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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki



Tucked quietly in the corner of a small street, you might notice the coffee shop. It's not too much of a sight to behold, built out of generic polished spruce wood, mahogany chairs on an oak patio. A brick chimney spews a thin white smoke which smells faintly of coffee, reminding one of the sweetness in chocolate.

If you look into the gray windows, you will see a snug scene right out of a movie, dim lights, a small maroon rug, a mantle with a book and carved wooden cat sitting by themselves on the edge. Underneath it, maybe a nice looking couple sharing a cup of coffee.

And if you flick your gaze just upwards just a little, you'll see a dragon, a MudWing, standing at the back. Maybe laughing with a customer, perhaps brow furrowed in concentration, pouring melted chocolate into a plaster mold or icing a large fruit cake.

This is the dragon we call Fondue.

who lives, who dies, who tells your story (hamilton), riptide (vance joy)

For the snack-inspired contest hosted by Mirl!

Created and currently owned by me, the inevitable tree hugger, please do not used without permission!
there's a fine line between living and not dying.
please don't tamper with/take the code!

who lives, who dies,
who tells your story?
Background Information
Creator the tree lady
Main Attribute friendliness, acceptance, kindness, creativity, purity, protectiveness, assertiveness, adeventurousness, guidance, selflessness
Elemental Attribute chocolate bars / fondue / sugar cubes / caramel / pecan pies / sweets / cream pastries / cookies / fruitcakes / mint macarons / golden toffee / loose earth / candy rocks / lollipops / cold coffee / green tea leaves / cocoa beans / dark chocolate / maple syrup / ground cocoa beans / golden eagle feathers / hot chocolate / nougat bars / chocolate ice cream / carved oak logs / rough tree bark / redwood forests / pine needles / bristlecones / campfire stories / birdwatching
Theme Animal golden eagles, brown field mice, red wolves
Theme Color dark brown / gray / black / white / aquamarine blue
Theme Song
Character Information
Age 15 dyo (19.5 hyo)
Gender female (prefers she/her pronouns, but is fine with just about anything)
Orientation heteromantic-grayromantic asexual
Occupation baker / chocolatier / small shop owner
Tribe 50% Mud, 25% Sand, 25% Ice
Goal be a successful business owner, have fun with her friends, meet new dragons
Residence Mudhen City / Mud Kingdom / Pyrrhia

Espresso (mother)
Kefir (father) †
Vanilla (brother)
Mousse (sister)
Marzipan (brother)
Latte (brother)
Milk (cat) †

Allies her friends/family, Rhea, Callophyllis, Loamscales, Espresso, Kefir, Vanilla, Mousse, Marzipan, Latte, Milk, Turquoise, Bayou, her co-workers, her teachers
Enemies haters of chocolate >:(
Likes baking, listening to calm music, caramel, dark chocolate, cookies, fluffy marshmallows, cotton candy, the smell of ground coffee, sweet things, warm places, sunny/cloudless afternoons, warm sandy beaches, watermelon and cherry flavoured lollipops, collecting seashells, pretty things, meeting other dragons, helping others, telling and reading stories
Dislikes snarky and rude dragons, clouds, the sky, the colour blue, flying, bitter coffee, the smell of cinnamon, easily angered dragons, crying, the violin, string instruments
Nicknames any variation of Fondue (Fon, Fonny, Due)
Powers and abilities can breathe somewhat weak fire in warm places; scales emanate heat when cold; thorn-sharp serrated claws; barbed SandWing tail with harmless black venom in it
Weapons chocolate her fire and tail barb (when extremely nessecary)
Quote "Isn't black just a darker shade of white?"
So much chocolate
a p p e a r a n c e
"I am inimitable, I am an original."
c o l o u r
Fondue is a lot of colours, lots of different shades of brown, layered on top of eachother. Her mainscales are a rich soil brown colour, her underscales almost gold, her topscales the colour of dark chocolate. She has a line of white scales between her underbelly and mainscales, generally hidden under folded wings. Her horns and claws are pale grayish ivory, almost glowing white and gold at the tips.
b u i l d
Fondue has a stocky, yet somewhat plump build; a bulky MudWing head and snout, with strong shoulders and a long neck, a thick tail that tapers off into a whip-thin tip. She has a SandWing sail and a barb with harmless black inklike venom in it, and some small, barely noticeable white IceWing spikes. They start at the base of her bottom jaw and spread down evenly to where her neck and shoulders connect. Her talons, horns (which dip downwards at the tips) and spines are long and serrated like sharp knives.
o t h e r
  • Always has a gold hoop earring in her left ear, but also has piercings in her right
  • Horns can have silver bangles, but she doesn't wear them too often
  • Jade necklace with a silver chain
  • Some rips in her wing membrane; doesn't affect her flying
  • Small, shallow scar on her snout
  • Generally always smiles, loves to laugh 
let me tell you what I wish I'd known
when I was young and dreamed of glory
p e r s o n a l i t y
"No one else was in the room where it happened."
What to say about Fondue? She's kind. Selfless. She loves meeting new dragons; has an extroverted lifestyle. Friends would describe her as "sweet," while others that might not know her as well call her "headstrong," or "has too much self-confidence." No matter what you think of her, there are certainly true and false facts that you can all figure out for yourself.
you have no control
who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
So much chocolate
b a c k s t o r y / h i s t o r y
"We are your legacy."
Fondue's parents met each other in the small city of Mudhen, a mostly MudWing establishment. Espresso, a proud MudWing baker, and a travelling salesdragon named Kefir, a SandWing-IceWing hybrid.

