The Celestial Haven
The Celestial Haven and Celestial Pantheon were created by Mel and Sebastion!
This page was coded by Sebastion with great help from Himmalerin and design inspiration from Mel!
This project was greatly inspired by Gin Chi Sanctuary.
Divine entities that control and protect elements of the universe; exist based on belief, some more so than others; they can project smaller versions of themselves into other realms depending on how powerful they are. These "projections" are comprehensible by mortals, unlike their true forms, and are how deities spread messages or create demigods.- Divine leaders - Gods who came into creation by the force of another god or divine power alone; they don’t need dragons to believe in them to exist; they can project multiple versions of themselves onto the mortal realm
- Patron followers - Gods who came into creation by dragons’ belief in them and exist based on the fidelity of their worshippers; they can project fewer versions of themselves onto the mortal realm; they work under the council of the Divine god they belong to
- Mortal followers - Gods who were once mortals and were then blessed with heavenly powers given by a God, often to join their side when their mortal body perishes; they can project fewer versions of themselves onto the mortal realm; they work under the council of the Divine god they belong to
Half-divine / Half-mortal entities that may inherit divine powers from deities, attract monsters, and have been part of dragon history for centuries- Spawned demigods - Demigods who are the offspring of a mortal and a god; typical understanding of demigods; bio kids!
- Chosen demigods - Demigods who were created after being blessed or cursed with a gift without being genetically related to a god; honorary kids!
- Monsters - Also known as “fallen demigods”, these poor souls were demigods who’ve succumbed to the Tacenda Pantheon. They’ve been twisted into wretched beasts of tremendous strength, but with half a mind.
Places in the universe inhabited by mortals, monsters, or divine beings- Plane of the Cosmos - The primary domain of the Cosmogyral Pantheon. Made up of stardust and dreamscape, divine and patron deities appear here once their following has been founded. Dragons that believe in the afterlife will appear in this realm under the rule of the deities.
- Mortal Plane / Earth - The domain of the living and perishable. Includes the continents Pyrrhia and Pantala and the tangible universe they inhabit. Gods have access to the mortal plane but often need permission from the divine god they council under.
- Infernal Plane - The equivalent of Hell and the domain of the Tacenda Pantheon. Physically connected to the Mortal Plane with multiple passageways connected to it. These passageways are said to be under the IceWing waters, in the densest reaches of the rainforest, and the volcano of the NightWing island. Monsters can escape from it but gods and damned mortals are trapped inside.
- The Celestial Haven - A pocket dimension created by the Fragment of A Prophecy to protect and train demigods. Made up of tangible earth from the Mortal Plane with plenty of stardust embedded in the seams to protect it from being accessible to the average mortal. The Haven is accessible from Pyrrhia and Pantala and one can only enter it with a guide. Monsters and mortals are capable of entering the Haven.
A pocket dimension created by the Fragment of A Prophecy to protect and train demigods. Made up of tangible earth from the Mortal Plane with plenty of stardust embedded in the seams to protect it from being accessible to the average mortal. The Haven is accessible from Pyrrhia and Pantala and one can only enter it with a guide. But beware, as monsters and mortals are still capable of entering the Haven.
What is the Celestial Haven and Why Does it Exist?
After so many world catastrophes - such as the War of SandWing Succession, the rise of Darkstalker, and the Leafsilk Uprising - happening so closely to one another, the Cosmogyral Pantheon took heavy hits, losing one of their most powerful deities, the God of Sun, to the loss of cultures.
While demigods have always existed, with their talons influencing many historical events in Pyrrhian and Pantalan history, they are important to the heavens now more than ever. Demigods help anchor their divine parent’s attachment to this world which allows them to exist.
The Tacenda Pantheon has been growing in power as a result of unrest in the world. While the Cosmogyral Pantheon were assured that the Infernal Plane was a safe prison, their continued followings and increasing army of monsters have turned them into a threat against the Cosmogyral Pantheon and the mortal realm.
To protect Demigods from monsters and the Tacenda Pantheon, the Cosmogyral Pantheon forced Fragment of a Prophecy to create the Celestial Haven, in the hopes they can protect and train the demigods that reside there, in the case of a war breaking out between the heavens and hell.
