Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
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This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
(Yes I know this is a character coding page lol)

The worst event in Pantalian history.

"Trust me, if there WAS a tragedy, why would we be standing in a normal world now?"

That's the true question, what happened to our world?

This fanfiction belongs to Flufferb. Please do not use any content from this page without permission.

Thank you.

Coding by Moonwatcher.


Where am I?

This isn't a world I come to recognise...

Where is my beloved Pantala?

Are all my memories gone?

The Tragedy
Main Information
Author Flufferb
Genre Mystery, and a bit of horror
Location Pantala
Title The tragedy
Alternate Title Grandeur
Fanfic song Pending
Character Information
Protagonist Ascii
Deuteragonist Abraxas
Tritagonist Akibrus
Antagonists An unknown group of dragons, Axion
Minor characters Some HiveWings and LeafWings, Axion, others
Deceased Rhyler, others
Empowered Ascii and others

My beloved memories...

Ascii, a famous SilkWing has had a wonderful life, many HiveWings and SilkWings were respectful to her. Even Wasp slightly tolerated her. Ascii loved it all until the tragedy struck, the worst event EVER in Pantalian history. Ascii was one of the only survivors, but has wound up with a lack of memories...

Struggling to breathe and remember, Ascii knows Pantala is inhabitable, same with her friends. She sets off, and comes across a place that holds many mysteries to come...


Hello ASCII! I didn't realise you would be up early!

The SilkWing stumbled out her silk web, rubbing her eyes. She turned to the little computer, she let a thread of light escape onto her face. "Hi, me." Ascii said, she rubbed her eyes again and yawned. The computer giggled, Ascii couldn't help but do the same. I'm not you! I'm me! Ascii narrowed her eyes and smirked. "No." She said. "I am you." The program gasped. But i'm Me! "No you ain't, i'm you."

They burst into laughter, nobody could imagine a computer program having so much life. Ascii whipped her head around, she shushed the computer and stuffed it in it's little hole to hide it. She looked at the HiveWing approaching her. "lemme guess, I have to go to Abraxas again." Ascii said, narrowing her eyes. The HiveWing guard nodded, and led Ascii out the room.

Memories... It was all ASCII wanted, she wanted to know WHERE her computer friend was, or even if she was still here.


Chapter 1[]

It was a normal day in Cicada Hive, the normalist of days in fact. Ascii didn't see anything special hidden within this day, she just saw it as normal. After 5 stressful days of staying with Abraxas, Wasp finally let her have a break, now she's chatting nonstop to her computer. Why is Abraxas being mean to you? The program said, she had a look of despair on her little face. Ascii shrugged. "I dunno, she's just being mean." She said, the program thought for a moment. Maybe something's happened? The computer asked, Ascii tilted her head at it. "Huh? As in what?" The computer giggled a little bit. Silly Ascii. She said. Something traumatic might have happened to her, she might just be having a hard time.


I dunno, something with family, maybe?

"I just don't think anything like that would make Abraxas act how she is now..."

Then she's just paranoid.

Ascii could see Abraxas being stressed a lot, but she'd never take her anger out on Ascii. Abraxas is a nice HiveWing, unlike the others she treats her servant with respect, despite being in the army she still has a kind soul, maybe she fought a hard battle... No, she had no scars... Maybe it was stressful? And never got hit? No... Ascii knew when Abraxas had been out, she would reek of god knows what and be bleeding from at least one scratch, her scales where completely smooth. Abraxas was still recovering from her fight last week, so she still had some scars, nothing new though.

"You really aren't helping, I want something worth investigating." Ascii said to her computer program. Then talk to Uranium, she's a detective. "But Uranium lives all the way in Wasp Hive! I am NOT flying there." Ascii stamped her foot on the silk, she quickly calmed herself. "Go suck a lime, Ego." The computer gasped. NOW you give me a name? Ego said, blushing. "Yes, also Ego is just a short version."

"I'm tired, i'm gonna go to sleep." Ascii said, rubbing her eyes, she yawned as she did so. Okie master! I'll be here when you need me! I'll sleep too... I guess. Ego said as Ascii shut down the computer.


Chapter 2[]

Ascii awoke to the sound of drilling on the hive, Ascii ran outside. She saw Akibrus drilling away at an unstable wall, pieces of treestuff fell away from it. "By Clearsight! What is going on here?!" Ascii shouted to Akibrus, he turned and smiled at her. "Oh hi Ascii." He said, he yawned as he said so. "I was told to drill here." Ascii snarled a bit. "So? I'M TRYING TO SLEEP." Akibrus tilted his head at her. "But... I've been drilling for hours." Ascii yawned a bit. "Fine, I'm going back home." "Fine by me." Akibrus replied, waving as Ascii returned to her silk-home.

