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- A Thousand Names
- A.S.H
- Aaravos
- Aardwolf (Seashell)
- Abispa (Ice)
- Absolute Xero
- Abyss
- Abyss (Emi teh-foxdoge's)
- Abyssal
- Acai The Leafwing (dragoncat)
- Acanthus
- Achiote
- Achristos
- Achromatic (Angel)
- Acleris
- Aconite (SupernovaSwirls137)
- Aconna
- Acorn
- Acrobat
- Adder-Onyx
- Adonis
- Adori
- Aegean ( Storm )
- Aerie
- Aerie (Jae)
- Aethon
- Afreet
- Afterparty
- Agathina
- Ahkmenrah
- Aibe
- Ailanthus (Luna)
- AIt 3gº:$hr0ºm Th3 @Ndr0!D
- Aithali
- Akhal-Teke
- Alarm
- Album
- Alchemy
- Alexandrite (WhenSnowFalls)
- Alight
- Alligator
- Allseer
- Alphys
- Alstroemeria
- Altered (EDRReal)
- Alum
- Alvarez
- Amalgamate (MTR)
- Amaruq
- Ammil
- Ampere (Twilight)
- Anarkos
- Angel of Clearsight
- Anglerfish
- Ani
- Anima (Kittyluvver)
- Anthelion
- Anthophobia (SharkbyteZ)
- Antumbra
- Anuke the Tribeless Dragon
- Apple (Epi)
- Apricot (Fear)
- Arachnophobia
- Arancio (RainWing)
- Arashi
- Arcane
- Archelon
- Arctic
- Arizona
- Arrogance
- Arrowhead
- Arson (Ahren)
- Arson (Antartica)
- Arsonmaker
- Artemis
- Artemis (Snow)
- Asagi
- Asbeel
- Ascend
- Asherah
- Ashfall
- Asiatic
- Asmodeus
- Astalos
- Aster.
- Astro JTGW
- Astrophile
- Astrophilia
- Asuga
- Ataraxia
- Atticus (Willowlupa)
- Attis
- Aubergine
- Audit (MC AU)
- Auklet (Sebverse)
- Aurelia (FrenchBreadDragon4)
- Aurelia Aurita
- Aurora (Seashell)
- Aurora the Night / Rain
- Autumn
- Autumn (Dragon)
- Averill
- Avett
- Awe
- Axo
- Axolotl
- Axolotl (Snow)
- Ay
- Baby Blue
- Badger
- Bagel
- Bane
- Barb (Doggo)
- Bard of the Snowkissed Tundra
- Basil
- Basil (Eden)
- Basil 🗿
- Basilisk
- Basilisk (Iceshadow84)
- Bastie
- Bat
- Batis
- Bauble
- Beast
- Beau
- Bee
- Bee (Snow)
- Belgica
- Bell
- User blog:Bellatherainseahybrid/idek like character info
- Bembicini
- Bermuda
- Berry
- Bhavish
- Birthday
- Bison-Opal
- Bive
- Blackmore
- Blackout (Diablo.)
- Blazing Star
- Bleach
- Blink
- Bloodstone
- Bloom
- Bluebeard
- Bluebottle (Jack)
- Blueflame
- Bluegill (🔪)
- Bluegrass
- Blush
- Bonereader
- Bookworm
- Boxwood
- Brasilia (Flag OC Contest Entry)
- Break
- Bubblepop
- BubbleWisp
- Buck (Candy Contest)