Note: some of the portraits of the featured gods involve some level of body horror or unsettling imagery! Imagery may include photo edits of real animal assets to have realistic eyes and teeth in unnatural places, undetailed, cartoony rendering of muscle, or unsettling draconic faces. Tread carefully!
The Celestial Pantheon
The Celestial Haven and Celestial Pantheon were created by Mel and Sebastion!
This page was coded by Sebastion with great help from Himmalerin and design inspiration from Mel!
This project was greatly inspired by Gin Chi Sanctuary.
Divine entities that control and protect elements of the universe; exist based on belief, some more so than others; they can project smaller versions of themselves into other realms depending on how powerful they are. These "projections" are comprehensible by mortals, unlike their true forms, and are how deities spread messages or create demigods.- Divine leaders - Gods who came into creation by the force of another god or divine power alone; they don’t need dragons to believe in them to exist; they can project multiple versions of themselves onto the mortal realm
- Patron followers - Gods who came into creation by dragons’ belief in them and exist based on the fidelity of their worshippers; they can project fewer versions of themselves onto the mortal realm; they work under the council of the Divine god they belong to
- Mortal followers - Gods who were once mortals and were then blessed with heavenly powers given by a God, often to join their side when their mortal body perishes; they can project fewer versions of themselves onto the mortal realm; they work under the council of the Divine god they belong to
Half-divine / Half-mortal entities that may inherit divine powers from deities, attract monsters, and have been part of dragon history for centuries- Spawned demigods - Demigods who are the offspring of a mortal and a god; typical understanding of demigods; bio kids!
- Chosen demigods - Demigods who were created after being blessed or cursed with a gift without being genetically related to a god; honorary kids!
- Monsters - Also known as “fallen demigods”, these poor souls were demigods who’ve succumbed to the Tacenda Pantheon. They’ve been twisted into wretched beasts of tremendous strength, but with half a mind.
Places in the universe inhabited by mortals, monsters, or divine beings- Plane of the Cosmos - The primary domain of the Cosmogyral Pantheon. Made up of stardust and dreamscape, divine and patron deities appear here once their following has been founded. Dragons that believe in the afterlife will appear in this realm under the rule of the deities.
- Mortal Plane / Earth - The domain of the living and perishable. Includes the continents Pyrrhia and Pantala and the tangible universe they inhabit. Gods have access to the mortal plane but often need permission from the divine god they council under.
- Infernal Plane - The equivalent of Hell and the domain of the Tacenda Pantheon. Physically connected to the Mortal Plane with multiple passageways connected to it. These passageways are said to be under the IceWing waters, in the densest reaches of the rainforest, and the volcano of the NightWing island. Monsters can escape from it but gods and damned mortals are trapped inside.
- The Celestial Haven - A pocket dimension created by the Fragment of A Prophecy to protect and train demigods. Made up of tangible earth from the Mortal Plane with plenty of stardust embedded in the seams to protect it from being accessible to the average mortal. The Haven is accessible from Pyrrhia and Pantala and one can only enter it with a guide. Monsters and mortals are capable of entering the Haven.
As far as the dragons of Pyrrhia and Pantala are aware, the collective name for the gods that they worship is “the Celestial Pantheon.”
The most powerful god (or gods, depending on who you ask) is that which represents the three moons: Imperial, Oracle, Perception. While in some religions and cultures, there are gods who are just as powerful, dragons unanimously agree that the Moons are the most prominent. This is why most dragons swear by “the moons” or “three moons.”
Each dragon may believe in all, some, or only one of the gods. Specifics depend on the tribe, culture, area, or individual family unit.
The typical dragon doesn’t know that the Celestial Pantheon has split into two (the Cosmogyral Pantheon and the Tacenda Pantheon) and will typically worship Tacenda gods as equally as a Cosmogyral god.
Deities derive most of their power from the dragons who believe in them. Universal concepts such as the moons, the sun, the cycle of life and death, love, and war often have the strongest corresponding gods, as all tribes have some concept of these ideas.
Gods can disappear if they are completely forgotten, for example, if the culture worshiping them has been wiped out. It is rare for a god to “die,” but it is not completely unheard of.
Both pantheons can readily interact with the mortal realm through projections of themselves. Their true forms are incomprehensible by mortal dragons but their projections are just as tangible as any other creature on the planet.
The Cosmogyral Pantheon
The Cosmogyral Pantheon is the group of gods that are currently in power. They are the ones who reside in the “heavens” and reign over the realm that exists as the “afterlife” for dragonkind.
They regard themselves as the gods who act unselfishly to protect dragonkind. They look out for mortals and attempt to deter the world from disaster, but as an imperfect pantheon, they cannot prevent dragons from acting on their own accord.
The gods cannot directly control dragons, but they can influence them. They can send prophecies to NightWings, bless SkyWings with firescales, or ravage their world with natural disasters. Some will project themselves to dragons to give them messages, but this has been phased out as dragonkind becomes more cynical to the unknown.
