Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


  • Mother Hen - they say that life is tit for tat and that's the way I live - main antagonist
  • Crevasse - I show you the stone in my hand and you miss the knife at your throat - SkyWing council member
  • Asunder - Im willing to lay down my life for my people. are you? - SandWing council member
  • Albus - I DONT WANT TO REMEMBER I DONT WANT TO REMEMBER! - IceWing Council member
  • Crawdad - Do you ever think we're on the wrong side? - MudWing council member
  • Cloudless - You are my friend first and formorst. I will do anything for you. - Leafsilk council member
  • Bullfinch - i wake up everyday to an equation i wrote 15 years ago for which there's only one conclusion, im damned for what i do. - skywing revolutionary works with Crevasse
  • Moraine - master and student, craftsman and weapon, what's the difference - Bullfinch ally
  • Lyrebird - lyrebird, liar bird, just what are you hiding? - mobster in league with hen
  • Dell - you've taken something from me that matters to me like you wouldn't believe - a hunteress coming out of retirement for one last great hunt
  • Astrapia - I WISHED I WAS DEAD - a magician trying not to be discovered
  • Lasius - but I'll tell you this, I would wake up early and be fighting them from the start - tree wars era hivewing revolutionary
  • Blackburn & Goldseeker - a duo who ran a scheme in the show biss area of possibility and now owes hen a lot of money
  • Barchan - All I know is the truth - A lover and a warrior who ultimately thought about himself
  • Heron - I made a oath to serve until the very end...but i wasn't expecting her to go first... - Crawdad's lady in waiting who's hunting down her killer...and a even bigger mystery

World building notes[]

Post-modern Universe[]

Continuity stuff[]

  • 30 years after the woss
  • I need to rewrite bits of arc 2 and 3 but I'll lay down whats still here
    • arc 1
    • snowfall destroyed the wall and caused a lot of stir
    • JMA happens and so does the talons of power + Onyx
    • a lot of the queens are still awful and the effects are still felt 30 years later since it's literally nothing to dragons
  • Blaze plays a role in this! shes the main source of funding since she still has a fair amount of inheritance between her family and being married to Glacier (yes I'm going there)
  • Since possibly and it's limits are considered neutral territory, every territory will send a representative to it to represent the population in the city since they may require specific things. but they also work to better the city as their the main council and choice maker
    • but that doesn't mean it isn't corrupted, since the enclave has been there since the very beginning it has gained its tendrils into the government as its justice and policing department.
  • where to begin with her, BEFS (best enemies forever) with Mother Hen! she is the skywing representative to Possibility to well represent the interests of the SkyWings living in the city since its the largest batch of dragons without a queendom on the continent
  • she absolutely hates it here.
    • Mother Hen practically runs the law and the lawlesss by having control over law readings, imprisonment, she has blackmail and connections to the underground crime scenes to get them to kneel before her. if they don't follow she will feed them to the dogs of the city (literally and metaphorically because shell have them killed OR BETTER YET turn them in with her blackmail!!!!! and since she can control the law the enclave can just discard cases or plant stuff!!)
  • Crevasse knows all of this, and cannot stop her within the she's schemeing from the outside. the best was to end hen is from the inside out.........thus destory the current city government citing a rotted core in the form of the enclave

historical au[]

  • I'm a big stupid idiot and I invested myself too much into the world building.
  • To begin, I took an advance placement European history class and much of this character was inspired by several consistent events that happened consistently through history from advisors trying to rid of the heir to the beheadings and messing with the head to become a symbol and mocked
  • Much of the era inspiration was Medieval Europe to play off the more modern wof canon since this is the earliest era following the scorching
    • the opening line to the backstory is a nod to swords and sorcery, a form of high fantasy that's a romanticized around the stereotypes around the medieval period which typically gets conflated to the Renaissance (THEY ARE NOT THE SAME 11!!1!1!)
  • The head becoming mummified was an excuse to explain how the taxidermy lasted as long as it did without proper care given to it, taxidermy takes a lot of up keep for those who aren't aware
  • why did the tundra melt? don't worry Helsing is going to infodump to you baby!
    • based upon modern canon it's safe to say the globe is in a ice age. I've ages aren't consistent as they constantly fluctuate the spread of its ice. as long as there's ice at the poles it's an ice age. because of that fluctuation it's safe to say there might've been a time where the ive retracted leaving in more baren land...and that's why I did here!!!1!
    • this span of a couple hundred years were the worse luck in history as everything weather pattern, tide, and wind aligned to cause both a drought and heatwave across Pyrrhia
      • but Helsing you may ask isn't a drought a completely absence of water??? no my sweet summer child it can still rain but it isn't substantial. it won't stay and it cannot be used to fix everything. hence why there are still flash floods without everything going back to how it was
  • I do not remember what year the pantalans left but let's assume they're still here!
  • also the politics are such a mess because in canon the Monarchy has been around for literally millennias so there is no challenge, but since this is only a couple hundred years I see there being a lot more issues with revolutions, towns, and clans. a lot of infighting
  • but hey the tribes are a lot physically. they're still evolving to get used to their respective extreme environments so they're doing a lot of migrations across the centuries. which is why a lot of the iceWing royalty started in the south until after a stronghold gets destroyed and they move further north until the modern palace
  • also for me: era of ice melt (200-600 as), era of refrosting (600 - 1200 as), age of wonders (1300-2400 as)
    • I forgot years

About Last Names...[]

  • Skywings - descriptors of natural forming landforms with a hyphen (Ex: Tall-Spire, Valuable-Mound, Sharp-Peak)
  • IceWings - cold weather related trait paired with an individuals ability to control it, meant to feel powerful (Ex: Frostbleeder, Blizzardtamer). The families that don't fall under the ranks handle tend to have animal related names with references to their features (Mooseantler, Erminetuff, Minktail)
  • RainWings - Non communally raised will be given the name of one of their parents while those who were are given the last name RainWing (Ex: Parrotchild, Anacondachild, Kiwi RainWing)
  • SandWings - based around various mythology tropes regarding desert animals (Ex: Trickster Coyote, Devilish Gila, visceral Scorpion)
  • NightWings - due to their naming structure, they have really boring last names. (Ex: Nightwind, Starbranch, eclipserock)
  • Pantalan tribes: all families tend to have a genus theyre named after, like if I controled canon all of wasp's relatives would've been named after wasps since they're in the family Vespula
  • MudWings - Another land form based one like SkyWings, but with adjectives (Ex: Distantbrook, Optimisticmarsh)
  • SeaWings - since there is a lot of class warfare here there are two kinds, the noble last name and the comoner last name. The noble last name tends to be, over exaggerated and something the right dragon would want to be (Ex: White Whale, Noble Dolphin, Wave Breaker) while the common ones tend to be trade related (Fisher, Diver, Smith, Baker). While in other Queendoms the royal name tends to be switched in and out with marriages, SeaWings are one of the few tribes who demand that the one who holds more power (wealth and status) in the marriage has their used (this follows along with SkyWings, HiveWings, nightwings, and IceWings)


  • Mortician - silly guy
  • Fair-Well - GIRL PLEASE SEND HELP!!1!1!!!! - MortarWing monarch
  • Rigid-Ebony - You are a weapon, weapons do not weep. - Fair-Well's lover
  • Pearlescent-Agate - BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN! - MortarWing bard who might've made a Kelpie
  • Awakened-Path - worst mother says what? - Jarl of Midnight's Shore
  • Wolven-Fault and Rambunctious-Riverstone - don't talk to me or my son ever again - Jarl of the Wolverine Clan......also its leashed child it lovingly calls Rat.

don't ask about Nora

All items (21)
