- Males
- This category is for all male characters.
- Females
- This category is for all female characters.
- Non-binary
- This category is for all characters who aren't male or female.
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- A N G E L
- Aardwolf
- Abomination
- Above
- Absolute Xero
- Abyss (Dragonlove28)
- Abyss (Kraken)
- Abyss (MDAU)
- Abyss (PM)
- Abyss the Sea/Nightwing
- Abyssbreaker
- Acacia the Sandwing
- Acadian
- Acajou
- Accentor
- Ace (QueenPeril)
- Acer
- Achelous (ToP)
- Acid
- Acinonyx (Game of Dragons)
- Acorn (Tuck)
- Actias (SaltyShaker)
- Adart
- Adder
- Adderclaw (Adder)
- Adderclaw the SeaWing NightWing SandWing tribrid
- Admiral the SeaWing
- Adolescence
- Adonis
- Adonis (Oceanshell)
- Adonis.
- Adrenaline
- Aegletes
- Aegolius
- Aeolian
- Aeolis
- Aeolus
- Aera
- Aesculapian
- Aesthetic
- Aestus
- Africa (SS)
- Aha ha
- Aiden
- Aiko
- Ailanthus
- Airbender
- Airdrop
- Airflight
- Akane
- Akeek
- Alaska the Icewing (LionessTheNightwing)
- Alastor
- Alazaïs
- Albatross
- Albino ( Whitemoon )
- Alder
- Alder (KV)
- Alec
- Aleksander
- Alendor
- Alex
- Algae (Emberflame1122)
- Algae the Hybrid
- Allargentum
- Alles
- Alligator (HTTYWOF)
- Alligator (Willowlupa)
- Allknower
- Allseer
- Allseer(VanquishedHydra4844)
- Allum
- Alluvium
- Almaqah
- Almond(Cactussandwing)
- Aloe and Vera
- Alpenglow
- Alpine (Overcast Skies)
- Altum
- Amaruq
- Ambrosio
- Americanus, Maritimus, Arctmus, and Melanoleuca!
- Amethyst (Ameythst)
- Ammil
- Ampere
- Amphithere
- Amun Sky-seer
- Amur
- Anafi
- Anangorisis
- Anankos
- Anchovy
- Andes
- Andesitecarver
- Angelonia (Verglas)
- Angelstone
- Anglerfish (Spirit978)
- Angora
- Anguis
- Animal
- Ankole
- Anmit
- Annulet
- Anobii
- Anodyne
- Anseres
- Ant (TheSilkWingCakes)
- Anteater.
- Antelope
- Antelope (Icestar)
- Anthias (LLH)
- Anthony
- Anthurium
- Antlion (RandomWeirdoDragon)
- Antlion (Shadeblue)
- Antlion the SandWing
- Antman
- Anubis.
- Anyonmous
- Apache
- Apatura
- Apature
- Aperture (Six-below)
- Aphelion
- Aphotic
- Apidea (WOB)
- Apocalypse Seer
- Apoica
- Apollo (Sparrow)
- Apollo (Starscatter)
- Apollo and Artemis
- Apophis Chaos
- Apple (Epi)
- Appledusk
- Applemint
- Apus
- Aqua the seawing
- Aqualon