Divine Leaders
Imperial, Oracle, Perception
Alternate names: Moons / Three moons (All tribes)
Represents: Three moons, Future, Fate, Past
Worshipped by: All tribes, especially NightWings, HiveWings
Current Court:
- Eternal Inner Burning
- Promise of Good Deeds
- Fragment of a Prophecy
Appearance: Amorphous appearance, consistently has 3 faces/heads, a wider set build, and represents the phases of the moons; they bare similar resemblance to NightWings with dark coloration and silver accents
Powers: Gifts foresight / telepathy (mind reading), infinite knowledge about the timeline and dragons, manipulation over dragons (behaviors and psyches)
Behavior: Infinitely wise and extremely observative, Oracle, Perception, Imperial are always watching the course of history play out for the world of Pyrrhia and Pantala. It works as a protector to the world it circles but rarely communicates with other gods, aside from Ever Reaching Light, acting on its own accord. Generously, it will bless any NightWing eggs exposed to its moonlight with powers for some unspecified reason, could it be favoritism? Amusement like the spontaneous whims of Fragment of a Prophecy? Frankly, it’s hard to tell.
Ever Reaching Light
Alternate names: The sun (All tribes)
Represents: Sun, Dreams, Purity
Worshipped by: LeafWings, RainWings
Current Court:
- Droplets Upon the Grass
- Sunbursts Broken by the Sea
- The Earth's Nursery
Appearance: Impossible for mortal eyes to see clearly, emits sun-bright light from their form; their eyes and towering, lanky silhouette are the clearest aspects of their appearance
Powers: Manipulation over light, control over the dreams, able to induce sleep, purification abilities (able to turn monsters back into mortals)
Behavior: Born of the memories of the last god of Sun, Ever Reaching Light is young even in the grand scheme of the mortal timeline. Timid and unsure, when this god communicates, it speaks with hesitance and insecurity, careful with each word and whim. It is prone to making mistakes, without fully being aware of the consequences of their choices until after they happen, but they look to the future to be as noble of a god their predecessor was.
Heartbeat of a Scavenger
Alternate names:
- The Hunt / The Game (All tribes, in terms of wild game/prey)
- The First Hunter (LeafWings)
- The Wild (RainWings)
Represents: Living, Prey, Senses
Worshipped by: All tribes
Current Court:
- By the Grave of Butterflies
- Rabbit's Foot, Not Quick Enough
- Satiated, Be at Peace
Appearance: Amorphous appearance that changes color based on the environment, mimicking natural camouflaging techniques of mortal creatures, antlers horns and predator attributes, such as the build of that of a bear or alligator, muscular and fat
Powers: Control over animals and plants, acutely high senses and manipulation over dragons’ senses, capable of seeing the length of dragons’ lives
Behavior: All life is precious to Heartbeat… which is why some must be sacrificed for the survival of others. Heartbeat of a Scavenger has established the rhyme and reason of prey and plant creatures, giving them predictable behaviors, trackable habits, which allows dragons to hunt, scavenge, and survive. Dragons have Heartbeat to thank for their predatory expertise. Heartbeat of a Scavenger is blunt and factual, speaking little but making meaningful points when their wisdom is called upon.
The Bringer of Morning
Alternate names: The sun (All tribes)
Represents: Sun, Time
Worshipped by: None, not any more
Appearance: A spindly, towering figure made of light, adorned with leaf-like fairy wings along the length of their neck. Their horns connect in a loop above their three-eyed head, which holds an orb of light.
Powers: Manipulation over the sun's light, mortal perception of time (freezes dragon in time or puts them through years in a second), and the passage of time in the universe (actually being able to freeze or speed up time)
Behavior: Confident and brash, steadfast and hardy, Bringer of Morning was always an impulsive and spirited god who had no doubt in their abilities. Even in death, they faced the end with a bright smile and no inhibition toward their demise.
Patron Followers
By the Grave of Butterflies
Alternate names:
- The Grave (All tribes, referencing death)
- The Lasting Breath (SkyWings)
Represents: Death, Rebirth
Worshipped by: SkyWings, IceWings
God's Court: Heartbeat of a Scavenger
Appearance: The least amorphous of the divine dragons, takes the form of unassuming and unaggressive animals such as prey animals, without appearing weak, delicate, gentle, but stocky and sturdy; covered in the wings of a delicate butterfly
Powers: Guides dragons to the afterlife, sees and communicates with spirits, freely roams the realms, killing touch
Behavior: By the Grave of Butterflies has become jaded and tired after the Wars of Pyrrhia and Pantala, seeing the worst side of dragons has not done very well of their perception of dragonkind, so they seem much colder and crueler than they actually are. They aren't an evil god, but they have seen so many evil things. In the end, they care so deeply about dragonkind, even if they continue to break its heart.
