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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Curator Myriad is a male CentiWing who holds the position of Nest Chief for Rugged Ridge. Pursuing his life of knowledge and the dispersal of it in contrast to the presumed brutes of the tribe, Curator is a former diplomatic advisor for the Archkhan of the khandom.


A tall, muscular fellow - though significantly lesser built compared to the more militaristically driven CentiWings. Curator is a bit more lean than them, given how he used to run about on diplomatic trips. Armored with durable scales, as well as what could be argued as a few too many foreceps running down his neck and underbelly.

Curator is painted in a very metallic lighting. His primary colors resemble that of bronze or copper, with his secondary color - his underbelly - more closely taking on a brass coloration. His elbowed horns point down, geared forwards, off to the sides yet in front of his face. His barbels aren't too long, though aren't too short either. In fact, they complement the warm, gentle expression he upholds despite being a nest chief for Rugged Ridge.


very kind and charming! considerate, though still skeptical! plays devils advocate for things but that was mostly in his hay day as a diplomatic advisor. good father, very supportive of theo. funny! he has some puns up his sleeve. humble, merciful - willing to talk things out but if you do try to walk all over him he'll retract his trust and kindness. professional, elegant, trustworthy, understanding, VERY compassionate. respectful too. uhh he doesnt particularly have much of a solid stance on a lot of centiwing controversies and politics, takes a hard neutral ground, essentially just that one fellow that grabs all the info to share w others honestly. verbally cites his sources! probably very philosophical. uhhhhh, kinda spiteful sometimes. mostly towards his parents. has strong morals. busy at the moment but brute forces time for his son and his partner(s). used to travel a bit, has not been to pyrrhia yet though - so he lets theo go so long as he writes back to him. they both share fascination in knowledge :-)

despite this though, he does get swept up in a lot of worry and concern, paranoia and anxiety, with all the knowledge he gains. he is somewhat of a hypochondriac, both for himself and theo, though does like. get himself checked out if hes Really Dreadfully Concerned.


  • Tribal Abilities —
    • withering bite
    • vice grip
  • Skills —
    • charisma 100
    • knows some of those cool military tuck and rolls
    • uhhh


hmgnhnbm so i want to think that because the tree wars were fiiiifty years ago? curator either wouldn't have been involved in the brunt of it or wouldve witnessed it firsthand in his youth the damage that comes from physical violence, when things could be resolved with words. that definitely mightve stemmed to his ideal of "knowledge is power, but the hubris will be one's downfall" type deal. not fond of the concept of yknow knowing just to Know because it seems shady.

hold on the first part might be a bit shaky because i might tweak his age a bit. the direct affects of war heavily swayed and set his current ideals into motion though, however with his duties as a soldier(?) he decided to keep quiet about it.

  • raised in a very proud family for the pragma regnet swarm, though also very firm believers in like. dang! brute force is where its at type of beat?
    • curator agrees more with scrumstrider swarm's ideals, though doesnt voice it outwardly [regarding swarm affiliation] for fear of what may come.
  • became enthused heavily by learning the historical factor of things, tracing patterns back n stuff, soon acting as the diplomat amongst friends. playing devils advocate, offering strategic suggestions & compromises that would work in everyones favor, often treading carefully among morals.
  • upon his third molt ceremony approaching, his parents prooobably tried to heavily persuade him to shoot for a more "honorable occupation" in the military-esque field. however, instead, when he chose, he opted for diplomacy. :]. however it was less for his desire to disperse and seek out info at this time, more bent on "theres gotta be another way to do this"
    • did this for. a long time!
    • he became advisor aand maintained this role for a while, resulting in presumably positive trends in the ties he was responsible for preventing, persuading, or maintaining.
  • retired from advisor of diplomacy after a long while, having seen enough of repeated errors in others judgement through arrogance and/or ignorance to finally decide to do something about it?
    • builds up and opens a joint museum-library which starts off pretty small. runs it for a good handful of years, building more to it as well.
  • he gets chosen to take an eligibility exam for nest chief after a while :flushed: then winds up getting the job via popular anonymous vote, and being of the highest eligibility amongst his comrades?

more notes so i dont forget

  • more personal note, he did once have a partner whom he cared a lot for! they had a clutch of 3 eggs together, but 2 of the eggs were sabotaged (crushed) with the sole survivor resulting in his only living son
  • probably currently either single or has two or three partners? love is dumb but hes a fool in this regard, he likes the company and enjoys the time spent i guess


  • other nest chiefs / probably very professional ties?
  • archkhan(s; idk how recently mapwright became the archkhan herself) / also probably very professional
  • parents / negative views! they clash with varied opinions and takes
  • son / treasures the heck out of him i think
  • partner(s) / loves them :>
  • some type of assistant. probably regards them very highly, leaves them in charge when hes off to meet with others


  • originally he was going to be an archivist, also the color red :)


Curator Myriad by fear
colored by me, base by FourFlames :-)