Ascii fired up Ego, before she could say anything she hushed the computer. "Do you think Akibrus is being weird?" She whispered. The AI nodded, Ascii smiled and drove her talon away from the screen, Ego sighed. Why is Akibrus going super close to your house? Doesn't he back away in fear whenever you approach him? Ego said, Ascii shrugged. "I did give him some trauma in the past, I thought he would scream and fly away when I said 'By Clearsight! What is going on here!'" Ascii looked down at Ego, she smiled again. Ego giggled a tiny bit. Maybe he was too distracted?? She said. Also, I wish I was awake so I could hear that. The drilling is hella annoying. Ascii nodded. "I can agree."

The next day...

Ascii and Abraxas trotted to the Sugar Dream, where Ascii's favourite worker Phasmid stood, she looked down at her daughter and smiled. "Hello honey, what would you like?" She tapped her talons on the counter. Abraxas turned to Ascii, she almost flinched in fright. "What do you want?" Abraxas whispered to her, Ascii thought for a moment. "A Sugar Wasp and 2 Honey Drops." She whispered back, Abraxas turned to her mother. "Miss Programmer wants a Sugar Wasp and 2 Honey Drops." Abraxas said, Phasmid nodded. "I'll have an Apricot Taffy and a Nectar Vial please." Abraxas said to her. Phasmid grabbed a box and placed the contents inside, she handed them to Abraxas. "Thanks for coming!"

Ascii took her candies and munched them, Abraxas waited a while. Ascii turned to Abraxas and swallowed the remaining candies. "Hey, is there something up?" She said, Abraxas' head shot up. "Huh?" Abraxas said. "Oh, it's how i've been to you... Right?" Ascii nodded, Abraxas suddenly looked dull. Ascii tilted her head when she suddenly spoke. "Something HAS been bothering me lately.." "What is it?" Ascii asked curiously. "It's... Ego..." Ascii gasped. "EGO?!" Abraxas nodded a bit. "Ever since I saw her there was just this one thing... Bothering me..." "What? What about Ego is bugging you?" Ascii asked, she felt a sudden wave of anger, but she burrowed it down.

"It's just... What was up with that execution yesterday?"

Chapter 3[]

Ascii fell back in fear. She screamed, attracting the attention of many HiveWings and SilkWings. "W-What E-Execut-tion?!" She said, horrified. Abraxas shrugged. "I saw some AI like her when a uncontrollable HiveWing was being executed." She said, she flicked her tail. "It saved him and he was then sent to Tsetse Hive or something like that." Ascii rubbed her head, she fluttered her wings open. "I suddenly don't feel like-" She started, Abraxas started talking over her. "I wanna know if it's Ego or not." Ascii started fuming. "I WAS TRYNA SPEAK!" Abraxas flinched a bit. "Okay, you were gonna say you didn't wanna be here? Then go then." Ascii stomped off, leaving Abraxas in the middle of a street of many confused dragons.

Ascii wriggled into her silk-home, she fired up Ego. "Hey bud." She said glumly. Hi Ascii! Uh... Are you okay? Ego said, tilting her head at her master. "I had something to ask you, if it's okay." She said, Ego smiled at her. Sure! Ask anything Ascii! Ascii nodded, wiping her eyes of tears. "Were you a part of an execution?" She said, Ego gasped. HUH? I didn't do anything with Executions! She said, Ascii looked back at her. "Abraxas told me that there was an AI like you who saved a HiveWing from execution." Ego tilted her head again. I seriously wasn't saving anyone, please... Believe me... Ego had her 'so depressed' face on, Ascii couldn't say no. "Fine." She said, Ego suddenly brightened up. "But if I figure out you were lying, you'll be ignored for a week." Ego suddenly looked sad again. I promise i'm not lying. She said. Please don't ignore me!! Ascii smiled at her. "I won't."


A Day in The Life of Alter Ego
Written by Ascii of the SilkWings
She's normally asleep when I wake up, but sometimes she's up. I don't know how she can turn herself on like that.

I speak to her for a bit until I have to hide her from the HiveWing guard who takes me to Abraxas, I turn her off and stuff her in a cubby-hole.

She's off all day until late noon, where I return home and fire her up again.

I speak to her until it's late night, where I shut her off and go to sleep.

The same routine goes on until my break days (weekends) I talk to her until I get tired, shut her off and go to sleep.

Once I wake up, I talk to her again. Yada yada same old things.
Authors note: This is a day as Alter Ego, my AI. Made by Ascii of the SilkWings.

Ascii clutched the book in her hands, giggling. Ego was concerned. Please tell me what that book is. Ego said, looking cross. "Haha! Never!" Ascii said, falling onto her back. Ego sighed. I wished it had a title...

"Well it doesn't!"

Surely it does... Right?

"Yeah, but ya can't see it."

Better not be inappropriate!

Ascii shook her head and sat down. "No, it's about how much I like you." Ego gasped and blushed again. Really?


Chapter 4[]

Ascii set down the book and stared back at Ego. "Abraxas is suspicious of you... That's all." She said, trying not to cry. I think I already know that. Ego said, yawning. 'As if I knew an AI could yawn!' Ascii thought, tilting her head.

She heard the sudden sound of talonsteps and hushed her computer, she stuffed her into the cubbyhole. She whipped her head around to see Woodlouse, Abraxas' father. "Woodlouse?" She choked on her words, the red HiveWing nodded. "Wasp has sent me here." He said, opening his amber eyes. "For what??" Ascii said, stamping her foot. "Well, Wasp herself wants to see you." Woodlouse said calmly. "And your computer." He flicked his tail at the cubbyhole. Ascii choked again. "H-How?" She said, her wings shivering. "Abraxas-" Woodlouse started, Ascii screamed. "ABRAXAS!"

Ascii couldn't dare touch a HiveWing, although nowadays they are treating SilkWings a lot better and the queen is actually merciful. Unlike the horrible days when a SilkWing named Blue existed, no technology? That must be terrible! Although now Ascii just feels like she has an anxiety attack every two seconds, she has never seen the queen up close (except for the Silkworm hall thing, but that doesn't count.) Ascii sighed and calmed herself. "Fine. Take me there." She said, grabbing Ego from the cubbyhole.

- *** -

After what seemed like hours of flying, she finally landed at Wasp Hive's entrance. She didn't scan her ID (since Woodlouse said it was urgent to the guards) and continued walking. 'This is REALLY awkward' Thought Ascii, her wings shaking even more than before. They eventually got to the queen's throne room, Ascii on the other talon, was terrified.

Woodlouse led Ascii inside, and she was met by something really crazy. A purple and pink HiveWing jumped at her and put a sticker on her snout. "Congrats!" He yelled. All of the HiveWings in the room were crazily coloured. Ascii was discombobulated, like- what the heck? 'That was extremely awkward' she thought, overcome by embarrassment.

Wasp sat there, towering over Ascii and Woodlouse. She had paint and stickers all over her scales, Ascii didn't dare laugh. "Er... What's going on here?" Ascii said, trying to relax her trembling wings. Woodlouse turned for the door, panic started to settle in Ascii's body.

"We are just here to celebrate." Wasp said, her slithering voice gave Ascii chills. "About what?" Ascii said, rubbing her snout. "Your success." The queen said, narrowing her deep black eyes. Ascii was getting annoyed, why wasn't the queen telling her?

She was forced out of her thoughts by Wasp giving her a badge, what it said was "Best Programmer", now Ascii felt like Ego whenever she was praised. "THAT success." Wasp said in her creepy voice again, Ascii could feel her body shiver. The HiveWings threw confetti onto the SilkWing and blew in their party horn thingys and all at once they shouted: "CONGRATULATIONS ASCII!"

Ascii felt proud, she really did feel welcome now. Hey! Said Ego from Ascii's pouch. We should start a programming school! Ascii giggled. "Maybe we should!" Wasp nodded. "Good idea." She said, flicking her tail.

The colourful HiveWings have dispersed and Ascii was preparing to leave, but suddenly...

Chapter 5[]

"I will tell you what to do and you will get it done."

Ascii was yanked backwards into a ditch in the treestuff, gaining some scratches as her attacker tried to drag her into the hole. She was about to yelp, but at that exact moment, some black talons wrapped around her snout, making the SilkWing unable to speak. Instead, Ego yelped for her, but that didn't end well either.

"Shut up you dumb AI."

Ascii was filled with anger, as if she'd been injected with it. Ascii struggled, kicking her attacker, but the dragon was stronger, and tightened their grip on her, Ascii felt her lungs burning. A soft tickling reaches her ears, then she rips her eyes open, the room was filled with scrolls. She looked around, and immediately spotted a dragon of red and grey, then Ascii gasped. "Axion?" She forced the words out, the SilkWing's eyes widened.

"Oh, it's just you." He replied, huffing. "Disappointing, I hoped for a better catch." Ascii looked up at the older SilkWing, he had turned 10 recently, and has been nasty to younger dragons ever since, even his younger siblings. "Axion, what are you doing?" Ascii asked, trying to move, only to realise she was stuck in his silk. "Hmph." Axion hmphed. "I'm looking for dragons I can interrogate." "Interrogate?" Ascii coughed. "To see whether or not they like bugs." He replied. Axion had a soft spot for bugs, and used to pretend to talk to them and read their minds.


B U R N I N G - H E A R T


T O - T R E A S U R E



Cough this tragic episode

T O - S E E

Devotion Commotion

Pantalian Depths