Droplets Upon the Grass
Alternate names:
- The Maelstrom (SeaWings, SkyWings)
- Discord (IceWings, NightWings)
Represents: Water, Air, Chaos
Worshipped by: SeaWings, LeafWings, SkyWings, SandWings
God's Court: The Bringer of Morning (formerly), Ever Reaching Light
Appearance: Serpentine, lean, whiskered, finned; inspires cartographers’ sea monster illustrations
Powers: Manipulation over water and air currents, influential powers over weather and the disasters they bring / summoning of catastrophic events, the ability to transform into a fluid state
Behavior: Unlike its head god, Droplets Upon the Grass is…dangerous. Unpredictable and deadly, it could go from being cordial and jubilant to striking a dragon dead. When a tornado hits, or a tsunami kills, this god is most likely pulling its strings. However, being in the council of Light means that Droplets is required to help dragons in return for their violent nature, bringing healing rains and helping dragons fly by holding them in air currents.
The Earth's Nursery
Alternate names: Mother Nature (MudWings)
Represents: Earth, Protection
Worshipped by: MudWings
God's Court: Dignation, Honor Upheld (formerly), Heartbeat of a Scavenger (formerly), Ever Reaching Light
Appearance: Some sort of large and round - like that of a brooding chicken - draconic being, curled around a red core; like a parent protecting their egg
Powers: Earth manipulation, natural armor, intense hardiness, reflexive shield summoning
Behavior: Gifted MudWings with armored scales and blood-red eggs. The Earth’s Nursery is one of the most loyal and dutiful gods of the Cosmogyral Pantheon, and the most judgemental towards dragonkind (besides Dignation, Honored Upheld itself) out of a type of parental concern for its denizens. The Earth’s Nursery can be stuck in their ways and a bit hard to converse with at times, but is very compassionate and easy for mortals to comprehend, especially from a parent’s point of view.
Eternal Inner Burning
Alternate names:
- Blood of the Covenant (all tribes)
- The Burning Spirit (SkyWings, SilkWings)
Represents: Fire, Blood, Muscle, Strength, Rebellion
Worshipped by: MudWings, SkyWings, SandWings, SilkWings
God's Court: Imperial, Oracle, Perception
Appearance: Dragon-like body with exposed muscle like that of an anatomy model, with glowing innards, like the inside of a furnace
Powers: Manipulation over fire and temperature, can enhance or diminish life forces of creature, enhance dragons’ strength
Behavior: Eternal Inner Burning found that dragon kind deserved a grand blessing, that of firebreath and inner fire that led them to never be satisfied, to thrive in hardship and enjoy themselves. This god acts suddenly and spontaneously, thinking very little about the consequences of their actions. They believe in the betterment of dragonkind and will gladly bend a rule or two for a loyal denizen.
Sunbursts Broken by the Sea
Alternate names:
- The sea (All tribes)
- The Poet (All tribes, artist circles)
Represents: Creativity, Abstraction
Worshipped by: SandWings, SkyWings, SeaWings, SilkWings
God's Court: The Bringer of Morning (formerly), Ever Reaching Light
Appearance: A sleek, aerodynamic dragon - like that of a dolphin - in the shape of water, with the reflection of suns and colors in its body; it sounds like the squeaks and chirps of dolphins
Powers: Ability to alter appearance / shape of surroundings, able to alter appearance of surroundings at will / shapeshifting, illusion creation
Behavior: This god is not one for small talk…not that it CAN talk. The only semblance of “speech” it has are the squeaks and whistles of cetaceans, and yet, the noises are very understandable. Just as the moons, the whims of Sunbursts Broken by the Sea are just as spontaneous. Mysterious and elusive, they are as meticulous in dealing with mortals as they are with crafting the world around them.
Promise of Good Deeds
Alternate names: The Promise (All tribes, relationship reference)
Represents: Prosperity, Bonds
Worshipped by: MudWings, SkyWings, HiveWings
God's Court: Dignation, Honor Upheld (formerly), The Bringer of Morning (formerly), Imperial, Oracle, Perception
Appearance: A constant slight smile; the figure of this god is draconic with multiple wings and a broad build with halo like disks swirling around them
Powers: Capable of emotion manipulation, breathing positive relationships to life, relaxing aura that lets down guard
Behavior: A pity that this god is one of bonds when its original council has been exiled for multiple reasons. This god refuses to act dishonestly or selfishly, using their powers with full discretion of those around it. There is a twinge of melancholy behind this god’s gentle and kind demeanor…
Mortal Followers
Satiated, Be at Peace
Alternate names:
- The Hearth Warmer (All tribes)
- Live, Laugh, Love (All tribes)
- Antlion (mortal name)
Represents: Feast, Health
Worshipped by: SeaWings, SandWings, SkyWings, IceWings, SilkWings, HiveWings
God's Court: Heartbeat of a Scavenger
Appearance: Boisterous, plump, and well-fed figure, constantly carrying food, draped in herbs, greenery, and vegetation that they lend to starving dragons in need
Powers: Acute knowledge of foods and their properties, healing and nourishing touch (able to give dragons full stomachs by touch / make them feel healthier)
Behavior: Rewarded dragons for not just surviving, but prospering, by teaching them how to make their food not only nourishing but enjoyable. Be at Peace is a generous and thoughtful god who speaks slowly with intent and holds the attention of all who listen, especially because they know the preferences of all its denizens. Satiated, Be at Peace is a popular god among the less privileged who find the treats of a prepared meal or candy as a blessing from Satiated itself.
