Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
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Galatheid is Marx's sona. As a warning, the History section of this page contains mentions of drowning and eye injury.

Background Information
Creator Marx
Image Artist Marx
Coding Unique
Theme Color Pink and blue
MBTI Personality INTJ
Character Information
Age 7
Gender Agender, uses any pronouns
Orientation Asexual Aromantic
Occupation Artist
Tribe SeaWing
Residence Near Possibility
Relatives Torrential (Mother) Fierasfer (Father)
Likes Most sweet things and candy, bright colors (especially pink), glitter and shiny things in general, sleeping, warm places and weather, cats, crustaceans, mollusks, weird sea creatures, coconuts, oranges, lights, quiet places
Dislikes The cold, clustered crowds, dirtiness, distracting sounds, bland colors, being bored, rain or snow, math, centipedes, monkeys, pineapples and bananas, ice
Powers and abilities Typical SeaWing abilities, immunity to any sort of mind control


At a glance, Galatheid seems to perfectly fit the image of a cool, collected, and polished dragon. Their glittering light blue scales are kept neat and clean, shining even more than they would normally. They have a sleek, thin build, with a long snout as well as longer legs than most SeaWings. Their expression is almost always calm (if a little smug)- and while a closer look would reveal the dark circles beneath their eyes and the tired way their webs droop, these features still aren't as noticeable against their sparkling scales and nonchalant guise.

In contrast to their main scales, Galatheid's underbelly, wing membranes, and webbing are a cotton candy pink. Their gills have a lighter shade on their edges, while their glowing scales are more vibrant. Many of said glowing scales are distinctively shaped- the scales around their eyes resemble hearts, which lead into diamond-shaped scales on their snout. This diamond shape extends to the scales along their underbelly, while the second-to-last glowing scale on each side of their tail has the heart shape. Galatheid's claws and long, curved horns- which are just as spotless as their scales- are a darker blue which fades to purple then pink at their sharp tips.

Galatheid lacks any particularly notable scars, and doesn't tend to wear much jewelry most days despite their affinity for shiny things- a result of their concern over losing or damaging it.


Galatheid, on the surface, has a personality to match their sparkling looks.

They often come off as self-absorbed, melodramatic, and odd- though not necessarily terrible. Their sense of humor frequently involves jokes about things like marrying their own reflection, lots of nonsense comments, and sarcasm. They're also very focused on keeping their own scales and talons clean, sometimes to the point where it causes them stress. They tend to be reluctant to participate in many activities as a result of this, alongside just generally being pretty low-energy and often tired.

However, despite all of that, they're still amiable and are usually pleasant when spoken to. Despite their reluctance to do much, they'll still be willing to help others out when needed. They're surprisingly observant and are pretty good with remembering small details… if it's something they have some sort of interest in. Galatheid also genuinely cares about their friends and family, although they do admittedly sometimes have difficulty expressing it. They're not at all good with heartfelt conversations and the like, and instead tend to show their appreciation through gifts.

Some other parts of Galatheid's personality may seem to conflict with the initial impressions they give off, though.

While they're friendly enough on a surface level, after a certain point they're more detached and hate being genuinely vulnerable in any way. Unsurprisingly, they have a difficult time actually maintaining relationships and reaching out to others. When they're upset or worried about anything, they greatly prefer to ignore and hide their feelings- especially since they don't actually totally trust anyone at all except themself. This doesn't always work, especially when it comes to things they're worried about- they usually end up overthinking those anyways. It's also just generally far from the healthiest mindset, but that doesn't make them any more inclined to be more open. They'd still be more likely to just up and leave a situation behind than address their problems.

They actually prefer to sit back and watch from the sidelines over directly approaching others first. Part of it is lingering nervousness that they've long tried to hide beneath their more confident exterior, but another part of it is that they really do just prefer to watch and judge situations before getting involved in them. The same goes for meeting new dragons. While to some extent this could be seen as reasonable, Galatheid can be overly reserved and cautious at times unless someone else takes the first step.

Galatheid is far from the forgiving type, too, which isn't helped by their aforementioned tendency to remember certain small details. Though they rarely bring up their grudges directly or in serious ways, they can still be petty and resentful.


