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Garnetcrusher was an adult female WorkWing and the former Vague of WorkWings. She served in the beginning of the Tree Wars, guiding the tribe in the conflict. She passed down her crown to her daughter before dying from a disease.
Garnetcrusher was tall and bulky. She had dark ruby red scales like dried blood with sharp, empty black eyes. She had many scars, the most notable being her missing secondary right eye. She has two wrist stingers tipped with bright red as if they're glowing.
Garnetcrusher was valiant, courageous, and kind. She saw every WorkWing, commoner or noble, as the same, seeing potential in even the most disregarded of the tribe. She disliked with others hurt each other and tended to be one of words as she was able to quell arguments. She despised Wasp for her control of SilkWings, viewing her as complete evil.
Garnetcrusher ruled prior to and at the beginning of the Tree Wars. She was at the summit when Wasp claimed she was destined to rule all the tribes with Clearsight's book. As the youngest queen, Garnetcrusher awaited the other queen's predictament before putting forth hers. She found Wasp's avoidance of Sequoia's question peculiar and sided with the LeafWing queen, refusing Wasp's rule.
The tribe wasn't completely compiled into the war as Wasp would continue to attempt to gain the WorkWings on her side. There would be many summits where Garnetcrusher would try to convince Wasp to stop her war effort while Wasp would try to convince her to give up her crown. Wasp divisively tried to use Garnetcrusher's younger age and naivety against her, nearly succeeding as Wasp convinced her she'll keep her safe. Though Sequoia was able to snap Garnetcrusher out of Wasp's manipulation. Eventually Garnetcrusher firmly went against Wasp, her final letter confirming this position.
In gratitude, she would send parcels to the LeafWings in hopes of them winning, though this would eventually drag them into the war as well.
Believing in her bigger numbers, Garnetcrusher would try to help end the war early by rushing hives one by one. Though the first attack ended in a disaster, barely damaging Tsetse Hive while many were lost. Garnet realized the full reality of the war after this incident, beginning to be more on the defense. During this time Rubysnapper would hatch.
Garnetcrusher caught wind of a possible treaty at a summit where Wasp would possibly receed. Garnet was estactic though was quickly warned it was a trap by a few LeafWings. Instead, Garnet sent Queen Yellow III with her army, surprising the assassins and killing them. Garnet would occasionally partake in fights, losing an eye in one of them. She was seen as a excellent ruler who fought for her tribe and was loved. Her last move was fighting off HiveWings from burning and tearing up their territory. Within this she'd be jabbed by HiveWing venom though survived with her venom resistance. However she wouldn't last too long as she'd catch a disease that, with a weak system from the venom, killed her.
A Guide to the Fanon World[]
Garnetcrusher's letter to Wasp is featured, being a response to Wasp's letter. It was the last time the tribes communicating with eachother, Garnet outlying her final, permanent denial of being ruled under her. She expressed her disdain for Wasp's rule and finalized their relationship.
Garnetcrusher loved her daughter and raised her to be a perfect successor. She brought her to royal conventions and slightly spoiled her with constant gifts. They are said to act similar, many considering them twins if they were sisters.
Garnetcrusher was in a time the Elders were less lenient in. Her war effort was enough for them to bat an eye as they always cherished her.
Cochineal & Scarab[]
Garnetcrusher loved Cochineal. She would often be brought over her residence as a princess, baking for Garnet and her children.
Garnet loved to pester Scarab with Wasp, eventually Scarab teasing them back.
Wasp used to be Garnetcrusher's best friend. While she was a princess, Garnetcrusher would often be dropped off to stay at Cochineal's residence spending time with Wasp playing games and activities with her. Such an impression stuck to her older years when sometimes Garnet would look to Wasp for help in her early years of ruling. They grew extremely close, being the intention of the two previous queens so WorkWings and HiveWings can intertwine.
As the older friend, Wasp used her older age and Garnet's naivety in an attempt to get Garnet to give her the WorkWing crown, almost succeeding.
However after Sequoia clarified Wasp's intentions, Garnet grew sour to Wasp and loathed her. Their hatred grew strong enough to be felt through even commoners of each tribe straying from eachother.
Bloodworm, Tsetse, Mantis, Cicada, Vinegaroon, Hornet, Yellowjacket, Jewel[]
Garnet didn't spend as much time with Wasp's sisters as she did with Wasp. She remembers Bloodworm as overtly bold in a funny way, Tsetse as kind, Mantis as somewhat boring from her rants, Vinegaroon as oddly calming, Hornet as inspiring,Yellowjacket as narrow minded, Cicada as snobby and Jewel as kind.
Garnet was friends with Sequoia, originally to a lesser extent. She'd meet her at Pantalan summits and parties. During the war Sequoia became a new guide for Garnet after she separated from Wasp, Sequoia eventually encouraging her to make decisions on her own.
Garnet loved Monarch and would often mess with her at Pantalan summits and parties. She understood her reasoning for stepping down and respected it, honoring her.
Jade and Garnet were best friends, Jade first meeting her in a royal convention at a young age. Garnet found her interesting and inspiring while Jade found her nice and bold. They sent letters to eachother a lot, Garnet entrusting Jade with her own daughter in anticipation of her death.
Yellow III[]
Yellow was a friend of Garnet, being very close. They often worked together during the war, Garnet using Yellow to trick HiveWing assassins. Garnet was devestated at her death.
Malachite was a friend of Garnet. They often did arts and crafts together. Garnet was devestated at her death.
Unnamed WorkWing queens[]
Garnet was friends with her peers having many parties between them.
- Garnetcrusher's original name was Rubystriker.
- This was the inspiration for her daughter's name.
- Garnetcrusher is one of the few queens to only have 1 direct heir to the throne.
WorkWing Navigation | |
Vagues | Present: Goldenwhisperer • Rubysnapper Historical: Diamondslayer • Dullemerald • Carpenter • Crazy • Emeraldsplatter • Ashsparker • Pearlscrapper • Monomorium • Onyxrunner • Garnetcrusher |
Lesser Queens | Present: Cyrogladiator • Azulwashing • Jadeshoving • Pharaoh (queen) Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler |
Royalty | Present: Dungbeetle II • Andesitecarver • Electric (ward) Historical: Sapphirebolt |
Other Dragons | Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • Sapphirecarver • Firefly • Quartzseeker • Scarab • Pharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple) • Coalkiller (multiple) • Mound • Moonrunner • June • Brecciaslash • Crystalburner • Rose •Worm • Topazclawer |
Hybrids | Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight |
Mythical | Pannipha |