Though Espresso's strict parents forbade them to start a family together, they didn't listen to their hybrid beliefs and got married in secret, inviting only a few of their closest friends to the wedding.

Not long after, they discovered that Espresso was with egg, and after a few more tedious months of waiting, Fondue and her younger twin brother, Vanilla, had hatched.

Of course, Espresso and Kefir weren't expecting a family so soon, but were excited and happy nonetheless. They couldn't afford a house yet, so they lived with Espresso's parents.

Luckily, they treated Fondue and Vanilla very well (maybe even better than Espresso) and before long, Fondue's family all moved into a new house on the outskirts of the city.

Kefir hopped from job-to-job, and Espresso still worked in her parents' small coffee shop. Income wasn't great, but everything was working out so far. Before long, Fondue and Vanilla were going to school, and after that, their sister Mousse was hatched.

Fondue wasn't in the same class as Vanilla in year one, but they went to the same school and were in the same grade, so they had recess at about the same time. They met at a long-gone tree stump every time the bell rang, and had fun together on the play structures.

From a classmate, Fondue had learned about the Sky Kingdom, and all the fun sightseeing places it had to offer. As a rather adventurous dragonet, Fondue was immediately intrigued and asked her parents if they could go one day. A small talk and a bit of whispering later, they had finally agreed to save up for the trip.

They took a small glass jar and placed it on the counter in the kitchen. Every once in a while, little by little, someone would drop in some coins with a satisfying clink, and the savings would rise like Fondue's spirits. After about a year, the jar was almost full.

However, once in their second year, Vanilla had been blown out of the air and into a tree while playing tag with some classmates - but, fortunately, only broke his wrist. Fondue had waited by the antiseptic cinnamon-scented hospital room with Kefir while Espresso paced outside, biting her talons.

Eventually, Vanilla came out with a bandage around his hurt wrist. He was fine, if not a little shell-shocked, but perfectly okay on the outside; his wrist had cushioned the blow quite a bit. The doctor handed Espresso a sheet of paper, and her brow immediately furrowed in worry.

It was the cost of the check-up. Even if they added Espresso and Kefir's wages together, plus the price of their house, it wouldn't have been enough. After a quick discussion, Kefir when to the backyard shed to grab a hammer. They had to dig into their Sky Kingdom vacation savings.

Fondue had cried, and begged her parents not to take from the jar, insisting that if they all worked - Fondue included - a bit harder, they could pay the fee. But her parents were firm about it, and in the end, beat her by telling her that Vanilla was more important than a vain adventure, and didn't she care about her brother?

Fondue's jaw had dropped. Of course she cared for Vanilla, but they had been saving for so long. She tried to explain what she was thinking, but Espresso and Kefir weren't listening anymore. Raising the blunt hammer, they smashed the glass and gathered the coins, with Fondue watching around the kitchen corner.

They started saving again, Fondue and Vanilla in their third year (same class!) and Mousse in her second. They loved their little sister, naturally, and were delighted to learn that she had made friends with another young dragon, a smart little SeaWing named Turquoise.

Fondue had learned to branch out, as well, not just sticking beside Vanilla and following her more competent brother around. She joined the chess club at school, stayed after school to help her teachers sort papers, and once even got to school an hour early to help set up for the morning classes.

Turquoise's brother, a rather oddly coloured green SeaWing named Callophyllis, had just joined their class. As with most new students, Callophyllis was shy and quiet, and loved to doodle. One recess, Fonde had bounced over to where he was sitting alone and asked if he wanted to play ball with some other classmates.

He looked surprised to see a dragon suddenly standing in front of him, paused, then nodded and stood up. He was a good sport, and relatively loosened up after a few minutes and started smiling and tossing the large red ball around with the rest.

