Glamour is a RainWing assassin-for-hire and the main protagonist of "Glamour Rising." She is the older half-sister of Paradise.
Glamour is a very thin and wiry dragon. She likes to keep her wings loose and drag them behind her, and prefers to drag her tail behind her, using it as a warning to her enemies and targets. She likes to keep her neck in an 'S' shape. She has small claws, and her horns are slightly shorter than most RainWing's. Her snout is long and angular, and shaped to near perfection. Her ears are every so slightly bigger than an average dragon's. She has big eyes and a very long tail, longer than a normal RainWing's. She also possesses long, curved, hooked claws. Overall, she's around the size of an average 13-year-old RainWing.
Glamour's primary scale color is a deep red color. Her underbelly is a deep violet. Her fore-legs are a snowy white on all of her legs. She also has a white circle around her eyes, which has a line branching off of each eye and reaching to the tip of her snout. In between these white lines, are a maroon shade of dark red, darker than her main scales. She enjoys keeping her horns a stone grey. Her eyes are a beautiful hazel color. Her wings and ruff is a plain, brighter green. Despite being very pretty, her scales are quite dull since she has almost no sun time. She only has sun time when she has nothing to do, and she's generally pretty busy.
Glamour doesn't really wear much, as she relies on her invisibility to sneak up on her enemies. The only accessory she has is a Damascus dagger. It is long and sharp and is made of silver and obsidian. It's handle is made of painted white wood, which is wrapped in brown and black leather.
She forged it with Camel in the Kingdom of Sand when she was around four years old. She trusts the dagger with her life, and has named it "Razor."
- She used to have an Australian accent, but now she possesses a Northeastern Ohioan accent.
- If she got a voice actress, she would be played by Jennifer Lawrence
As a dragonet, Glamour was very brave, kind, active and stubborn. She disliked laziness and was very smart, having learned much of her knowledge on her own from observing the outside world. After she was tortured, she became very solitary, obedient and quiet.
After committing homicide and killing a hundred or more of her tribe mates and fleeing, she adopted a violent and sadistic personality. Driven simply by her desire for blood and money, she would kill any dragon, no questions asked, if she receives a good payment. She also became very seductive and flirty. She was cold, bitter, ruthless, evil and sadistic. When seducing her targets, she's very aggressive and seductive. She enjoys keeping her victims company while she tortures and slowly kills them, despite her preferred tactic of immediately killing them.
When Paradise reentered her life, she became furious she failed to kill all her family members, and attacked her sister. She was able to calm her down, and the two eventually bonded. The kind and soft Paradise reopened Glamour's heart. After Paradise confronted Glamour on her sanity, Glamour broke down and cried, letting out all the sadness and anger she'd been hiding for years.
After that, she formed a stable combination of her dragonet personality and her adult personality. She remained ill-tempered and had anger issues and severe mental disabilities for the rest of her life. Despite still being rather aggressive, she generally isn't as aggressive as she used to be, instead only become a danger when her loved ones were in danger. She began to dislike unnecessary violence, as shown when she surrendered herself to some soldiers saying, "I don't want to harm any more dragons. And I won't put you into danger..."
She dislikes whenever anyone tries to dictate her life, and prefers to go solo, despite her fondness of Paradise. She also very clever and intelligent. In the few times she has been captured, she has escaped in a week or less.
She also has a very low opinion on "sticky dragonets."