Seemingly an island, the camp has plenty of earth, water, and air for demigods to comfortably live together. With trees filled with ripe fruit and plentiful, plump game, pristine water, and gifts from the gods – such as snacks and tools – many demigods find comfort in the strange realm.
While at first seeming like a tropical island, the biomes simply aren’t like any other on Pyrrhia or Pantala. There are unique divine plants and animals: prey tend to have multiple eyes or wings – a rabbit may have antlers, an iguana may breathe fire. There are floating chunks of earth that can be difficult for the average demigod to adapt to after living in the mortal world, but make for lovely picnic spots or places to get a view of the Haven.
The further away a demigod moves from the heart of camp, the less “realistic” it becomes. The overall feeling of the Haven is liminal – familiar while being unfamiliar at the same time.
Now that they live here, the demigods need a place to stay! There are two sets of dormitories: the Cosmogyral Cabins, and the Tacenda Cabin.
Each god from the Cosmogyral Pantheon has a cabin, with the Divine Leaders having the most regal of decor. The cabins are decorated like formal churches on the outside, because they function as shrines for their gods. On the insides, they have all the necessary facilities of a home.
Fragment of a Prophecy, the only god with permanent residence in the Celestial Haven, lives in the attic of their own cabin. Very few know how to access the attic, nor what is held inside.
However, Tacenda demigods are housed in a singular building. There are no shrines of worship set up for the gods of their pantheon, but they’re not against the rules. The Cosmogyral gods worried what assembly of individuals directly related to the opposing pantheon would do with their budding powers, or even for their unholy parents’, and didn’t want to risk anything.
The gods have much more knowledge than any mortal library could ever have. Fortunately, they’re willing to share (most of) this knowledge with their dragonets.
The library consists of holy texts, secrets to the universe, and all of the popular authors of the mortal world. Most of the less accurate sections are labeled with the inaccuracies – gods forbid their children are ignorant in their care.
These rooms have all the necessary utilities and the resources for more. History, biology, math, languages, sparring lessons, and responsible tribal power lessons are all of the familiar lessons to the campers. But there are also lessons on religious history, power training, and ethics lessons!
When school is not in session, which is typically between morning and noon on most days, the buildings are open for a variety of student held clubs and activities. These include the debate, art, theater, track and field, scroll/book clubs, exploring, and cultural exchange clubs! Clubs are open to create, and will be added if they’re suggested!
Pantries and Mess Hall
The one closer to the dock and lake stores the meat on the island. The meat on the island is enchanted to fill itself, if asked, but as the Haven becomes populated, bored demigods are allowed to stock it with their own catches that they don’t feel inclined to eat.
The pantry further from the water is the non-meat store. This has plant matter, crops, and a variety of other delicacies. Once again, this is also enchanted to fill itself and tends to be the victim of student lead raids.
The mess hall is across from the pantries and has enough room to comfortably seat the entire population of the haven. Meal times are scheduled and the hall is open for congregation at any point.
Amphitheater / Entrance
The amphitheater works as a place for meetings, memos, and camper assembled plays!
Training Grounds
Recreational Area
How Do You Get to the Haven?
Having the God of Magic definitely makes tracking down the scattered demigods of Pyrrhia and Pantala a tad easier.
Camp counselors not only run the camp and keep things organized, but will go on exhibitions around Pyrrhia and Pantala every so often in order to find demigods – whether they’re in need, in danger, or could use the comfort and security of camp. Demigods, of course, can decline; leaving the comfort of their home may be a burden they don’t want to bear, and being a demigod alone in the Mortal Plane isn’t dangerous – so long as they’re aware of malevolent forces that seek demigods out. Those who wish to stay with the mortals are warned of the Tacenda Pantheon and monsters who may seek out their souls as well.
However, when it comes to the details, all counselors are given assistance from Fragment of a Prophecy. Afterall, all magical objects want to be found! Fragment gives them either an enchanted object or enchants the counselor themselves to have the intuition to track down demigods. (Most counselors opt for an enchanted object, as they’re typically more accurate, and few dragons trust Fragment enough to tamper with their selves.) Fragment’s enchantments cannot be overwritten by the gods or their animus children, so they tend to be reliable and effective.
When the counselor encounters a demigod, they will explain who they are, where they come from, and why they’re inviting them to the Celestial Haven: because they’re a demigod. Counselors are not able to identify which god they belong to based on these objects alone, but their powers, history, or the God’s word themself (if they’re willing to speak up) can help with that leg of the journey.