History: Before dragons lived, they survived. Among the survivors was a demigod named Antlion, a child of Heartbeat of a Scavenger and a humble SandWing. While hunting proved to be a task in and of itself for most dragons, with the help of divine blood, Antlion found prey much more easily than other dragons, and had the opportunity to experiment. Cooking the meat, learning how to season it, pairing it with other foods, discovering the taste of salt, or the creation of cheese! Antlion prospered. But, Antlion wasn’t the only one, and traveled their whole life to find other dragons with ideas on how to enhance the taste of prey, and teach those who didn’t, generously using their skills of the hunt to feed hungry dragons and give to the needy. Upon their death, their parent, Heartbeat of a Scavenger, found that they had been more than gracious with their ability and allowed them to join their court as a god, seeing the benevolence in their heart and trusting them to use their enhanced life to do even more good to dragonkind. And good to dragonkind they would.
Rabbit's Foot, Not Quick Enough
Alternate names:
- Chance (all tribes)
- The Game Master (all tribes, creative communities)
- Charming (mortal name)
Represents: Luck, Mythology, Storytelling
Worshipped by: SeaWings, SkyWings, NightWings, RainWings
God's Court: Dignation, Honor Upheld (formerly), Heartbeat of a Scavenger
Appearance: Its appearance is like that of an ink drawing of a stick dragon, lanky and skinny; 2-D in form, yet a voice is heard, loud and clear as if it’s right in front of you…
Powers: Unnatural charisma, luck manipulation, influence over the real world via narration, shapeshifting into preexisting things
Behavior: Narrates the story of a mortal, as if reading the lines from a story book. More than often, the things they say that will happen will happen – all the while it narrates. It finds no greater joy than seeing the curious lives of mortals play out, and being able to “predict” each twist and turn
History: Before the age of scrolls and ink, all stories were told by word of mouth. A RainWing was a storyteller, so engrossing, so entertaining, dragons no longer feared the dark. Among the stories the RainWing, Charming, told, were the stories of the gods. Some of which explained the process of death and the travel a spirit went through, which comforted dragons when their end was near. This led to the god of death, By the Grave of Butterflies, to bestow godhood to the dragon upon their death. Charming used their powers to give dragons a way to explain the unknowable, and build up the following of not only themself, but the gods of the Cosmogyral Pantheon as a hole, dutifully serving the god who gave them the privilege of giving dragons the ability to come up with explanations to the unknowable.
Fragment of a Prophecy
Alternate names:
- The Curse (SkyWings)
- The Royal Blessing (IceWings)
- Talons of Power (SeaWings)
- The Darkstalker (NightWings)
Represents: Magic, Animus dragons
Worshipped by: IceWings, SeaWings, NightWings
God's Court: The Bringer of Morning (formerly), Imperial, Oracle, Perception
Appearance: While freely navigating the mortal realm, they constantly change their shape to be unrecognizable to the mortals they torment; when fulfilling their “volunteer duties” in the Celestial Haven, they drape themself modestly in robes, scarves, and other expensive finery. They keep the consistent body type of a smaller mortal dragon, as if they’re aged, weathered, with knobbly joints; they are short, and fragile, yet full of mischief to keep one on their toes; constantly wrapped in modest cloaks and fabrics which may contain its true form
Powers: Infinite manipulation over reality, grants animus abilities upon mortals at random
Behavior: Foppish and self assured, sees mortals as nothing but playthings to be amusing to gods; lived in hiding in the mortal realm from the gods to avoid punishment; now watches over the Celestial Haven for the Pantheon
History: There was a dragon born before the Scorching, one who was inexplicably born with the power to rival the gods. They spent their life altering reality to their whims for their own laughs and amusements. The gods had kept a close eye on them and the First Animus knew this. With immeasurable hubris, the animus thought they could prevent their own death by tricking the gods, and gave their gift to random dragons who they’d meet, just to cause a little more chaos for these gods to clean up. Playing a game of cat and mouse for centuries, the animus was finally apprehended and satiated by being given the status of godhood and control over reality, within the careful watch of The Bringer of Morning.
The Tacenda Pantheon
The Tacenda Pantheon is not a true pantheon. These gods were collectively banished into the Infernal Plane for being treacherous, power seeking, corrupted, and dangerous to mortal- and holykind alike. The Cosmogyral Pantheon believed that it would be a sufficient prison for them, in order to do no harm to mortals until they phased out of existence. But they survived and continued their gospel. Many do so by choosing or bringing about demigods into the world.
The Cosmogyral Pantheon is the only pantheon that can control the mortal realm. While the Tacenda Pantheon still exists and can interact with the mortal mind, they’re relatively powerless. As long as mortals believe in them, they will exist. However, much of the recent events in Pyrrhia and Pantala have caused a surge of power in the Tacenda Pantheon.
