This page belongs to Robyn do not edit without permission unless you are a moderator. Any instances of theft/vandalism will be reported.
Thank You -Robyn

creator | Robyn Lloyd |
coder | Moonwatcher908 |
playlist | |
aesthetic | Antique, Snow-Fox, Birch trees |
color | Black, white, pale cyan, dark purple |
tribe | Ice/Night with distant Sea (60% Ice, 30% Night, 10% Sea) |
gender & pronouns | Genderqueer (he/they/sol; AFAB). |
orientation | omnisexual |
age | 18 HY (7 DY) |
sun sign | Pisces |
Theme Animal | Cows, Nightlights from HTTYD |
job | Artist/Author |
hobbies | Writing, sketching, reading, painting |
Nicknames | Soulchaser, Flame, Reader, Rowen, Magnus, Maggie |
family | Rapid, Darkfury, Nightfury, Angelic |
allies | See Relationships |
ships | None yet |
Flamereader Magnus Soulchaser
“I wouldn't kill him, because he looked as frightened as I was.” -Hiccup in How To Train Your Dragon.
“Legend says that when the ground quakes or lava spews from the earth it's the dragons.” -Hiccup In How To Train Your Dragon 3
“Go on, Bud. Lead them to the hidden world. You’ll be safe there. Safer than you could ever be with me. It’s okay. I love you too. And I want you to be free. Our would doesn’t deserve you yet.” -Hiccup to Toothless in How To Train Your Dragon 3
“Some people think dragons never even existed. But we Berkians, we know otherwise. And we will guard this secret until dragons can return again, in peace.” -HTTYD
Character ©Dragon Cat114, do not use without permission. Credit: Himmalerin's Image Coding Guide, Moonwatcher908's Free Formats, Dragon Cat114’s edits.names
His first name comes from the name his creator gave to a mini Dart plushie from HHTYD. Dart is one of Robyn’s favorite dragons from the franchise, and they didn’t know what Dart’s name was when they named the plushie.
The suffix in his name came from one of Robyn’s favorite hobbies, reading. Also he has slightly prophetic abilities, but they’re faint enough they’re usually forgotten.
Rowan was Flame’s former Middle name that he changed to Magnus.
Magnus is what Flame changed his middle name to. Flame was told tales of a massive dragon named Magnus as a child. Magnus The Merciless. Magnus was a fearsome protector of his families, and that inspired Flame to protect his own.
Foxlore is a given nickname that Flame often uses. It’s the name of one of his favorite albums by The Crane Wives.
Scamander is another nickname given to Flame. He likes it because it (irl) is a river in Ancient Greece.
His family’s surname.
When I was six years old, I broke my leg
When I was running from my brother and his friends
And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass
I rolled down
Flame is a mutated Ice/Night. He also has 10% SeaWing and has small nubs around his face, with the largest being considered his ‘horns’. He has rounded eyes, retractable talons, and four limbs. His talons are short and curved, like a NightWing/SeaWings’. He has thin connecting his legs to his body, and a tail fins on his tail-tip. He has large fins on the sides of his tail. Due to his unique body structure, he cannot fly without his tail fins, of which he was born missing half of. He has long, thin and quill-like spikes jutting from his spine, and a few on his chest. He has some more spikes on the back of each limb. His scales are mostly IceWing (but flatter and sleeker). He is full-grown with a wingspan of 45ft, a length of 26ft, 5 foot 9 at the shoulder, and weighs about 1740 pounds.
Flame’s eyes are a dark-ish cornflower blue with hints of purple, they shine like starlight in moonlight, and twinkle like a river in sunlight. They have silver Starscatters on the underside of each wing. He has blotches of Black and white decorating his scales, with mostly black dominating the colors. His tongue is forked and a light pink, while his blood is light blue with silver flecks.
Seasonal Variations:
Winter (December-February)
Flame colors are always more dull in winter, due to his extreme lack of cold tolerance. He always seems sickly during this time, even when he’s perfectly fine.
Fall (September-November)
He gains some hints of red around his spikes, and near the end of November his colors are slightly bleached.
Summer (June-August)
His colors are at their brightest. Green flecks are visible in his eyes and the silver scales under his wings stand out more.
Spring (March-May)
Colors are brightening, looks less pale.
They have earrings that are a silver stud with a chain connected to another chain that hangs down from the earnub, and ends with a crescent pendant. They have a silver bracelet around their left front talon, and a silver piercing in the remaining part of his tail-fin. Occasionally he wears a black leather pouch (see image below for earring description). A silver chain with an amethyst pendant. He always (almost always) wears leather glove-like things that leave his claws uncovered but cover the rest of his limb. (See example below) Prosthetic Tail-FinHis grandfather created a prosthetic tail fin for Flame, as sol was born without one of sols tail fins, like the grandfather. The grandfather carefully melted and forged strong silver and steel until it was paper-thin and Fire-proof. It attaches to Flame’s tail-tip with thin bands made of the same material. The fin can be unclipped and removed, however Flame cannot fly without it. He has several duplicate tails which he painted with designs :)scars
Obviously missing a tail fin. He has runic tattoos on his right forelimb in dark purple ink. He has a faded scar on his forehead and three small, faint cuts on the back of his right front talon (much like his creator’s scars).
