Ghost is a male, IceWing/ SkyWing hybrid that is one of the main protagonists in ThatMooseDragon's canon-derived story A Thousand Souls.
Ghost is sturdy, broad-shouldered, and skinny (for his SkyWing side). His body is mostly like an IceWing's, with long spines, short neck, straight horns, serrated wing thumb claws, and a spiky back-neck crest. He is pure white, with orange-tipped neck spikes, feet, and talons. He has dark gray band-like markings around his shoulders, top of his thighs, around the base of his ears, and around the base of his wings. His sclera are stark black with bright blue irises, and a black pupil. His face scales are dark gray. There are very dark gray stripes along his philtrum connected to the front of his chin and around his eyes and down to his cheek, as if they were sectors dividing his face like a robot. There are only a few, dark gray spikes along the bottomside of his tail. His wingclaws are gray. There is a dark gray and white marking on the front of his chest, and his belly, wing shoulder, and bottom-half of his wing elbow are spotted with light-gray dots with varying sizes.
Ghost's head is always lifted up high, as if trying to see above everyone else. His tail tends to flick up and down and back and forth. He loves making smug expressions with his face, as if he knows that he is always right. His wings are usually kept downwards, like an IceWing's, usually dragging his wing thumb claws along the floor, which is why they're so sharp.
Ghost has a very snarky and sarcastic attitude. He has crude and dark humor, and makes comments of that sort either timed perfectly, or used in a very wrong time. Usually, when he's not making jokes, he's quiet and doesn't say much that's important to the situation at hand.
Despite this fact, he's very good with little dragonets.
All of this edgy teen behavior aside, then it comes to his job, he's very serious and steadfast about his loyalty to the queens, yet he's terrified of authority like officers or patrol dragons who try to interrogate him when crossing kingdom borders. He becomes ten times nicer when talking to them. That saying, he usually uses his SkyWing half of his genes to quickly flee dangerous situations rather than facing them.
Ghost's personality makes it hard for him to find and keep friends. He only has about three outside of the ATS protagonist group, all of them fellow messengers. He wishes he had more, and often feels sorry for himself that he can't. With the ATS group, Ghost tries to support everyone he can, while being his sneery-eyed self at the same time without losing them as friends.
Ghost was hatched in one of the IceWing dens, along with his brother, who died while trying to break through the egg. Glad that one of their sons survived, Ghost's parents named him his name because they believed the dead dragonet's presence watched while he hatched. Ghost's parents wanted him to rise through the ranks, at least one, before graduating high-honor's from their local IceWing school. From the Fifth Circle, he rose to the Fourth after winning several races, and most importantly, host a flying-training class for very young weak-flying dragonets between studying for classes, which eventually helped the Queen's newborn daughter.
After becoming a young adult and solidifying his place in the Fourth Circle, Ghost started applying for jobs that would improve his overall stamina, something he struggles with to this day. To say the least, he was very excited about getting his local village's messenger's job, Alba, after she retired to become manager for a new generation of messengers. She showed him the ropes about where to go, how to address foreigners, and what to do when you lose a package to a scavenger. Ghost absorbed all of this information in, and soon enough, he was delivering his first message. It was a small one, just to the village across from his, but he was proud of himself nonetheless. And soon, he was flying all over Pyhrria, sending letters and packages to his heart's content from the IceWing kingdom.
When word of Pantala and Pyhrria in conflict reached his ear, he didn't know how things would go. He thought maybe that his destinations would be shortened, maybe no villages or towns or markets close to the sea borders. But no. His job grew bigger, as his job was switched from messenger to Pyhrrian Spy. Now, Ghost had to fly thousands of miles over the sea to the SeaWing kingdom and Pantala.
He was almost home from collecting a couple talonfulls of information when he noticed a SandWing-like dragoness following him. When she called out to him stating his business on SandWing territory, he said that he was coming back from Pantala. The SandWing, all of a sudden, began chasing him in flight while calling him a "traitor". Confused beyond belief, Ghost started to fly away.
This is Ghost's story up until the plot of A Thousand Souls.
Ghost thinks that Sunslinger is sitting on a high horse and wants to help her come down from it. But he also thinks she's a good citizen of Pyhrria, doing her job the best she can, even if that meant her capturing him because she thought he was a traitor. Over time, he likes to think that she's a close friend of his. Being the first two dragons who went on this journey, they are a lot more connected to each other than the other dragons in the group.
At first, Ghost thought that Creatonotos was a weird dragon who talks to himself about murderous intentions. This stays this way until Creatonotos reveals his secret. He's very curious about him, yet makes jokes and jests about how Creatonotos talking to Blackjacket is Creatonotos talking to his imaginary girlfriend. He doesn't want Creatonotos to think he's a bad dragon, so these comments are rare.
Ghost has a friendly rivalry between himself and Wishbender. They often spar with their intelligence. The NightWing can make him annoyed, but he doesn't think too much of it. He thinks that Wishbender is a dragon capable of doing many good things because of his prophecy situation, though he isn't very good at showing it.
His messenger friends at home are more like friendly acquaintances then actual friends. Maybe, at one point, they were friends, but slowly started to drift apart. Now that they are all over Pyhrria doing their duty as spies as well, he doesn't quite know what will happen to them. He will mourn them if they die.
Before becoming a messenger, Ghost thought of Alba as just a friendly face you'd see when you got a Christmas card or a package from family in the SkyWing kingdom. Now, he thinks of her as the best teacher and mentor he's ever had.
"“I’m loyal to my Queen! And to yours, and to all the Queens of Pyhrria!” - To Sunslinger upon being captured
“Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you went nuts on me.” - To Sunslinger
“Don’t worry, I won’t iceblast you, now that you know my name." - To Sunslinger
"It’s dead, what could possibly happen to a DEAD corpse-” - To Sunslinger about Creatonotos' body before he wakes up "“Let’s face it. I don’t think you’d pass as a SkyWing. You’re way too short and your horns are too long for a SkyWing. You wouldn’t happen to mind playing dead again, would you? Sunslinger and I will carry you to the Patrol, we’ll tell them we’re going to burn your body, and they’ll let us in!” - To Creatonotos
"... We continue on talons. If you say that the Night Patrol is on its way, then we should refrain from flying at least until dawn. You lead the way.” - To Sunslinger about correcting her judgement
"“This could be private information, Sunslinger. I wouldn’t ask him these questions." - About Creatonotos
"Already? Spare us some time to not do anything…” - To Sunslinger
"Well, Sunslinger, I want to keep in touch with you. It’d be nice to have a border guard as a friend.” - To Sunslinger
"The Sun always rises as dawn becomes day." - To Sunslinger about her complaining about the Sun in her eyes
"Parents are valuable beyond measure.” - To Wishbender
"Who names their dragonet ‘Thunderbreath’?” - To Wishbender about the dragons who used to be in his Winglet at Jade Academy
“Hey, is your invisible friend making love to you somehow?” - To Creatonotos about Blackjacket
"My stomach hurts now, because I’ve been starved!” - To Wishbender
“Three moons, I try for at least a half an hour and all I get is this.” - To himself about his failed hunt for fish
“That’s definitely a reassuring fact,” - To Megamouth about telling him that he belongs to a cult
“Please, Notos, I don’t wanna be jumped for the second time today."
"I hate to be rude, but your judgement skills are very weak,” - To Sunslinger
- Ghost's coloration is based on a ghost from the Destiny franchise, along with the nickname "Little Light"
- "Little Light" is what his mother calls him. Potential Momma's boy? Perhaps.
- Ghost has family in the SkyWing kingdom and visits them during the holidays