Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


Catnip is a non-binary, 9-year-old LeafWing, best friend to Silkweaver and Silver Fern.


Catnip’s mother lost her egg in the forests of Pantala while she was fleeing the continent. Therefore, Catnip hatched alone and scared, and nearly starved until Silkweaver’s mother, , who had a dragonet at that time herself, took Catnip in. They grew up in the LeafSilk Kingdom and became friends with Silkweaver, their adoptive brother. Soon after, Silver Fern was attacked and Catnip witnessed the whole thing. They saved Silvie. They now spend their days taking care of Silvie with Silkweaver.


Catnip is calm, reserved, and respectable. They don’t speak that much. They don’t enjoy wild parties or events. They’d much rather be with Silvie at home, reading or drawing.



Powers and Abilities



Silver Fern, positive

As Silv’s sole caretaker and best friend, they love Silv. They really do, but… but nothing. To be with Silv makes them happy- happier than they ever feel with their boyfriend, Acacia.

Silkweaver, positive

Silkweaver is a good friend of Catnip and also Silv’s other caretaker. They enjoy Silkweaver’s creative and artistic personality, but oh, they wished he would just take it easy for a minute.

Acacia, neutral

Acacia is Catnip’s boyfriend, but he disrespects them and Silv. Catnip wants to break up but can never find the words to tell him.


  • They know Silv has a crush on them because of one time Silv was drunk on some weird tree sap and Silv doesn’t remember a thing
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