Well, I was younger then. Take me back to when
I found my heart and broke it here
Made friends and lost them through the years
And I’ve not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I’ve grown. I can’t wait to go home.
Quiet, shy, reserved, artistic, creative, secretive, secretly sarcastic and funny. He is often silent around those he is unfamiliar with, and has a hard time making friends. He is incredibly loyal to those he does find companionship with, and will often do anything for his friends. He is extremely clingy to those he is friends with. Example, in a crowded room, if he’s even spoken a single word to you, he will gravitate to you, standing a little ways away, but is slightly comfortable around you.
- Might not seem like it, but he really tries
- Often under appreciated
- Really tries to talk to people
Nighttime, night flying, midnight walks on the beach, darkness, swimming, the water, being warm, sleeping in/staying up late, eating, thunderstorms, hoodies, blankets, plushies, falconry, sweets, sharks, reptiles, mammals, animals in general, falcons, autumn, damp/rainy days, his friends, writing, reading, sketching, drawing, painting, trees, vintage videos games (Galaga, PAC-Man, Dig-Dug), magic, witches, fantasy, plants, darker colors, their friends, his comfort foods, cool aesthetics, Oreos, M&Ms, chocolate.
Discrimination in any and all forms, insomnia, when it’s too bright, being too cold, school, really really hot days, crowds, poky things, spicy foods, sports, bad mental health days, aches/pains, being sick, being lactose intolerant, people he cares about being in danger, animal cruelty, zoos/aquariums, Sea World, prolonged eye contact/normal eye contact.
I’m on my way
Driving at 90 down those, country lanes, singing to “Tiny Dancer”
And I miss the way, you made me feel, it’s real
And we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
Coding Credit Goes To Wheatley
Flame can shoot blasts of fire (limited 7 per 2 hours) and sustain a blast for up to 3 seconds.
Flame has very weak prophetic abilities, images mostly come to them in dreams.
- Extremely Good Hearing
- Excellent flight Stamina
- Very very fast
- Night vision
15 years old, smoking hand rolled cigarettes
Running from the law through the backfields
And getting drunk with my friends
Had my first kiss on a Friday night
history (canon)
Flamereader was hatched beneath a singular full moon, in the territory between the Ice Kingdom and the Sand Kingdom, where the temperature is moderate, the ocean is in view, and the sun rises over Thorn’s regal stronghold. Flame hatched in 5,012 A.S, after the events that occurred in the third arch. Flamereader burst from her shell, immediately comforted by a doting father, and ignored by an ignorant mother. Flamereader adored her father and her grandparents. She was raised in a secluded area, where she had few friends, but within a few years (dragon) of her hatching, she began to feel…contained. Before another year had passed, Flamereader became comfortable in their body, after coming out to his parents as Genderqueer and Omnisexual. His mother (however negligent she may be) was supportive, just like the rest of his family. Flame changed his middle name from Rowan to Magnus, after hearing tales about a dragon called Magnus The Magnificent while growing up. Flamereader was about 4 DY when he figured out his sexuality and gender identity, yet he didn’t learn how to fly until age 5 (dy). Born with the same genetic mutations as his grandfather, Flame resembles a nightlight from the HTTYD franchise, and he is missing a tail fin, which is vital to his flying ability. Flame’s grandfather had secretly had a project in the making, it took many many years, but he finally finished his creation. Flame’s grandfather (Nightfury) had created a prosthetic tail fin, out of flattened steel and nickel. It was paper-thin and incredibly sturdy, plus fireproof. Flamereader’s father taught him how to fly in the following weeks, and it is now one of Flame’s favorite things to do.
Flame lived happily in his secluded world for the next few years, until his parents fell victim to a border skirmish between the IceWings and the SandWings. Both were brutally slain, while attempting to protect each other. Nightfury took his wife, Angelic, and Flamereader across the continent, until they were on the border of SeaWing territory. Flame proceeded to live with his grandparents there, until being sent off to Jade Mountain academy.