The gods of the infernal plane collect mortal and demigod spirits alike and corrupt them into monsters with exposure to the realm. This, alongside their twisted whispers and variety of influences, keep mortals from escaping.
From a Place of Love
Alternate names:
- Love (all tribes)
- Destiny (all tribes)
Type: Patron
Represents: Love, Infatuation
Worshipped by: SeaWings, IceWings, NightWings, SandWings, SilkWings, HiveWings, LeafWings
God's Court: Imperial, Oracle, Perception (formerly)
Appearance: Often takes the form of the mortal’s beloved. When found out for who they are, they have the form of an off-white beast - looking skin wrapped and streaked with visible veins, with a beating heart exposed in its chest; small for a god, but still towering and gargantuan for mortals
Powers: Emotion manipulation, empathetic capabilities, capable of dulling senses or reasoning; New abilities include: corruption, control over the hellscape, telepathy
Behavior: Talks very quietly, in a hushed whisper – gentle and sweet. No one knows if it’s a facade or not. More than often uses physical language, like gentle touches. Enjoys the company of mortals compared to the company of its divine brethren and once enjoyed teasing them no better than a younger sibling, but has since grown a distaste for their kind altogether.
Echo of Blood and Tears
Alternate names:
- The Sharpened Tooth / Claw (All tribes)
- The Final Arbiter (HiveWings)
- Silt (mortal name)
Type: Mortal
Represents: War, Conquest
Worshipped by: NightWings, HiveWings, SandWings
God's Court: Promise of Good Deeds (formerly), Imperial, Oracle, Perception (formerly)
Appearance: No matter where this God goes, a trail of bloody tracks are seen. Something wet with the scent of burnt metal is described when this God is in front of you…
Powers: Emotion manipulation, aura that heightens senses and tenses nerves, adept fighting skill, control over dragons (hivemind-like abilities)
Behavior: Will you die on the battlefield a hero? Or will you live long enough to be a villain? For Echo of Blood and Tears, well, they’ve become something deadlier. A malicious force that stands for war, they are needlessly unjust and cruel to the mortals that they plague.
History: The Scorching, a well-known historical moment, when dragons rose to power above the scavengers, had many heroes. Once upon a moon or two, Silt was just a common SandWing, a soldier, operating in the desert. They were strong, admirable in battle, with a smart head on their shoulders. When troops needed rallying, Silt was there, describing the glory of a battle well won. When a dragon had been scratched up by nasty scavengers, Silt would carry them back to nurse their wounds. They were what everyone had aspired to be, and they would’ve been a great leader, if it weren’t for their unfortunate demise at the paws of scavengers. Their actions would not go unheard of, however, when Imperial, Oracle, Perception had already granted them their blessing. The spoils of godstatus tempts the hearts of kind mortals, though… Did the war warp their heart at all? Maybe, but it was for the good of dragonkind, was it not? Could they know what to fight for? Could they know what was right? While Silt may have once remembered the serious implications of war, the lives it claimed, the desire to be remembered - to be held as a hero still - is intoxicating… What would Silt be willing to fight for, to cause simply to be remembered? Surely, it wouldn’t hurt the mortal plane to relish in the old battles of war…right? For the sake of the Scorching’s hero?
Dignation, Honor Upheld
Alternate names:
- Dragon Justice (All tribes)
- Dignity and Honor (All tribes)
Type: Divine
Represents: Power, Justice, Honor
Worshipped by: NightWings, IceWings, SkyWings
Appearance: Disproportionately tall, with limbs that are a bit too long and proportions that don’t fully look correct; their eyes, alongside their face, are not visible, and a scale rests upon the crane of its neck
Powers: Ability to change one's judgment/force a view onto another, able to manipulate the emotions and minds of dragon / capable of puppeteering dragons, intense hardiness
Behavior: Despite being the icon for justice, the great example of fairness and just desserts, Dignation has become bitter towards not just the gods who banished them, but towards the mortals for being completely ignorant about such a cruelness. While Dignation once had the most noble of intentions, and tried to correct mortals who skewed their words for self-self serving devices, they themself have become self-serving and selfish, willing to let great tragedies slide unapologized for if they were to see fit. Tread carefully in this god’s presence, for now the only one who is capable of calming their aggression is From a Place of Love.
Ice Upon Ice, the Chill Quickens
Alternate names: Great Ice Dragon (IceWings)
Type: Patron
Represents: Ice, Nobility
Worshipped by: IceWings
God's Court: Dignation, Honor Upheld (formerly), Ever Reaching Light (formerly)
Appearance: It has a hulking, slumped forward form made out of teeth and scales – resembling icicles – and is constantly emitting freezing temperatures; it has the likeness of a polar bear, with bulky limbs and a hunched pair of shoulders, and a wolf, with a tapering snout and lean body
Powers: Temperature manipulation, elemental resistance, assigns divine right to rule, killing touch
Behavior: While Eternal Inner Burning gave most dragons the ability to breathe fire and survive in the face of hardships, Ice Upon Ice saw it fit to give a certain tribe an advantage no other can withstand. The gift of being Ice. Unwavering, unbreakable, untouchable, they gave IceWings their ice as an unwelcoming weapon to protect IceWingkind, but taught dragonkind that they must be able to adapt (to the coldness of the world) or perish as punishment.
