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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
― x (x)

Crazy was an adult female WorkWing and the former Vague of WorkWings. She was engaged to Prince Conifer, intending to have offsprings, though her partner was murdered by a disapproving group.


Crazy has gold scales with black overscales and wings. She was tall and had rounded tusks.


Crazy was a peaceful, creative soul. She found unity between the tribes such an easy grasp if others were to put effort into reaching it. She often didn't care for other's view of her, especially between her and her partner. However after his death, she began more quiet and feared the throne, stepping down. She believed that peace will never truly be possible.


Crazy hatched to her mother after some time. She proved to be an excellent heir, and as the eldest, was selected as a successor for the throne. Her sisters often inspired to be her, growing some what jealous. She proved excellent in making decisions between intertribal relations, a summit of which is when she met Conifer.

After many years, her mother died from an illness and she was crowned. She increased closer relations to other tribes, especially working on mending the WorkWing-LeafWing relationship. Eventually, she and Conifer became married on their own accord.

They had publicly planned to have offspring, Crazy assuring that she'd pass the crown to one of her sisters instead of her hybrids after public backlash. However such a compromise wasn't enough for a criminal group who planned and succeeded in assassinating Conifer. Crazy, depressed of his death and fearful of them, fled the crown passing it to her younger sister. Even after learning the group was completely executed, she still refused to return.



Crazy loved Conifer greatly. He was the hope that the Pantalan tribes could be at peace. She found him hilarious and often picked up on making jokes with him as well. They had planned to have offspring. She was devastated at his death, growing to lose belief in a peaceful Pantala, and left her kingdom.


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WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
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