Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Dark Sky bg
D A R K - S K Y
This character belongs fully to Shadow, not you! Do not steal/use/edit without their permission! Coding done by this idiot.

<soundcloud song?>

Dark Sky
Background Information
Creator Shadow
Artist Pending
Coder Flufferb
Main Attribute Text
Elemental Attribute Text
Theme Animal Text
Theme Color Grey
Theme Song Text
MBTI personality ENFP-A
Character Information
Age 6
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Occupation Student
Tribe Death/Sea
Status (Alive or dead)
Residence Anywhere convenient
Relatives Crashing Waves (father) Pearl (mother)
Allies Text
Enemies Text
Likes Desert, fish, friends, learning, and fun
Dislikes Chores, discipline, and swimming (ironic)
Powers and abilities Can breathe underwater
Weapons None
Quote "Quote."

"Long Quote."
~Dark Sky


Dark Sky is small and thin with dark grey scales and a light grey underbelly with white wing membranes and exocranium “Mask”, she also has gills and green eyes.

~Dark Sky


Dark Sky has a kind personality and wants to help those around her and is eager to learn and explore. She feels the need to learn everything she can to honor her late father whose last words to her were “you have an open mind, make me proud and learn as much as you can.“

~Dark Sky


Pearl met Crashing Waves as she was running away, he took her in and helped her and the two eventually fell in love, moving to an island on the outskirts of the Sea Kingdom. Where they had Dark Sky, Dark Sky took a natural liking to her father. She would tell him everything and ask him the most questions. One day when Dark Sky was older her father told her when she got back from swimming less with her mother he would tell her anything she wanted to know about DeathWings. Dark Sky excitedly went out with her mother and was eager to get back but when she did she found her father dead. Dark Sky refused to do anything the week following his death confused and sad, she eventually got back somewhat to her old self. Eventually deciding to explore the world in search for knowledge and to honor her father by learning as much as she could.

~Dark Sky


Crashing Waves

Dark Sky has always been extremely close with her father, always wanting to play, talk, and learn with him but he would never tell her about the DeathWings for some reason. All of her free time was spent with him and she was crushed by his death refusing to eat or do anything in the week following his death.


She was close to her mother and liked talking to her as well as taking swimming and aquatic classes with her, she would enjoy joking around with her mother. After her fathers death she would spend more time with her mother.


Relationship status

~Dark Sky


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