Her feathered crest is the yellow feathers of a king penguin, but all her other feathers are mostly black, but she does have white feathers at the tips of her wings and near her tail-tip.
She left her parents early on and soon settled on a cliffside cave, overlooking the sea. She never took a mate and doesn't plan to, beacuase, as her name suggests, she is free-hearted and doesn't want anything that could possibly tether her down. Even if they would fly far and wide with her, she likes being able to be in one place then live in a different place the next day.
She is a mostly care-free dragon, and she likes it that way. She often roams all across AviWing territory, and has occasionally been spotted in other tribes territory, particularly TempestWing territory, as she loves flying in the strong winds and storms they have there.
Freeheart dove in the sky, pulling up just above the cerulean-blue waves surging below her. She reached out a talon, skimming the waves, leaving a line of surf in her wake. She inhaled deeply, loving the smell of the salt and the waves, the droplets splashing against her scales...It was like heaven. Then, suddenly, she dove, just a sudden pull in of the wings and she dropped into the water, stroking down, until her talons were skimming the reef, pushing off of the coral here and there. He paused, admiring the two tiny, bright blue Chromis fish that swam around the coral. She kept swimming, then, spotting something, she pushed up, off the coral and arrowed to the surface. She sucked in a deep breath, then leapt aloft, gauging where she was as she circled, going higher, until she dve, the wind whistling past her face, then bubbles streaming in her face as she hit the water, her momentum carrying her deeper, and she snatched the barracuda before it could swim away. Clamping it firmly in her jaws, she swam to the surface and finally flew back to island, perched on one of the cliffs. It was wonderful here. I never want to be anything else, other than an AviWing! she thought fiercely, already making plans to go Storm-flying in TempestWing territory later today, with one of her TempestWing friends.