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- A R C U S
- Abispa (Twilight)
- Absolute Xero
- Absolute Zero
- Absolute Zero (Abby)
- Achristos
- Achromatic (Angel)
- Acuity
- Adelie
- Adonis
- Adrenaline the IceWing (Avalanche-The-IceWing-NightWing
- Adélie
- Aegolius
- Aeolian
- Aeolis
- Aerie
- Agate (Constellation Nation)
- Ahkmenrah
- Ailurus
- Akhlut
- Akuji
- Alabaster (BoneTheSandWing)
- Alaska
- Alaska (QueenPeril)
- Alaska the IceWing
- Alaska the Icewing (LionessTheNightwing)
- Albino
- Albino ( Whitemoon )
- Albus
- Alcyone
- Alec
- Alexandrite
- Alexandrite (Gem Contest Entry)
- Algae the Hybrid
- Alitcra
- Alkira
- Allargentum
- Alluring
- Almond
- Alouette
- Alpaca
- Alpenglow
- Alpine (Overcast Skies)
- Alta
- Altered (EDRReal)
- Alum
- Aluminum
- Alyssum
- Amaranth (Venusbombyx)
- Amarantite
- Amaruq
- Amaya
- Amber Phantom
- Amethyst (Ameythst)
- Amethyst (MagpieRaven)
- Amethyst (misttheswift21)
- Amethyst Storm (LLH)
- Ammil
- Amur (SharkbyteZ)
- Amur.
- Anagram
- Ananda
- Anaphalis
- Anastassia
- Andromeda
- Angel
- Angel (Venusbombyx)
- Angel Oak
- Anglewing
- Anima
- Anima (Sunset the Rainwing 13)
- Antarctica The Icewing
- Antartica
- Antartica (Sand/Ice)
- Antelope
- Apocrita (XXX Icestar XXx)
- Apricot (Mooneffects)
- Aqualon
- Aquarius The Sea Ice hybrid
- Arboreal
- Archangel (Bluegillz)
- Arctic
- Arctic Sunrise (Angel)
- Arctic the icewing
- Arcticus(OC)
- Arcturus (Formula-9)
- Argon
- Arizona
- Arroyo (Kindred-Heart)
- Arson (Ahren)
- Artbringer
- Artemis (Snow)
- Artemis (Sunset the Rainwing 13)
- Articwolf ( snowclaw5553)
- Arêtes
- Ashley
- Aspen the LeafWing IceWing
- Aspenflight
- Asperitas
- Asphodel
- Aster.
- Asteroid
- Atlanta
- Attis
- Aufeis
- Augury
- Aura (Remnants of the Cold War)
- Aurastar (SS)
- Aurora (Cactus)
- Aurora (Epiphlyte)
- Aurora (Ice + Rain)
- Aurora (Seashell)
- Aurora (Sunset the Rainwing 13)
- Aurora (TinyTiger28)
- Aurora (TMS)
- Aurora (WOB)
- Aurora Frozenheart (OFH)
- Aurora the IceWing
- Aurora the IceWing RainWing
- Australis
- Av Valkyrene
- Avalanche
- Avalanche (Mooneffects)
- Avalanche the Icewing
- Avalanche(tdom)
- Avarice
- Aven
- Avenoir
- Avium
- Awassi
- Axolotl & Wolf (LLH)
- Aye-aye
- Azalea The RainWing
- Aztec the Sandwing
- Azua
- Azure Heart