good relationship, as Harvestmen treated him and Diaphorina equally. Harvestmen appreciates Longhorn's caring nature, and his desire to change the world, though Harvestmen finds it quite silly.


Diaphorina is Harvestmen's second child, and only daughter. Harvestmen admires her daughter's strong will and hope. She believes that Diaphorina would make an excellent helper, if Diaphorina had the proper ambition. She disapproves of her daughter's disloyalty to Queen Wasp, but she never mentions it.


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Random Facts[]

  1. When Diaphorina hatched, Harvestmen was surprised by her green eyes.
  2. Harvestmen truly loved Ebony. If she felt that Wasp wouldn't have cared about them being together, Harvestmen would have never framed Ebony and instead would've taken him as a mate and had dragonets with him.
  3. Ebony was reasonably upset at Harvestmen for what she did, and had he not been executed, he'd have gone after Harvestmen himself.
  4. Harvestmen was reborn as a HiveWing-SilkWing hybrid named Bug.
  5. Harvestmen is fascinated by SilkWing's metamorphosis and LeafWings in general.
  6. Harvestmen believed SilkWings shoud be treated as equals after Ebony's death.