credit to the folks in the bagfish squad for this character.
- sleepy - for showing us the pill millipede
- luke - for provoking comedy occupation by confusing the millipede for a microphone
- storm, pearl, forge - for continuous encouragement and godly friendship in this adventure. also for thinking the pill millipede is babie and round, which it is.
anyways only the bagfish squad can edit this page 😤
onto the character......
- a wonderfully strange mix between a hivewing and a mudwing, the pill millipede comedian is very enthusiastic with their line of work, as well as their care towards the insects with which they were named from. insect caretaker by day, studying the hours away into the evening, and stand-up comedian by night! a wickedly wild life in the scales of Glomerida!
- im making a conceptual ref please standby
- build: short in every means of the word. short legs, short neck, short tail, short wings - you name it, its short. they are also more heavyset than others. round, soft features to greatly contrast the sharp angles of hivewings. wings are a mix between hivewing wings and pyrrhian wings. only two! theyre, as said, very short. not good for flight.
- coloration: browns and oranges. will be more finalized with conceptual reference completed.
- extra: capable of rolling entirely into a ball! scales are very thick and tough to weasel through. spines are capable of being flattened for this process. big doe eyes, resting smile. fascinated expression all the time. rounded over horns.
- pros: comedic, caring, selfless, curious, calm, thoughtful
- cons: anxious (at times), bad habit of self-deprecatory behavior, doubtful
- neutral: determined
- inherited abilities
- tough scales, mud puddle fitting, 40 min of holding breath
- inadvertent gas release to ward off threats, intentionally detrimental toxin to paralyze someone. specifically comes from spines
- developed skills
- nursing, learned to treat wounds for not only dragons but also animals.
- various knowledgeable journals written about insects and wounds
- has a knack for entertainment (poetry, singing, dancing, but most importantly comedy)
- inherited abilities
- mom
- dad
- potential sibs?
- bullies
- friends!
- part of me is envisioning like. political hivewing, and heavily admired mudwing? hivewing parent wants whats best for their child. has them take the best classes for writing and history and such. mudwing parent is also on board with this, but particularly wants them to be a doctor. semi-forces medical school and stuff onto them? their parents are extremely neutral on the concept of utilizing entertainment as a lifestyle, a job. they dont see it as a real job but theyre willing to humor their child for it? to keep their parents at ease too, they wind up (when theyre older, obviously) taking up a healer's duties for animals. helps dragons too from time to time, but not like. a fully fledged doctor. ill brainstorm more later
- they get around by rolling! their wings are essentially too small for gliding, let alone flight. they are somewhat clumsy and trip over their talons easily. rolling is the best option for them.
- based off the pill millipede if you didn't already know