Once the bell rang, signalling for them to go inside, and their teacher called for them to come back, Fondue walked between the tall, well-built form of Vanilla and shying, slim one of Callophyllis'. From that day on, the three were practically inseperable.

Year four went by relatively quick, but was still notably eventful; Mousse and Turquoise joined Fondue's expanding friend group, Callophyllis joined the chess and baking clubs with Fondue, and Espresso was expecting yet another egg.

One day when she was out and about on the streets, she found a young marmalade-and-white kitten stealing a boney chicken leg from the butchers'. Knowing he would get in trouble, Fondue picked up the kitten and hid him under her scarf, bringing him home and dubbing him 'Milk', for his pelt colour.

Fondue had practically forgotten about her savings jar by now, but still occasionally dropped coins into it nonetheless. She had lost the spark she had before, asking anyone who stepped a talon into the threshold if they could spare a bit of gold, but still desperately wanted to visit the Sky Kingdom, and it showed.

For Fondue's sixth birthday, her parents, Vanilla, Callophyllis, Mousse and Turquoise all scraped together some spare coins, and surprised Fondue by giving it all to her Sky Kingdom savings jar. She practically jumped out of the ceiling; with this extra boost, they had enough to go.

They planned it for spring break the next year; they would be spending one night in the Rainforest Kingdom, thne continue north and stay two-and-a-half weeks in a booked hotel in the Sky Kingdom, which apparently had the best view of Jade Mountain in Pyrrhia.

Fondue could hardly wait for almost another three months, but tried to contain it. She bought a journal from a local store with her own savings, and wanted to use it to document her trip. Many daydreams and calender-checkings later, Fondue was finally packing her bags, preparing for the flight the next day.

Fondue had asked Callophyllis if he would like to come, but he had refused, saying that his father wouldn't like it if he ran off to the Sky Kingdom. Instead, he volunteered to take care of Milk for them, and Turquoise's dragonetsitter (a MudWing named Bayou) could take care of the egg.

The Sky Kingdom was probably the best vacation of Fondue's life, either before or afterwards. They left at early dawn the first day, and after a day of flying and resting, flying and resting, made it to Macaw, a small RainWing settlement on the edge of the kingdom.

They found a cheap hotel to sleep in for the night, and the next day, a kind young RainWing named Hyacinth taught them how to find the best fruit in the rainforest; coconuts, kumquats, bananas and an assortment of sweet red and blue berries.

They left soon and finally got to Jade Mountain, the tallest peak in Pyrrhia. Kefir took Vanilla and Mousse to walk along the vacant halls of the academy, and Espresso and Kefir took a hike to the highest peak. Fondue could see for miles and miles in every direction; even the distant Sand Kingdom on the horizon.

Everything was just perfect, exactly the way she imagined it. On the edge, she noticed a small bronze plaque which read a name and date. Perhaps it was the dragon who discovered or founded this place, she thought, and asked her mother about it.

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
only characters in the snack contest may ask for relationships!
More chocolate
e s p r e s s o
p o s i t i v e
Fondue has a rather positive relationship with her mother; eternally grateful for all the help and emotional support she gave her during the darkest days of her life. She loves to have coffee with her on weekends at the nice warm street corner café, and feels as if she's more of a friend than a parent.
More chocolate
k e f i r
p o s i t i v e
Fondue has a positive relationship with her father; and wishes she could've spent more time with him before he died. She has plenty of amazing memories of him, and keeps a beautiful picture book of her father on her sweetshop mantle, smiling and telling customers about him if they so ask.
More chocolate
v a n i l l a
p o s i t i v e
Fondue has an extremely positive relationship with her twin; colleague, classmate, and best friend. She loves and connects with her brother more than anyone else in her family, and is grateful that he always stood by her side. Vanilla comes to her shop practically every day, and she enjoys every visit.
More chocolate
m o u s s e
p o s i t i v e
She has an amazing relationship with her younger sister; even though she doesn't see her very often. Mousse lives deep in the Rainforest Kingdom, researching exotic plants. Nevertheless, despite Mousse's busy schedule, she always comes to visit her sister, and Fondue is grateful for that.
More chocolate
m a r z i p a n
n e u t r a l
Fondue thinks her brother okay; but she never really got to know him like her other sibs. Before, she was always too busy to acknowledge Marzipan, and when she tried to get to know him a bit better, he didn't want to talk or socialize with her, something she feels a bit guilty about.
More chocolate
l a t t e
p o s i t i v e
Fondue and her youngest brother have a mutual positive relationship with each other; Fondue was determined to treat him better than Marzipan and not to make the same mistakes, and it certainly worked. Latte lives with Espresso, and sometimes tags along to the coffee café.
More chocolate
m i l k
p o s i t i v e
Fondue loves her late cat; wishing that he might've stayed just a little bit longer with her. She has come to think of Milk as her fluffy fur baby, and treated him as such. Beside Kefir's memorial picture book stands a tiny marmalade-and-white painted wooden cat that Fondue carved herself.
More chocolate
r h e a
p o s i t i v e
Rhea is one of Fondue's best friends; albeit a later one, but still not lacking in admiring traits. Fondue loves her friend's outgoing personality, and adores Rhea's confidence and willingness to stand up for her friends and what she thinks is right. She hopes to stay friends for a long time.
More chocolate
c a l l o p h y l l i s
p o s i t i v e
Callophyllis was one of Fondue's first and best friends; and who really opened the social gate for her. He no longer sticks around in Mudhen much, but sometimes, once in a while, there would be an accident or sickness in the small city, and Callophyllis would rush over to help.
More chocolate
l o a m s c a l e s
n e u t r a l
Loamscales is an okay friend of Fondue's; but she sometimes gets a bad feeling around the strange hybrid. She often sees him wandering the streets of Mudhen, looking up at the sky or whistling to himself. He almost never comes to visit her, apart from occasionally asking for small favours.
More chocolate
p o s i t i v e
Fondue loves this wacky SkyWing; first meeting him in the Jade Mountain district of the Sky Kingdom. They can agree together that chocolate is the best thing that happened to Pyrrhia, and can share an interest in baking. She hasn't seen him in recently, but looks forwards to their next conversation.