Galatheid hatched in a small village in the Bay of a Thousand Scales, on a tiny, unremarkable island. For the first year of their life, they were raised mostly by their mother- both of their parents were busy with jobs that kept them from home, but Torrential had gotten more lucky than Fierasfer when she made her requests to stay with her dragonet. Even then, she was absent at times, leaving Galatheid to explore the little island or laze around at home, their few elderly neighbors vaguely keeping an eye on them- until shortly after they turned one. It was then that their parents enrolled them in the nearest school, worried that Galatheid was too isolated and wanting them to be able to learn more than the basics their mother had taught them.

They hated it instantly. They were the odd one out amongst dragonets who mostly knew each other in some way already, and rather than help them any, the teacher- an elderly SeaWing named Pelagic- only made it worse. He berated the dragonet for their anxieties and sent them home from their first day feeling exhausted and like they'd already done something wrong. Fierasfer and Torrential were still gone for work after having left that morning.

The next few years were awful for Galatheid. Pelagic's harsh treatment continued- it was like he had a bizarre grudge against the dragonet. He belittled them, guilt-tripped them, constantly looked over their shoulder, and seemed to take any chance to set them up for failure- then went back to yelling at them for not doing well. And every so often- usually when they tried to stick up for themself- a note was sent back to their parents, complaining about their "bad behavior". Unaware of the full situation, they reprimanded Galatheid, giving the impression to them that everything was their fault- and that they couldn't complain, because they were the only problem.

As time went on, Pelagic's treatment made Galatheid feel worse and worse. Anything they'd shown a genuine interest in- whether subject or hobby- was ruined by Pelagic's ridiculing. Galatheid did their best to just try to ignore it and keep going, but one day, they finally broke down and tried to confide in Fierasfer- who shut them down, saying they just must not be trying hard enough. If they just decided to do well and be happy, they would. Disappointed, Galatheid tried venting to Torrential next- but that didn't go much better, with their mother dismissing their concerns as being unfounded and undeserved.

Galatheid gave up trying to please Pelagic. Shortly afterwards, their parents were contacted about it- Pelagic, angry, claimed they had suddenly gotten worse. Disrespectful and inattentive, with slipping work quality. Their parents demanded an explanation- and Galatheid, remembering their responses when they'd tried to talk to them, reacted with all of the anger and resentment they'd tried to push away and ignore for years. A vicious argument broke out, only ending when they stormed to their room- where Fierasfer came to the door shortly afterwards, hissing that he and Torrential were disappointed in them, and that they needed to fix it before they were home again.

But Galatheid refused to face Pelagic again. And that night, they came up with a different plan- they would just leave.


The house was empty again when Galatheid awoke the next morning, and they packed their small bag in silence before leaving to fly, towards mainland Pyrrhia. On the way there, they did have to rest a few times- most notably, one night they stayed on an island where they found an old, abandoned necklace. A few days later, they arrived at the coast- and after considering their options from there, they decided to head for Possibility, where they'd heard dragons of all tribes lived.

They lingered around the edge of the city at first, trying to adjust to how different it was from the island slowly. They didn't get much of a chance, though, before they bumped into an inquisitive SandWing dragonet who quickly introduced herself as Marula and launched into a series of questions about SeaWings, and their gills, and whether Galatheid's colors were normal or not, and why she was so shiny, and so forth, and so on. Taken aback, Galatheid slipped away as soon as possible, but Marula didn't seem phased, waving and telling Galatheid she'd see them around.

Galatheid tried to avoid that happening at first. But Marula kept finding her, and while it annoyed Galatheid in the beginning, the friendly SandWing was slowly able to win them over. They met more regularly, near one of the bridges of the city, a spot they both agreed on together- Galatheid having secretly been relieved that there was the river nearby and that it was far from the spot just outside the other end of the city they'd begun to stay in. Over time, Galatheid met some other dragons, such as Marula's parents (who were friendly enough but oddly nervous, for whatever reason) and Chalcedony, a SkyWing who was another friend of Marula's and ended up joining in on the frequent meetings near the bridge. For a while, Galatheid felt- for the most part- content again.

And then Brumal showed up.


An IceWing dragonet, Brumal was around the same age as Galatheid and their friends, yet had clearly been in more serious fights before, given his snapped horn and scarred scales. He was serious, cold, prickly, and scornful of dragons he deemed lazy or weak. He claimed he was just in Possibility on business of some sort, but he kept showing up near the friend group. And, somehow, Marula ended up befriending him, with Chalcedony following her lead.

Galatheid did not. Brumal reminded them too much of Pelagic, and there was something about him that they just didn't like. Marula noticed and was hopeful it'd change, reminding Galatheid that they hadn't liked her either at first, but it didn't. If anything, Galatheid just hated Brumal more as time went on, although they did their best not to show it. Especially since whenever they did show any displeasure, Marula was quick to defend him, no matter what the current issue was.

And that was one of the biggest reasons that Galatheid didn't tell Marula of their growing distrust of Brumal, alongside the worry that they wouldn't be believed just because of their existing grudge against him. Chalcedony was out of the question, too- he'd grown closer to Brumal than Marula had by then. But Galatheid was convinced something was up with the IceWing. After all, he never elaborated on what "business" he was there for, and he seemed more occupied with following Marula around than he was with any real work. And there was also the question of how and why he ended up near Marula so often to begin with, when the inn he'd mentioned he was staying at was on the other end of the city. It was just weird, and Galatheid found themself thinking about it often.

But they kept their concerns to themself, trying to push them away, reasoning that they were just overreacting and trying to come up with explanations. It didn't work very well, especially since they knew none of their more positive theories made sense, and they kept worrying over what could be going on- until one night, when they went on a walk to clear their head and saw Brumal sneaking around. Curious and suspicious, they followed carefully behind him. He stopped at a spot a bit outside the city, in a clearing in the greenery by the river. Galatheid hid close by, and watched as a bigger IceWing landed in front of Brumal not long afterwards.

The two IceWings discussed something, although Galatheid wasn't sure what it was yet (although they thought they heard Marula and her family mentioned a few times). Their meeting lasted a bit, and then both IceWings departed, leaving Galatheid alone in their hiding spot to wonder what they'd seen. They'd been right- Brumal really was up to something- but they still hadn't heard enough to know exactly what that something was. So they decided again not to tell anyone, not yet- not until they knew more, and had real evidence that would make them more sure that someone would actually believe them.

In the following weeks, Galatheid spied on more of the strange meetings. They started to figure out a rough idea of Brumal's schedule, allowing them to sneak in before the IceWings got there. For the most part, the meetings were still confusing- it just seemed to be Brumal, giving weekly updates to the bigger IceWing for whatever reason, with updates about Marula's parents being the most important. And sometimes he'd mention Marula herself, or her friends- although the bigger IceWing never seemed as interested.

Until suddenly, he was. That night, Galatheid watched as the bigger IceWing arrived first. And when Brumal arrived, the other dragon instantly began telling Brumal of some plan- that it was finally "time to give those SandWings a message they can't ignore", and that the message would be going after Marula. The intent was to keep the dragonet alive, but only barely- with it clear that if the SandWings in question (her parents?) didn't follow whatever the message was for, Marula would then be killed.

Galatheid barely listened to the rest of the meeting. They were more focused on how to stop Brumal. There was no more time to watch carefully and gather evidence- they had to take action. They watched as Brumal stormed off with a furious hiss, and waited- as much as they would have liked to go after him instantly- until the older IceWing left too before they followed him. They slipped into the river as quietly as they could and stayed under the surface, knowing they'd have a better chance against Brumal if they could surprise him.

They found him sitting by the water.


The next morning, when Galatheid woke up, it was even later than usual- yet they still felt exhausted. They dragged themself to the spot their friends met, where they found Marula, pacing back and forth with a worried expression. The Sandwing explained that Brumal was usually there by now. He was there before any of the other dragonets, most of the time- especially Galatheid, she noted, much to the tired SeaWing's annoyance. But he hadn't shown up at all that day- and Chalcedony, who sat close by with an equally concerned expression, hadn't seen the IceWing at all either.

Marula brought the group to check the inn Brumal stayed at, but his room there was empty too. The innkeeper, an elderly MudWing, told them that he hadn't seen Brumal since the day before. He suggested that maybe Brumal was just busier than usual- he'd always been talking about some sort of work, after all. Marula and Chalcedony reluctantly agreed, though Galatheid could tell they were still worried.

And so was Galatheid, really. They'd thought they would feel better now, but instead there were just new terrible nagging feelings in the back of their mind. They found themself weary and drained no matter how much they slept. It didn't help to see Marula and Chalcedony's worrying almost every day. But as always, they shoved their worries away as best they could. And when Marula and Chalcedony kept bringing Brumal up, Galatheid did their best to reassure them. Brumal was a tough dragon. Brumal would be fine out there. He could probably handle whatever he ran into.

(It was kind of true. They'd left some important details out, but...Brumal really was tough. Usually, he really could take almost anything that was thrown at him.)

Still, though, a bit later, Marula and Chalcedony decided they needed to look for Brumal. They weren't at all discouraged when Galatheid pointed out that a dragon who'd left almost a week ago would probably be long gone by then. Or when they said that it wasn't exactly good weather for a search- it was a rare rainy day, dreary fog hanging in the air and the riverbanks slick with mud. The two dragonets just insisted it was worth a try anyways, and brought a very reluctant Galatheid along.

The search took almost the whole day- the group spent hours searching for some sign of where Brumal had gone, through muddy rocks and soaked greenery. It was just starting to get darker, as Marula and Chalcedony were about to give up, when suddenly the SkyWing froze. His horrified gaze was locked on to something in the distance. He rushed over, Marula and Galatheid close behind...but Galatheid knew what it was already.


A sodden wing was caught on a branch jutting out from the bank, preventing him from drifting any further. His horns and spikes had leaves and twigs stuck in them, and mud smeared his exposed back and tail. His head was facing down, still underwater.


Chalcedony was too horrified and sickened to move; he barely even looked. It was Galatheid and Marula together who pulled the dead IceWing from the river. It was Marula who gently removed the debris from his spikes, trying to make the body look even just a little less ragged. He must have fallen and hit his head on the rocks in the river, she reasoned. And because it was so late, so far from the city, no one saw him. No one helped him. Galatheid could tell she felt guilty. But how could they tell her that she never could have saved him? It wouldn't have mattered if she'd looked for him sooner. Marula would always have been too late.

They buried him that night, beneath a tall tree outside the city. Chalcedony again refused to watch- he didn't want the last time he saw Brumal to be that sodden, rotting body covered in cold mud and stones. Galatheid was silent the whole time, even as Marula wondered aloud who Brumal's family was- he'd never said anything about it the whole time he was with the group. Who could they tell? Would some IceWing parents out there spend the rest of their days wondering where their son was, if he was even alive?

Galatheid had other things to worry about. Why hadn't they been more careful hiding him? This was the worst luck they could have imagined- that he'd be pulled free of where he'd been, but then not drift far enough after that. That he wouldn't be torn apart by some scavenging animal yet. That he'd just be floating there, still mostly recognizable. At least if Marula and Chalcedony had never seen the body they could have held on to the idea that Brumal left on his own. It would have hurt, sure, but they wouldn't have had to know that he was dead.

At least their friends seemed ready to accept that his death was just some sort of horrible accident. Or that was what they thought- until, after the burial was done and they were on their way back to the city, Marula confided in Galatheid something that she'd hidden from Chalcedony.

The damage on Brumal's face... it could have been from scraping against the rocks, and then it, well, got worse until he was found. But why on both sides? Why right around his eyes? And then there were claw marks at the base of his neck...Brumal often had scrapes and cuts here and there, but Marula couldn't remember if he'd had them before he left that night. She'd never really thought she'd have to memorize every little scratch her friend had, after all. And if they hadn't been there before...what did that mean? Should they tell Chalcedony about it, too?

Galatheid could only answer one of those questions. It wasn't a good idea to tell Chalcedony- not right now, at least. He was already so heartbroken and horrified. He didn't need to be wondering if Brumal had been murdered too.

To their relief, Marula reluctantly agreed.


Things settled again. It wasn't the same as before- it couldn't be, not after that night- but Brumal was still gone, and as the group grieved, no one seriously investigated his death. Although when Chalcedony was out of earshot, Marula did sometimes whisper theories she'd thought of- another IceWing, with their serrated claws. Maybe a MudWing. A thief who'd gone too far, or maybe Brumal just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It made Galatheid nervous, but thankfully Marula never guessed too close to the truth.

It didn't matter much, anyways, because Galatheid found themself drifting away from the group, even after everything that had happened. It wasn't intentional, of course, just wasn't the same. It was harder to talk to Marula and Chalcedony now, and Galatheid was busier lately. And they were always so, so tired. Even when they did meet up again, it felt off, and Galatheid left feeling worse than before.

It went on like this for a while. Galatheid met with their friends less and less, pushing away their guilt over it as they always did. It was harder to, though, when they noticed that Marula seemed to be annoyed with them for it. It was one thing for Galatheid to be aware of the changing friendship, but when someone else noticed too, it was so much worse. Still, things stayed "pleasant" on the surface, if a bit stiff and uncomfortable.

Even if Galatheid kept growing more and more distant. And even though they had begun to spend all their time worrying again, now about the slightest tone and expression changes their friends had, terrified that they knew what Galatheid had done and just hadn't brought it up yet for whatever reason.

The last time they met with Marula and Chalcedony, they decided to leave early. They were tired, they said, but Marula caught up to them and asked if something was wrong. Galatheid said no. They weren't about to spill their feelings now. And Marula had hesitated, and said to Galatheid: "You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?"

Of course, Galatheid said. They knew that. But there really was nothing wrong. They were, as they'd said, just tired. They'd really been busy lately, anyways- lots of things to finish. Lots of work to be done. And then they'd told Marula to have a nice day as they left, and went back home and spent the rest of their day wondering again what Marula knew- especially now that she'd obviously been worried.

And then they just didn't go back to Marula and Chalcedony again.


Galatheid stayed out of the city for a while. Maybe it wasn't necessary, but it was easier to avoid Marula and Chalcedony if they didn't go back to Possibility. And if they avoided their friends, they wouldn't have to worry about them trying to poke around and ask questions. They barely left the cave they'd made home, only going outside when necessary. By the time they reluctantly snuck back into the city, needing supplies, a few months had already passed. They wondered what would happen if they ran into Marula and Chalcedony- had their friends been worried, when they vanished just like Brumal had? How angry would they be to see that Galatheid had just shown up again? But they didn't see either one of them. Maybe even if Marula and Chalcedony did see Galatheid, they'd want to avoid them, too. Galatheid was okay with that.

One successful trip to the city gave them back a bit more confidence. They slowly started visiting more frequently again, selling their art and buying things as though nothing had ever happened. They made new connections- new friends, new places to go. And they ignored the lingering guilt in the back of their mind, along with the ever-present thread of fear that came from wondering what they'd do if they eventually were confronted by their former friends. Especially if they'd figured anything out about Brumal.

But then- if that happened, they could just leave again, couldn't they? Vanish from the city, and then come back when it was safe- or even go somewhere new, if it was really bad. They'd done both before. It was nothing to worry about...although they had to admit they didn't want to do that. Still, the point was that they could, if they had to, which was a small comfort.

For now, Galatheid just continued to go on as usual. No one would even know anything was wrong except for them, and if something came up, they'd deal with it. And surely as time went on and nothing happened, they'd finally stop being so worried about these same things, right?

They'd be perfectly fine.


[Closed at the moment- gotta rewrite and finish what I've got already]

Torrential- Early on, Galatheid was as close with their mother as they could be with Torrential's still-busy schedule. As time went on, however, they grew more distant, up until the argument the night before Galatheid left home. Galatheid tries not to think too much about Torrential now.

Fierasfer- Even before Galatheid left home, they had a more distant relationship with Fierasfer. It wasn't that they disliked each other, but Galatheid just always found him more difficult to talk to- especially since he was home less often than Torrential. While neither of them knew how to go about it, they wanted to have a closer relationship. Galatheid left before that could happen.

Marula- Marula was Galatheid's best friend. Despite their annoyance when the two first met, Marula managed to win them over- and their contrasting personalities balanced out in ways that helped both of them. But the friendship wasn't perfect- Galatheid's refusal to truly open up and trust anyone extended to even Marula, while Marula was so determined to have a seemingly-perfect friend group that she ignored any issues and concerns Galatheid tried to express until it was too late. They haven't spoken since the last day Galatheid met with her and Chalcedony.

Brumal- Galatheid hated Brumal, to say the very least. They couldn't understand what made Marula and Chalcedony like the prickly IceWing. They thought Brumal was obnoxious, rude, and suspicious, practically from the moment they met him. Their dislike and distrust of him got worse and worse, all the way up to his death.

Chalcedony- Galatheid wasn't as close to Chalcedony as they were to Marula, but the two were still friends. Galatheid enjoyed his welcoming yet mischievous attitude, and was willing to help him set up his tricks around the city sometimes. They don't know how he'd act towards them now- they haven't spoken to him in a while. And what if he and Marula figured out what happened to Brumal?

Maple- text

Twilight- text

Isla- text

Vaporwave- text

Fadedwalker- text

Cactus- text

Ink Heart- text


-Galatheid is named after the galatheid crab.

-Galatheid's favorite color is bright pink.

-Galatheid is the (self-proclaimed and unofficial) "Eternal Glitter Overlord".

-Galatheid's color scheme is based on cotton candy.

-Despite their name, their favorite crustacean is the coconut crab.

-They usually talk pretty quickly.

-Galatheid is surprisingly stealthy even though they're so sparkly.

-Their egg's shell was a very pale purple-ish color with a pearlescent sheen.

-They used to enjoy reading scrolls, but usually lack the motivation now.

-Their immunity to mind control came from the necklace they found. However, they're not even aware that the necklace is enchanted- they just like that it's pretty.

-Most of their gallery exists in-universe. They really just have a collection of pictures of themself.

Galatheid modern infobox 2
Background Information
Creator Marx
Image Artist Marx
Coding Unique
Theme Color Pink and blue
MBTI Personality INTJ
Character Information
Age 7
Gender Agender, uses any pronouns
Orientation Asexual Aromantic
Occupation Artist
Tribe SeaWing
Residence A small village in the SeaWing Kingdom
Relatives Torrential (Mother) Fierasfer (Father)
Likes Glitter, cotton candy, bath bombs, glitter glue, gel pens, pink, heaters, Splatoon, Pokémon, Starbound, corgis, hearts, stars, and diamonds, interesting sweets, pajamas, paint, big sweaters, late nights, glowing things, bonelessness
Dislikes Winter, jeans, elephants, school and most teachers, strong cleaning supplies (especially the smell), socks, dark chocolate, damp places, bones
Powers and abilities Typical SeaWing abilities, immunity to any sort of mind control


Galatheid's Modern AU appearance is similar to what it is in the Canon timeline- they have the same blue and pink scales, long horns, heart and diamond shaped bioluminescent scales, etc. They have a more noticeably bad posture- they rarely stand up straight. This is partially the result of years of carrying around heavy bags for school, although they would probably slouch anyways.

Their taste in clothes is conflicting- on one hand, they enjoy things that are just comfortable, like sweaters and pajama pants, but on the other, they also like fancy coats and suits. And of course they always like sparkly things. Much of their cheaper clothing is stained by old paint- despite their concerns over cleanliness in almost every other regard, Galatheid is not a neat painter. They usually carry a pink bag with them, filled with a wide variety of objects. From art supplies to candy to hand sanitizer to entire gaming consoles and more Galatheid usually has it on them.

While already shiny, Galatheid almost always has extra glitter on them, one way or another. On that note, one of the more important things they usually have in their bag is multiple tubes of glitter. You know, just in case there's ever a situation that just needs some glitter.


Canon trivia still applies, this is just for modern-exclusive trivia! -text



M I S C.
