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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Cockroach is an adult male HiveWing who is a supporting character in How to Train Your Wings of Fire 3, an upcoming How to Train Your Dragon and Wings of Fire crossover and threequel to How to Train Your Wings of Fire, written by HTTYDPokemonFan under the username ReptileGirl497 on[1]. He works as a secretary under Lady Scarab.


Cockroach has brown scales with black stripes, brown wings, black eyes, and gray horns and claws.


According to Lady Scarab, Cockroach is very responsible and intelligent, but is prone to bouts of anxiety and paranoia, most of which are centered around Braconid. This could imply that he cares about his son a great deal, or he might be worried about how Braconid's influence could reflect on himself. Along with Termite, he opposes Queen Wasp, but is much more subtle and quiet about it, likely due to his paranoia.



Cockroach was granted permission by Queen Wasp to marry the dragon he loved, Termite. The two HiveWings didn't plan on having dragonets until years after their partnership began. The pair unknowingly conceived an egg much earlier than they had planned. Because of a lack of the traditional symptoms, Termite carried to full term without knowing she was with egg. When Termite started getting cramps, she initially assumed she was sick and, as the cramps got worse, asked for Cockroach to go find a doctor. When he returned, they were both shocked to find that she had laid an egg. Unprepared for parenthood, and not having any of the necessary documents, they both feared what Wasp would do if she found out.

After hiding the egg for several months, Cockroach finally sought help from Lady Scarab, who aided the pair in an elaborate plan. While Scarab arranged the appropriate documents, Termite snuck her egg into the Cicada Hive nest. Seeing several unusual markings on all the other eggs, and not knowing what they were for, Termite marked the egg herself before placing it with the others, unwittingly saving her dragonet from Queen Wasp's mind control. The documents Scarab forged labelled the egg as an orphan, which Termite and Cockroach then planned to "adopt" when they felt they were ready for parenthood.

Two years later, the couple arrived at the orphanage to retrieve their dragonet, under the guise that they were there to adopt a child, with Scarab accompanying them to make sure they picked the right one. She pointed them to their son, named Braconid, and introduced the pair to the young dragonet as his "new parents."

Cockroach remained paranoid about what Queen Wasp would do to them if she found out they had lied about Braconid's origins, which inadvertently forced Termite, who wanted to tell Braconid the truth about their relationship to him, to play along with the illusion for much longer than she had wanted.

When Braconid was four, Termite discovered that she and Cockroach were going to have another egg. This time, they had all of the necessary preparations for it and had it sent to the hatchery. When the egg hatched, Braconid suggested the name Ladybug because she looked like one, and his parents agreed.



In Cockroach's eyes, Braconid represents secrets, lies, and danger that could potentially ruin the family if Queen Wasp ever found out that Cockroach and Termite were Braconid's biological parents. In spite of this, Cockroach does care about his son, having feared that Braconid would be bullied at school if Termite gave him good marks just because he's her son. He claims that he doesn't hate Braconid, and that he's afraid for him. He cares enough about his son to take the brunt of Wasp's fury when her forces came looking for Braconid and his "fugitive friends".


"Are you sure about this? If you end up as his teacher, and the other students find out you're his mother, they'll think you're biased for him. If he ends up getting better marks than anyone else, he'll be the subject of bullying. There must be somewhere else we can send him." - to Termite, about enrolling Braconid into Terrarium Academy

"Sorry about that, it was just ground this morning." - to Lady Scarab, about the coffee


  • A cockroach is a scavenging insect commonly viewed as a household pest.

