Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


-entry for cloud’s color contest

-red and purple



this guy belongs to me, oui oui, And please do not steal anything on the page.

“Life isn’t always fair, little brother.”

Background Information
Creator 🧂
Main Attribute Wise
Elemental Attribute Fire
Theme Animal The Cochineal wasp
Theme Color Purple and red
Theme Song
MBTI Personality text
Character Information
Age 27 dy
Orientation Bi
Occupation Hermit (Currently), Soldier (formerly)
Tribe HiveWing
Goal To understand who she was
Residence Northwest wing of Pantala (currently), Wasp Hive (formerly)
Relatives Drone (father), Centipede (mother), Fairyfly (Younger Sister), Hoverfly (Younger Brother), Oxalis (Salty) (Adoptive baby brother)
Allies Dominic (Mentor)
Enemies Stubbing her toes,
Likes The warmth, some sort of order and organization,
Dislikes text
Powers and abilities text
Weapons text
Quote text


Neal is obviously a pure HiveWing. She has every trait that makes her one. In the middle of her forehead, a two-pronged horn rests, a bit pointy. Her horns and long and twist up at the ends, and spines run down her back, long for her size. Her face is pretty in a sort of odd way, mostly round and large, golden eyes within, glowing with kindness. Her neck is shorter than average, and Neal holds it at a angle, but doesn’t curve it at all, trying to seem taller.

Her shoulders are strong, and slope down to her talons. Her talons are a bit big for her, but Neal’s fingers are all slim and smart, and move deftly. Her claws are always well-trimmed and carefully covered in bright talon polish, varying between neon colors and dark ones. Neal’s arms are muscled and strong, but the definition is not good, meaning most to suspect her to be small and weak, when that is most certainly not the case. Her back legs are mostly the same, but she doesn’t paint them. Neal’s tail is longer than average, and for her height. However, it always drags on the ground, as if she’s sad.

Her tail is paralyzed, and she cannot move it. About 1/3 down it, it goes limp, and Neal cannot feel it at all. The tip is topped with a useless stinger, with no venom in it. Oddly enough, she keeps good care of her tail, and though it drags on the ground, it looks in good condition, just as shiny as her body. Neal’s wings are smaller than average, with mostly see-through, but tinted purple, membrane.

The most odd thing about her is her color. Instead of her tribes yellow and orange scales, Neal has purple and red scales. Dark, royal purple runs down the top of her body as scales, with even darker red triangular scales. Her underbelly is a calm lavender. Around her feet, Black is prevalent, like she walked through tar and didn’t get it off. A light red manifests itself as beautiful tattooed designs and patterns on her face and neck, and she has a colorful, large tattoo on her left shoulder, wing and back.


Neal is an..interesting dragon. She’s a mature



Screenshot 20190902-201449

by epi, oml beautiful