To get back to the camp, these enchanted objects are also able to open a passageway back to The Celestial Haven, which is another reason why most counselors opt for a physical object rather than being enchanted themselves. Frankly, Fragment may have just offered this as an option to mess with the demigods they watch over!
Camp Life
Demigods live in one of two places.
If they belong to the Cosmogyral Pantheon, each of their parents has a shrine, decorated ornately with natural and unnatural (magically sourced) resources from the mortal realm and the Plane of the Cosmos. These are each themed with their respective god’s icons. Each has at least one altar dedicated to their god. These dwellings are spacious, have multiple rooms, leaving most campers with at least one roommate, with a living area and space for them to do their own things.
The gods of the shrine may leave gifts for their offspring in their shrines, to indicate acknowledgement and care for them.
If the demigod belongs to the Tacenda Pantheon, their living conditions are a little less glamorous.
Instead of shrines, the single building for the Tacenda Gods is more generic. They still have all of the accommodations, but there tend to be less rooms, a more shared sleeping space, and a more open floor plan that leaves a little bit less room for privacy.
As a result of this difference in living spaces, along with the whispers of war between the heavens, there is animosity between the children of the two Pantheons in the camp. However, this doesn’t stop friendships from being formed and the camp is meant to protect all demigods. Counselors will not tolerate discriminatory behavior.
All denizens of the Celestial Haven are assigned chores and duties to maintaining their lifestyles. While having a magical counselor is convenient, you could call Fragment of a Prophecy a tad lazy and reluctant to contribute to the community.
As a result, it’s up to the campers to collect water to bring to their dorms or other necessary buildings. Fortunately, the waters of the Celestial Haven are drinkable regardless of filtration.
Campers are also given the opportunity to fill the pantries with fresh prey which will stay fresh until meal times.
Cleaning is also an important task assigned to the dragons here, at least in the residential areas. Messes don’t really matter the further out of the settlement one is, but out of respect for Fragment, campers are asked to keep the island as tidy as possible.
Not all of the demigods may come from areas where education was necessarily accessible to them. Fortunately, all dragons are allowed to attend the assigned schooling that is provided in the Celestial Haven.
Dragonets under the age of 7 are required to attend classes. Dragons over the age of 7 are required to test out of the mandatory classes.
All classes are taught by a projection of Imperial, Oracle, and Perception. As the god who has infinite knowledge of the universe, they were deemed the best teacher for the dragonets. The Moons begin their lessons at their scheduled times on their scheduled dates regardless of how many students are in attendance. In their “off-hours,” a student can request for a lesson to be repeated at any time.
Classes include:
- History
- Biology
- Math
- Languages
- Sparring
- Responsible Tribal Abilities
- Religious History
- Responsible Divine Abilities
- Ethics
The adults who keep the camp from tearing itself apart! These are demigods who have their god’s favor or were assigned to protect and take care of the Haven based on the Cosmogyral’s commands. Counselors are also responsible for finding and bringing back demigods from the Mortal Realm.
Individuals must be given blessing by the Cosmogyral Pantheon in order to count as a Counselor. Adults are not automatically considered counselors.
These counselors include:
- Fragment of a Prophecy (Fragment) - Divine God of Magic
- Iliad - Spawned demigod of By the Grave of Butterflies
- Ersatz - Gifted demigod of Sunbursts Broken by the Sea
- Figure Eight - Spawned demigod of Fragment of a Prophecy
While the typical demigod that is recruited tends to be a child or young adult, demigods have existed for centuries. They can be any age, tribe, and any walk of life. As the Celestial Haven has only existed for a short period of time, there are no "long term" residents of the Celestial Haven.
Demigods can either be spawned or chosen (or, very rarely, both) by a certain god. Often times, demigods aren't even aware of their heritage - very few gods reach out to their offspring if they're not already a part of their life - and will often be in denial if the news has been sprung upon them.
No demigod is forced to live in the Celestial Haven (aside from a few exceptions such as Ersatz). Demigods are fully allowed to continue living in the mortal realm. However, they run the risk of being attacked by the forces of the Tacenda Pantheon, a fact that they are given, should they decline the offer to live in The Celestial Haven. The Celestial Haven isn't a flawless safezone, but much less accessible to the Tacenda Pantheon.