Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


i tried to base the aesthetic a lil' bit off the aromantic flag but yeahh

icewing gal who owns a candy store!


Frysta Mushrmkng yay


Background Information
Art By base by mushrmkng, colored in by myself
Creator essence
Attribute friendship / generosity / excitement
Element earth
Theme Animal fox
Theme Color matcha green
Theme Song

placeholder - placeholder
MBTI Personality ESFP-A
Character Information
Age 9 D.Y. / 19 H.Y.
Gender female
Orientation aromantic (questioning sexual orientation)
Occupation candy maker / shop owner
Tribe icewing
Goal continue her father's legacy by keeping the candy store in great condition
Residence Sanctuary
Relatives i will think about this later
Allies mostly everyone tbh
Enemies overly rude or demanding dragons
Likes foxes, mint, sugary treats, matcha, giving out gifts, having customers, chatting, random conversations, jokes, puns, laughter, cheerful environments, new friends, little dragonets, warm mornings, her job
Dislikes hate towards her romantic orientation, sour and spicy foods, misunderstandings, mean dragons, getting wet, rain (the weather, not her friend), death, losing her loved ones, her friends being in danger, loneliness, quiet places, making others feel annoyed
Abilities typical icewing abilities
Weapons whisks. rolling pins. large spoons. everything she can find in her kitchen
Love Interests n/a
Quote welcome to Vixen's Hideaway! may i recommend you today's special?

the bases are mushrmkng bases colored by me, the chibi art is by miles!

oddly discolored icewing with the aromantic flag as the color scheme. she's aromantic herself. totally a coincidence eh

candy store owner and candy maker! learned from her father, who eventually died from a disease so she was sad for a while :( but then she quickly recovered! figured she was aromantic very early on, but not entirely sure on what to label her sexual orientation so she just sticks with one label for now.

friends of daybreak and rain, knows anima too and frequently attends her show. lives in sanctuary.


Frysta wouldn't call herself complicated, but you can't exactly sum up her personality in one tiny box either.

Starting off with the most notable things, the IceWing is an extroverted dragon. She is an open soul, not caring much for secrets or personal boundaries. She greets everyone with a smile, always strikes up a conversation with both strangers and friends alike, and treat almost every customer like they are her best friend. Whenever she encounters something exciting or remotely different, she would be bursting with the urge to share it with someone. She also seems to be unable to live for more than two minutes without talking

Emphasizing on her generally loud and chatty nature, Frysta is easily excitable and a little bit too easy to amuse. She can often be found cracking jokes (albeit really bad ones) or laughing out loud at the ones she was told. She's a little more than a full grown dragon, but her general mannerisms might remind some dragons of a dragonet barely older than two years. It is debatable whether it's a strength or a flaw - some dragons are charmed by her friendliness and appreciates her constant supply of chatter, while some simply label her as "that annoying dragon who sells candy".

Yet, there is one strength that Frysta has, something everyone will agree on. Generosity is the code she lives by - there seems to be no limits to it. She constantly offers discounts and gifts to her customers, sometimes even surprising them with presents on special occasions. Forgetful is her middle name, or so she says, but the IceWing seems to have a photographic memory when it comes to birthdays or holidays, never once disappointing a lucky loved one. It's not just what she shows to her customers too - when she's with her friends, Frysta enjoys nothing more than giving them pleasant surprises, be it in the form of sweets or other little gestures that she knows they will appreciate.

Despite her extroverted nature, there are only a few dragons Frysta values possibly even more than herself. These dragons are the ones she would willingly sacrifice everything for, and would always be there to lend a helping talon.