So much chocolate
a b i l i t i e s
m e n t a l
Mentally, Fondue is practically like a brick wall. She won't let the rare insult get to her, and even if it does, it won't visibly show on her face. Fondue treats everything like a challenge, and loves to experiment and try new things.
p h y s i c a l
Physically, Fondue isn't the most buff dragon around. Working in a sweetshop selling chocolate nearly twenty-four-seven definitely hasn't been the kindest to her. Fondue doesn't have a lot of helpful physical abilities, and all in all, she's pretty much just a big scaled marshmallow.
t r i b a l
  • Mud (50%): Fondue is mostly MudWing, inheriting from them many tribal abilities. She can breathe a weak flame when the air is warm enough, and has a natural feeling of joy when rolling around in mud, even if it doesn't especially heal her.
  • Sand (25%): Fondue's mainscales emanate a heat only comparable to desert sand in the evenings, not too hot, but warm enough to create comfort. On the end of her tail, she has the signature SandWing barb, lacking venom but fierce-looking enough.
  • Ice (25%): Fondue resembles an IceWing the least, the only feature of hers being her serrated talons and cold spines. She lacks frostbreath, but can withstand subzero temperatures with the help of her SandWing genes.

t r i v i a

  • she has rather severe aerophobia, to the point where she initially cringes a little every time dragons spread their wings (intending to fly or not).
  • she is currently getting therapy (if you could call it that) for her phobia, since it's pretty silly for a dragon to be afraid of flying.
  • she doesn't think white/milk chocolate counts as true chocolate, but enjoys eating and sellling it nonetheless.
  • she isn't vegan, but seriously supports the vegetarian/vegan community as a whole and thinks they're noble dragons. however, she sometimes sparratically goes vegan, just to try it out for the fun of it.
  • one thing that really makes her uncomfortable, though, is when some dragons blow up at her for eating meat and condemning the life of a certain animal. so probably don't do that to her face.
  • she absolutely hates drinking bitter coffee; has to load the cup with sugar first.
  • she also detests the smell of cinnamon.
  • her favourite drink is tea; especially earl gray, since she loves the spicy taste.
  • she is somewhat ambidextrous, meaning she can use both talons. However, she seems to prefer her right.
  • if Pyrrhia months worked the same as Earth ones, Fondue's birthday would've been in November.
  • she ending up winning first place in the contest!

So much chocolate
g a l l e r y
Somewhat inaccurate Fondue ref
So much chocolate
3 dishes

1. Cookbook Cannoli


2. Apple Custard Pie


3. Éclair Cake


4 desserts

1. PB&J Pudding

10 slices white bread, preferably pullman loaf
3/4 c. creamy peanut butter
3/4 c. strawberry jam
2 c. half and half 4 large eggs 1/2 c. granulated sugar
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. Kosher salt
Powdered sugar, for dusting

2. Cream Fudge


3. Chocolate Chip Brownie


4. Assorted Doughnuts


2 drinks

1. Chocolate Mousse Milkshake


2. Dark Espresso

a I'll add things I promise
