Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Kittyluvver's Fanfictions

Kittyluvver's Adoptable OCs


Shh... I'm doing this quietly. Well, at least as quietly as I can think of. No blog post.
So, yes, this is exactly what it sounds like. All the OCs in this category are up for adoption. If you see one that catches your eye, wall me or catch me on PM sometime.
I am more attached to some OCs than others. Some I am like - YES PLEASE TAKE THIS POOR CREATURE OFF MY PAWS and some I'm more hesitant to give up. My conditions of adoption may differ from case to case - inquire for more details ;) And please know that I might ask you to do a little writing (nothing much, a paragraphish RP post or something) from the char's perspective just to make sure that you understand the OC. No stress.
This is not a one-time offer either - I will keep this here and add in more characters as time goes on.
Oh, and if you see an OC that you want but someone else has already asked, but I haven't given a definitive answer to them, don't be afraid to also ask. ;)
Anyway, go ahead!

Kittyluvver's Best OCs


The current champion! Art by Luster.

Current Rankings

  1. Phi
  2.  Bella
  3.  April
  4. Rue Skyfire
  5. Brook
  6. Skyra
  7. Triage
  8. Halfmoon
  9.  Blackjack
  10.  Anna

Kittyluvver's Settings

All items (65)