Eighteen Chimes, the Bell Has Rung
Alternate names: Conch (mortal name)
Type: Mortal
Represents: Sound, Music
Worshipped by: SandWings, SkyWings
God's Court: Heartbeat of a Scavenger (formerly)
Appearance: Almost resembles what her mortal form looked like - a long, elegant, traditionally beautiful SeaWing - but with a head made of glowing light. The sound of bells and chimes fill the air when she’s near
Powers: Siren song / hypnotic voice, ability to make extremely loud noises (damaging), or exceedingly quiet sounds, musical prowess and manipulation, attuned hearing
Behavior: Supposedly unbothered by the belief of mortals, Eighteen Chimes, the Bell Has Rung occasionally will bless the mortal plane when she feels her end is nearing. Cares not what happens to her gift, so long as the inevitable is prolonged.
History: Before there was Eighteen Chimes, there was only one, and her name was Conch. She had a singing voice that could attract the birds and put them to shame, in one fell warble. The way her singing attracted crowds, had also managed to attract Heartbeat of a Scavenger. The god was so enamored by a mortal whose voice was sweeter than ambrosia, whose passion shone just as bright as the gods themselves. Once Conch passed, she was granted a boon by Heartbeat of a Scavenger, to be a mortal god in their court. However, the taste of a god’s privilege proved to be too much, and, in fear of passing away, did everything in her power to be remembered. That is, before the gods shot her down.
Early Dragon Societies
- At this point, dragon societies are small, isolated groups. Dragons are fully sentient, but have not formed sophisticated civilizations, written language, technology, etc.
- The Divine Leaders are born as religion develops in the early dragon communities. These are rather universally shared beliefs, based on the Moons (Imperial, Oracle, Perception), Sun (Bringer of Morning), the natural world (Heartbeat of a Scavenger), and other dragons (Dignation, Honor Upheld).
Development of Society
- Before the Scorching, dragons were beginning to form their own civilizations. These were small and underdeveloped but allowed for the beginning of what would become the tribes.
- In doing this, dragons are seeking comfort from one another. But as they build larger groups to guard and protect, they become more distrustful towards other members of their kind.
- Elemental based gods are born, as dragons attempt to justify their elemental powers. Droplets Upon the Grass, The Earth’s Nursery, Eternal Inner Burning, and Ice Upon Ice, The Chill Quickens are born.
- From a Place of Love is born as dragons become more of a secure species. Dragons are able to have life-long bonds with one another and have slightly smaller clutches in which they can focus on the wellbeing of their dragonets
Scorching Era ~0 AS
- Scavengers, as the dominant species on the planet, have grown comfortable enough in their position of power to attempt to steal dragon eggs and raise them as weapons of war.
- Dragons resist this. In their uprising, Echo of Blood and Tears is born as they are able to become the world’s new dominant race and overthrow scavengers.
- Dragons organize into unique tribes, based on their preferred environments, abilities, and appearances. Ice Upon Ice, the Chill Quickens, decides which dragons have its divine right to rule. It takes particular favor toward the IceWing tribe.
- Now that dragons have become the most dominant species and their society solidifies. They become much more afraid of death, which is personified into the god By the Grave of Butterflies. Stories of which are crafted to make dragons unafraid of death, as it is a necessary part of life.
Emergence of Distinctive Cultures
- Survival becomes an expectation, not an exception. As a result, dragons are able to indulge in the arts, allowing the gods of self expression to be born.
- The main god of creativity is born as Sunbursts Broken by the Sea.
- Conch, a SeaWing dragoness, is recognized by the Heartbeat of a Scavenger and is reborn as Eighteen Chimes, the Bell Has Rung, the mortal god of music.
- Antlion, a SandWing dragon, child of Heartbeat of a Scavenger, puts their life into helping dragons feed themselves and teaching them how to make food more delicious. When they die, they are reborn as the mortal god, Satiated, Be at Peace.
- Charming, a RainWing dragon, comes up with stories that are still regarded as popular wives’ tales and fairy tales. Their stories which demystify death and portray them as a kind god catches By The Grave of Butterfly’s attention, who ask their headgod to allow them to be the mortal god, Rabbit’s Foot, Not Quick Enough after death.
Philosophy and Animus Magic’s Debut
- The first animus dragon is born. They believe themself more powerful than the gods and use their magic to escape the natural cycle of life and death. This begins a rivalry that lasts a few hundred years.
- When they are finally apprehended by the gods, they debate an appropriate punishment for disrupting the mortals and disturbing the gods. Ice Upon Ice, The Chill Quickens express that there might be a benefit in allowing this being to continue to exist. Perhaps under the gods’ supervision among their ranks.