Ridiculed slightly for his appearance, the now 7 year old Flame was placed in the Jade Winglet. He became a skilled healer and grew to be one of the best students in Jade mountain, where he developed a love for reading and writing. He progressed on his art skills and is extremely talented. He is currently still in school.
history (fanon)
Flying in soon…
I don’t reckon I did it right
But I was younger then, take me back to when
We found weekend jobs, when we got paid
We’d buy cheap spirits, drink them straight
relationships (canon)
Angelic Soulchaser (P)
Angelic Soulchaser is Flamereader’s grandmother. She is an Ice/Night, and took him in after his parents passed. Angelic spoiled Flame, and loved her grandchild very very much.
Darkfury Soulchaser (P +)
Darkfury is the child of Angelic Soulchaser and Nightfury Soulchaser. He is an IceWing/NightWing with IceWing slightly more dominant than his NightWing. (Approximately 54% Ice, and 46% Night). He had mostly black scales, with hints of white around his eyes, beneath his wings, and the tip of his tail/tail spikes. He is deceased and the father to Flamereader.
Nightfury Soulchaser (P)
Nightfury Soulchaser is the husband of Angelic Soulchaser, father of Darkfury, and grandfather of Flamereader. Nightfury is a pure NightWing, with dark scales that are hinted with lighter grays and whites. Nightfury had the same mutations that Flamereader has, including the lack of a tail fin. Nightfury had to make his own tail-fin, which is a striking red color. He created a prosthetic fin for Flamereader in a dark silver shade.
Rapid Soulchaser (N +)
Rapid was Flamereader’s mother. She was an Ice/Sea with IceWing dominant. Her mother was an Ice/Sea with IceWing and SeaWing evenly balanced, and her father was an IceWing. She was a little ignorant of her dragonet, and rarely paid attention to him like Darkfury did. Rapid married Darkfury and she was killed with Darkfury.
Amethyst (P)
Amethyst was one of the few dragons nice to Flame during his attendance of Jade Mountain. The two are close friends and Flame enjoys Amethyst’s company. Amethyst is owned by Sxnny.
Anuke is a more neutral than positive friend for Flamereader. Anuke doesn’t like them as much as Eventide does. Anuke is owned by Cyber.
Crowglyph (P)
They get along splenedly, but Crowglyph finds Flame’s lack of open-ness somewhat frustrating on occasions. Crowglyph is owned by Crowji.
Curiosity (P)
Curiosity and Flame met while Flame was traveling to Jade Mountain. The two chatted and got along, parting as friends. Curiosity is owned by CharNotFound.
Enigma (P)
Enigma and Flame bonded over cow plushies after Flame moved. The two became close friends and Enigma became one of Flame’s first friends. Enigma is owned by Ninjadragon53.
Eventide (P)
Eventide is a good friend of Flame’s, and is very protective of the hybrid. They care about each other a lot. Eventide is owned Cyber.
Liatris (P)
Liatris and Flame met through Crowglyph. Flame finds Liatris a comforting presence due to the other’s tranquility. Liatris is owned by Fish.
Loki (P)
“Come on, Flame! Where’s your mischievous charm?” -Loki
Loki is one of Flame’s closest friends, and they met while Loki was traveling.
Ternary (P/)
Ternary and Flame are positive/neutral friends and they met on Flame’s travels. Ternary is owned by R\D+
relationships (fanon)
Flying in soon…
Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we’ve grown
I can’t wait to go home. I’m on my way
Driving at 90 down those country lanes
Singing to “Tiny Dancer” and I miss the way you made me feel, it’s real, and we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
incorrect quotes
Loki: I made tea.
Flame: I don’t want tea.
Loki: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Flame: Then why are you telling me?
Loki: It is a conversation starter.
Flame: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Loki: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Loki: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
Flame: Loki, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...
Loki: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Loki: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Flame: I do have a sense of humor you know
Loki: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Flame: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Loki: I prevented a murder today.
Flame: Really? How’d you do that?
Loki: self control.
Flame: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Loki, desperately, as Flame bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Flame: Oh! B positive.
Loki: Change is inedible.
Flame: Don't you mean inevitable?
Loki, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
- Flamereader is nocturnal (usually)
- Likes to try and make himself look bigger
- Flamereader’s Grandparents are based off of Toothless and The Light Fury.
- Their former middle name is Rowan
- Interested in owning a falcon
- Adores Oreos (will eat millions lol)
- Dislikes most forms of physical contact, except from a select few
- Likes to lean on things (is almost always doing it)
- Hatching day is April 14th, 5, 012 AS
- Has a plushie cow named Angus that he sleeps with every night
- When sad, he cuddles with his animals and eats ice cream
- He owns a ton of plush cows, and he keeps them around his nest. Angus is his favorite though
- Theme songs: Main Themes from HTTYD, Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran (because it reminds him of where he grew up), Someone To You by BANNERS, and Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.
- Other themes:
One friend left to sell clothes, one works down by the coast
One had two kids but lives alone, one’s brother overdosed
Ones already on his second wife, ones just barely getting by
These people raised me and I can’t wait to go home. - From Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran