Just note that due to me wanted a more dedicated account, I will be editing under my “AderitetheOreWing account. Danke
Elwin is an old kind male human. He likes to cook and is a well known baker. He is also known for the candy he makes, especially chocolate. He is gentle and soft, but can be firm and strict when needed. He used to be an infamous criminal/gangster when he was younger. He would later go on to join the army, he reached the rank of major and left at the age of 45.
Early life[]
Edwin was born on Date Equivalent (D.E) Jan, 23, 1967 (any equivalent date depending on the era one chooses to place him in). His mother died the day his 10th birthday. His father died when he was 5 during an house fire. He lived his life in a somewhat moderate situation. The times weren’t easy, especially because only his mother was alive. They never celebrated a holiday or did anything fun. He was always picked on and bullied when he went to school.
Eventually his mother died, as said earlier. Eventually, another family took him in. This family though, was horrible. He was treated like the “male hyena” and life here was horrible. He was always treated like a nobody and always came in last. He was treated more like a slave rather than a child. He dropped out of high school in less than a month…
Gangster years[]
Eventually, his horrible life made him turn to crime. When he was 11, he began stealing things and selling them for money. Later he began to steal bigger more valuable items. Then he began to make friends with other outcast and poor people. Then, all of them together formed a group and they began participating in criminal activity. He was caught drinking at age 13. He then along with his group began selling small amounts of substances.
Things began to heat up. The group as a whole had a small decent amount of finances from all of the activities they’ve done. Eventually they would go into pick locking lockers, safes and eventually houses. The group, now known as “Altos”, became more wealthy. After operating out of an abandoned storage unit for years, they decided that they needed a space to operate from and they bough a medium sized basement and building.
They eventually began buying arming themselves with guns, explosives and other weapons. Their small collection of various pistols, SMGs and knifes turned into a whole armory worths of weapons. Stocked with pistols, rifles, SMGs,
They would later buy a bunch of radio and communications equipment. They encrypted it using various methods to prevent their signals from being intercepted or being spied on. In case the signal was breached, they spoke using codes (e.g Meet us at 4 o’clock south from the shopping center could mean operation successful, taking loot to the abandoned office building on Workshire street to distribute).
They bought several vehicles including a bunch of trucks and vans to help them in their activities. They used fake yet genuine license plates and changed the colors of their vehicles. A trick they used included someone putting the loot into a crate, then driving somewhere where they would exchange the crate for a crates that locks exactly the same but with non stolen items. To prevent police from following them, they used two vehicles that locked exactly the same, with the same color, license plates, etc.
They began stealing cars and their first big robbery was the Alston Bank robbery. It wasn’t the biggest nor fanciest bank, but they’ve never robbed a place like this (the convenience stores don’t count). They managed to steal nearly 3 fifths of the banks vault. They later robbed several jewelry stores. Eventually they began trading substances. The group became feared amongst various law enforcement agencies around the nation.
Edwin became a leader in the group and one of the most respected. He became feared on the streets. He led a division in a group. The group itself became more military like. He grew very wealthy and often participated in many robberies. Although, he was in the business for some time, he began to feel as if something were not right. He began to feel bad for is actions, but he continued non the less.
All wasn’t good though. Their operations continued to be successful, but… on D.E 1988, he and the squad he was with were hiding in an abandoned apartment building after a robbing a department store. Their getaway didn’t arrive because of complications. After holding out for a couple of days, they were caught…
Military years[]
After spending time in prison, he came out a better, reformed, rejuvenated man. He began going to consulting to reform and improve himself. He began to take adult education to gain back is lost years of high school. After so time reforming himself, he decided that he wanted to do something to help him “come back” from those years he spent doing criminal activities. So he joined the army.
The officials were weary because of his criminal background, but he managed to prove himself. He already had experience with weapons and had made many tactics for combat. He developed the ability to fire two SMGs and reload them both at the same time. At first he struggled, but eventually he later became somewhat popular. One thing that made him popular was his ability to cook food, even when there are low supplies, he manages to make do with what he has.
He rose several ranks while fighting in the dessert against an insurgency, dubbed the great “flame war.” One big event was when he and the platoon he was in was traveling through a seemingly abandoned town. He manage to “spot” the bombs that were set in place. He would later become a well known fighter. He was known for being “daring” and often heading towards danger, rather than running from it. He eventually with his will and courage has helped save his comrades on many occasions. His actions would later early him many awards and would bring him to national fame.
One an infamous criminal, now a famous hero he was constantly in the spotlight. He became known for his baking skills. He also makes some of the world’s best chocolate. Eventually he decided that he wanted to spend more time with dragons and left for Sanctuary. After going on several world wide trips to improve his skills in baking/confections, he began baking for others. His food has been known to have been enjoyed by humans and dragons alike. Right now, he resides in the S.O.A and is currently thinking about going to live with the dragons.
Physical Appearance[]
Although he doesn’t posses any special or natural power abilities (due to being human) he does possess some skills. He is very good at baking and candy making. It is not known as he does it (as he likes to keep his recipes and techniques trade secrets). He can fire two SMGs at the same time and can reload them both at the same time by throw them in the air. He is very strong as he can hang from an artificial rock climbing thing with just one finger.
He is brave and determined. This was proved when he manage to make a cake big enough for 20 dragons to eat from. He is also very cautious with others, using his past experiences to teach others to avoid making the same mistakes as him and going down the same path as him. He is very protective of some of things and doesn’t like it when someone steals them (ironic, but he did pay compensation, unlike others), especially a small glass dragon statue given to him by his mother just before she died. He keeps this statue inside a plastic box inside a glass case inside a safe inside a small locker inside a medium sized locker inside a large locker inside a secured closed behind a vault that is underground in his basement.
Love for dragons[]
He has loved dragons ever since he was little. He always dreamed of being one and even to this day wonder what it would’ve been like to be one. Some have said that he was overly obsessed with them and that he probably had a “dragon phase” (yes he had a fetish). Even though he’s outgrown said phase, he still maintains a keen interest. It’s said that he’s acted like a dragon many times before. One time when he was very young, he nearly jumped off a building in an attempt to fly, Later he made another attempt this time he trumped of a one story building, Of course it wasn’t worth it, the pain nor the fees.
He has a collection of paintings and sculptures of dragons. He also knows how to speak the dragon language perfectly. He has made friends with many dragons,
- Marsh - A cheeky young male MudWing. Befriended while Elwin was traveling through the Mud Kingdom.