- And so, Fragment of a Prophecy is born (with much convincing) and in return, Fragment of a Prophecy blesses multiple IceWings with a magic similar to their own, which eventually is centralized into the royal family.
- However, Fragment of a Prophecy still brings a few animus dragons into existence every so often, most notably in the SkyWing, SandWing, and SeaWing kingdoms.
- From a Place of Love begins abusing their power. At first, their romantic intrusion focused on mortal dragons. Binding dragons into eternal soulmates here, driving dragons mad over unrequited love there.
- However, then the god began to tease the gods themselves. Demigods were not unheard of, as thus, it was not uncommon for gods to grow attachments towards mortals. But Love began to make deities grow more intense feelings towards mortals. Which left them inconsolable for years, feeling the grief of a mortal dragon tenfold after their loved ones' deaths. Not to mention, a plethora of new dragonets they had to worry about, with godly power being let loose into the world which was easy to abuse.
- But even this didn’t finish amusing Love, who attempted to seduce the gods into falling in love with them. The gods formally announced that the god had crossed a line. The Moons had been the ones to banish them into the newly discovered Infernal Plane. The mortals of Pyrrhia and Pantala were none the wiser. The gods were shocked to discover this previously unknown third realm.
- Ever since Love’s banishment, mortals (and especially demigods) have disappeared into the Infernal Realm. In an attempt to show what they gave the Cosmogyral Pantheon was being taken for granted. That Love would take in that which the Cosmogyral Gods were allegedly ashamed of.
BeetleWing and LeafWing Emigration ~2,000 AS
- The BeetleWings and LeafWings leave Pyrrhia and settle in Pantala.
Darkstalker’s Reckoning ~3,000 AS
- Fragment of a Prophecy’s divine pranks on dragonkind are felt. Their distribution of powers are starting to get noticed. At this point, IceWing nobility having animus magic is commonplace. SkyWings have already established their fear towards animus magic.
- The SeaWing Massacre makes the gods question if these powers should still be allowed to have such free reign over the world.
- The outcome of Albatross of the SeaWings was just the tip of the iceberg. When Fragment of a Prophecy observed Prince Arctic and Foeslayer bear two eggs, they decided to bless one of these dragonets long before it would hatch. They kept a close eye on the dragonet, later named Darkstalker, and they were deeply amused to see that the Moons had also blessed him with a silver egg.
- Darkstalker’s name goes down in history as the dragon who destroyed the sprawling NightWing kingdom. Fragment of a Prophecy deeply enjoyed the show, but as a result, the gods scowl upon them. Promising them punishment.
- Fragment of a Prophecy hides from the Cosmogyral Pantheon for centuries to avoid punishment. Now having the practice and inside knowledge on where they cannot see.
- Ice Upon Ice, the Chill Quickens is furious with the development of Darkstalker’s Reckoning. It threatens to escalate the bloodshed and violence if the other animus mortals aren’t immediately purged from the planet.
- For directly threatening the dragons of Pyrrhia, Imperial, Oracle, and Perception banish the god to the Infernal Realm.
- Dignation, Honor Upheld stands up for Ice Upon Ice, claiming their banishment unfair and unwarranted. As a result, the Moons banish them as well.
Clearsight’s Arrival ~3,010 AS
- The partner of Darkstalker, Clearsight (another dragon blessed by Imperial, Oracle, and Perception), arrives on Pantala with the intention to escape her old life. She attempts to live quietly and peacefully, but the curious tribes of Pantala ask questions and learn about the culture and religion of Pyrrhia.
- Clearsight becomes a deific figure after her death - though, recognized only by the tribes of Pantala and not formally by the Cosmogyral Pantheon - and becomes the Pantalan interpretation of Imperial, Oracle, and Perception. The interpretations between Pyrrhian and Pantalan religion became very similar after Clearsight’s influence, however.
Tree Wars ~4,950 AS
- The HiveWings use Clearsight’s name to justify annexing the SilkWing and LeafWing kingdoms. When the LeafWings refuse, the Tree Wars take place, killing hundreds upon thousands of LeafWings and chasing them into the Poison Jungle, as well as destroying the ecosystem. This comes with the destruction of LeafWing civilizations and places of worship. LeafWings lose their faith in their primary god, Bringer of Morning, as well as any resources in which they would worship with.
- Just around this time is when RainWings become overly lax on archiving their history and traditions. Their oral history fades from recent memory and they begin to live more lackadaisical lives.
- Bringer of Morning slowly but quite suddenly dies, shocking every god who hears the news. Now there are only two divine gods in the Cosmogyral Pantheon. Heartbeat of a Scavenger and the Moons.
- Without their head god, Sunbursts Broken by the Sea grows noticeably weaker. In general, the tribes are entering a period of depression. Their cultures are weakening and are struggling to find their footing.
- The gods who suffer from this include Satiated, be at Peace, Rabbit’s Foot, Not Quick Enough, and Eighteen Chimes, the Bell has Rung.
- Eighteen Chimes reacts to this period of time by giving hundreds of gifts to mortals, including blessed objects and blessed children. She brought about these dragonets with little regard for the family or what would happen after they were born, just as long as she stayed alive and she was remembered.
- She is banished for this for the irresponsible nature of not prioritizing the protection of the dragons of Pyrrhia and Pantala. Her actions are seen as selfish as opposed to trying to bring about cultural revival, which is how she attempted to defend herself.
SandWing War Begins ~4,994 AS
- The events of the SandWing War of Succession were seen as a time of great uncertainty, between mortals and gods. The only stake that the gods had at play was that wartime meant some “irrelevant” gods may weaken or die or that there were demigod dragonets being drafted and exploited for their powers. Not unlike Peril of the SkyWings (blessed by Eternal Inner Burning) and Prince Turtle and Princess Anemone of the SeaWings (blessed by Fragment of a Prophecy).
- However, Echo of Blood and Tears seemed to relish in a war of this scale. While the previous continental war of Pantala was much smaller, it still resulted in the near extinction of an entire tribe. One that almost cemented its existence for another few thousand years.
- This war was at such a scale that Echo seemed unable to keep from getting out of hand. But… it almost seemed eager for it to happen.
- That is when the gods decided to banish the god of warfare. They hoped that the god would be unable to worsen the situation from the Infernal Plane.
Second Brightest Night ~5,012 AS
- Fortunately, the war did end, an eternity to mortals and a blink to gods, but far too long all the same. Queen Thorn was named the leader of the SandWings and Princess Burn and Blister perished, leaving Blaze alive. Decided by a trinket enchanted by one of Fragment of a Prophecy’s offspring generations ago.
- However, leading up to the ending of the war was the appearance of a comet that the Moons were wary about. It saw the comet coming but it could not figure out whether it was a good or bad omen upon dragonkind.
- The Comet shined as bright as one of the moons, deeming the ending of the war “the Second Brightest Night", however its presence was like that of another sun. To dragonkind, perhaps it was an omen that the god of the Sun was watching over them again.
- RainWings and LeafWings had something of a cultural revival. The product of which was the new sun god being born. Ever Reaching Light. Reinterpreted as a being that has always been around, but was forgotten for generations, and shall not be forgotten again.
- The arrival of a new god shocked the Cosmogyral Pantheon, but it was a welcomed surprise as they welcomed the newest god into their pantheon.
Darkstalker’s Second Appearance and the Leafsilk Uprising ~5,013 AS
- So basically the gods were so tripped up on the events of the books that they just decided not to do anything during the years that Darkstalker came back and the LeafWings and SilkWings overthrew the Othermind.
- AKA there is one being the gods fear more than anything: Tui T. Sutherland
- AKA AKA seb and marty haven’t read the third arc yet and that’s a can of worms that doesn’t seem relevant enough for this project to read 5 books for at the moment!
The Celestial Haven’s Creation
- AKA the threshold between canon and fanon events!
- Takes place an ambiguous time after the events of the books, where things have settled down and relatively similar to the structure of things post-wars.
- The Cosmogyral Pantheon begins to realize that the Tacenda Pantheon has grown extremely powerful during their years of containment. While they assumed that these gods would eventually be forgotten, the war, ideas of justice, forbidden love, questions about nobility, and now, in the era of peace, the revival of musical expression has allowed these gods to thrive.
- Fragment of a Prophecy is captured after being weakened by Jerboa III’s spell to destroy the current animus magic in the world. It is a spell that doesn’t destroy a god’s power, of course, but it is surprised and shaken at the majority of their earthly attachments being erased so suddenly.
- The Cosmogyral Pantheon debate what should be done as punishment for the misdoings of Fragment of a Prophecy, especially after Darkstalker was able to wreak havoc on the world for a second time.
- The Moons then decide the best course of action is to focus their energy on protecting what they have left. They command Fragment of a Prophecy to create a safe haven for Celestial children. Each existing god in the Cosmogyral Pantheon contributes their own areas of expertise into it, making it a perfect place to live regardless of tribe.
- Fragment of a Prophecy is instructed to be the primary guard, or counselor, of the dragons they will place in the newly founded Celestial Haven.
- The gods then seek out their demigod children. Picking out the ones they deem most responsible and well adjusted to their lives to guide and to lead the Celestial Haven to success. The dragons that agree to help with the Celestial Haven are titled counselors.
- After acquainting themselves with the Haven, the counselors seek out their siblings and godly cousins. The gods assist in bringing dragonets to the Haven through dreams, messages, and omens.
- Dragonets enter the Celestial Haven and are then sent to their new dormitories for a rest. When they awake, no time has passed for them but in the real world has allowed the counselors enough time to bring about the “first wave” of dragonets to introduce them all to the camp.
- From then on, the Celestial Haven is open to any willing demigods who are interested in attending, and being trained on how to protect themselves from the Tacenda Pantheon.
Because no god's appearance is set in stone and no two communities have the same vision for their deities.
Feel free to contribute to the gallery if you have your own drawings of these characters!