"I'm alive, sister. I am ready to kill you in vengeance of Quietfollower. You may think that mother succeeded to kill him with her animus, but she had faced a consequence...me. She'd make a perfect decoration in MY future throne room. She could sit on the wall like the old picture that I made for her, and mother loved it so dearly she hung it up. Now, I hung her up."
— Crystalstar to Queen Foxfire
Crystalstar was a female Icewing/nightwing hybrid who was featured as the main antagonist of Neverland. She successfully killed her mother, Chalcedony. She was
attempting to kill her sister, too. However, she was stabbed in the heart by a spear. Crystalstar assisted Quietfollower in the creation of the Talons of Magic.
Crystalstar was a grey dragon that looked mostly like a nightwing. She was more pale then any of her tribe and didn't have many of the stars on her wings. Normally, dragons easily mistook her for a deformed nightwing dragonet. Her tongue was blue, yet she bled red like other dragons. She didn't have much variation with her colors, almost as if an artist dragon was too bored to finish anything but the color of her tongue.
She was toxic and cruel, her voice described to be as sharp as a viper's tongue. She normally used intimidation as a method to force other dragons into obliging to what she wanted. If a dragon disobeyed her orders, it usually was punished by death or a push down to the lowest circle. She showed a good, charming manner towards other relatives.
The New Queen Prophecy
Crystalstar was a snappy, rude dragonet. She had a close connection with Jadeberg, though. Since she was usually kept away from her best friend, her relationship with Jadeberg really changed.
Over the years of being stuck in Jade Mountain Academy, she grew feistier and meaner. She was very aloof towards her best friend, Jadeberg. Many dragons considered her rude and no one wanted to hang out with her. Jadeberg missed her dearly when she left the academy, however.
At first, Crystalstar was very friendly and kind when entering Jade Mountain. She was considerate to most, and even made many friends. Her best friend being Jadeberg. As her mother kept her further and further from her friends and Jadeberg, she grew more toxic and cruel. Eventually, she became very distant.
Crystalstar never really wanted to hang out with Jadeberg, or any of her friends at all. She considered them noisy and too playful. Eventually, she got moved to the Secret Animus School.
In the prologue, Crystalstar was one of the dragons supporting Feverdream's idea of taking the world over.
Crystalstar assisted in capturing the Mudwing and Rainwing prisoners.
Foxfire honestly really annoyed Crystalstar. She almost used her animus magic to give her sister a painful death.
At first, her and Beluga had a good personality. The seawing prince would smile at her frequently and refer to her as a queen. Crystalstar found this annoying at times, and usually was disrespectful. She usually showed disgusted expressions or hatred towards him. This led to Queen Ocean ending their relationship rightfully.
Crystalstar usually referred her mother as, "a worthless step-mother," even if they were biologically related. When she was younger, Crystal loved drawing for her mother and was so happy to see them hung up. This is what she used as a reference for a decoration in her future throne room.
They had the best relationship. He usually understood Crystal's hatred for her mother and sister. He agreed only towards her hatred of Chalcedony. When her mother killed Quiet follower, she was angrier than any dragon of all Pyrrhia would ever be.
"Pyrrhia is just a paradise for me to explore, not the heaven that dragons think they can hold in their hands."
— to Beluga
"There is an unknown horizon waiting for you."
— to Quietfollower
- Crystalstar was one of the supporters over Feverdream's reign of Pyrrhia.
- Originally, Crystal stated she'd rather kill Quietfollower than lose her mother.
- She was kicked out of the secret animus school due to using her powers against another student.