This category is used for all animus characters.
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Galaxy (The Eclipsing Galaxy AU)
All items (841)
- Abyssal
- Abyssbreaker
- Achelous
- Acinonyx (TheSilkWingCakes)
- Actinian (HTTYDAP)
- Adderclaw (Adder)
- Aegletes
- Aesthetic
- Airbender
- Alaska the IceWing
- Alexandrite (Spilled Cøffee)
- Alkyd
- Aloe (AxoIvy)
- Aloe (Mesa)
- Alpenglow the SkyWing
- Altum
- Aluminum
- Amber the Sandwing
- Ambition
- Amethyst (Amy)
- Angevine
- Anima (Sunset the Rainwing 13)
- Animus the Rainwing
- Anthozoa
- Apama
- Apathy
- Apios
- Apoica
- Apollo (Starscatter)
- Appledusk
- Aquarius The Sea Ice hybrid
- Aquivar
- Arc
- Arctic
- Ariadne
- Artbringer
- Arwen
- Ashfall (Alaska the IceWing)
- Aspen
- Asperitas
- Asphalt
- Astral(Astral/Cos)
- Astrapia
- Atacama
- Atticus (Roselyn)
- Aurora (Cactus)
- Aurora (Sunset the Rainwing 13)
- Aurora (TMS)
- Aurora the IceWing
- Ausmas
- Australis
- Avalanche
- Avocado
- AxoIotI
- Axolotl (DelilahtheBoxer)
- Azazel
- Aziraphale
- Balanceholder the NightWing
- Bathyal
- Beauty (Game of Dragons)
- Bee (Snow)
- Bella
- Beluga Whale
- Berge
- BettaFish
- Bhavish
- Bighorn
- User blog:Blackberrythepiratefox/Ex-prince shade
- BlackIce (Game of Dragons)
- Blackphoenix
- Blackrose
- Blightcaller
- Blizzard (TheSilkWingCakes)
- Bloodclaws (CrazyOwlDragon)
- Bloodspiller\Truthseeker
- Bluebell (Tailbite the SeaWing)
- Bluebottle
- Blustery Crag
- Bodies
- Bone (PerfectlyPastel)
- Bone the Mudwing (LionesstheNightwing)
- Boreas
- Bottlenose
- Break
- Briarthought
- Bright(Cosmo)
- Bulrush (TOTSS)
- Butterfly (BlueberryRainforest123)
- Butterflyfish
- Buzzard (Buzzie)
- Buzzard the SkyWing
- Cabana
- Canary (Kiza)
- Candlelight
- Canis
- Canopic
- Carousel
- Carrara
- Cecily
- Ceremist
- Chao Yang
- Char the SkyWing (Game of Dragons)
- Chill the Animus IceWing
- Chimaera (Daybreak)
- Chimera (Chan)
- Chione
- Chirodectes (Starscatter)
- Choice
- Chons
- Circle
- Cirque (ForeverFalling712)
- Clearwings (talongamer)
- Clementine (XXClementineXx)
- Cloud
- Cloud(TLDOPAP)
- Cloudburst(Rainycloud55)
- Clover (Froyo The Rainwing)
- User blog:~FloatingStars~/Coast
- Coast & Tropic
- Coastal's OC
- Cobalt (AU)
- Cobraviper
- Cod (Contest)
- Coin
- Coldspike
- Colorshifter
- Commander Aqua
- Condor (SharkbyteZ)
- Constellation (ColorlessYT)
- Constellation the Sea/Nightwing hybrid
- Coraline (GOD)
- Cormorant (PL2)
- Corvid(VanquishedHydra4844)
- Cosmo(Mercury)
- Courage
- Cove
- Coyote (Coyote)
- Crater (Skyfire4321)
- Crevasse (Cecropia76)
- Crimsonblaze
- Crow
- Cryro
- Crystal the RainWing/IceWing Hybrid
- Crystalstar
- Cumulus (SkyWing/IceWing)
- Curlew
- Cursechaser
- Cyan the seawing
- Cypher