Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: This page may contain mentions of abuse, torture, death, mental illness, self-harm, and related. DO NOT PROCEED if you are sensible to such themes.

Keep your hands off that which is not yours to claim. (Reference only with permission.)


Fear the man who has nothing to lose.

Psst! LOWER your audio volume! Remember, kids: hearing is important.
Artist IllusionTheDreamWing
Creator IllusionTheDreamWing
Attributes Lunacy, dark humour, anarchy, sadism
Quote "Me? I'm just another guy making his way through society. Like you!"
Alignment Chaotic evil
Voiceclaim Junkrat (Overwatch)/Joker (The Dark Knight)
Character information
  • Ra Mojave (full name)
  • Carnival (alter ego)
  • Carnival the Juggling Clown (full clown name)
  • The Jester (nickname)
  • "Little Clown" (nickname)
  • The Smiler (nickname)
  • Val (nickname)
Tribe(s) SkyWings/SandWings
Age 18 d/y (hatched in 4,984 AS)
Pronouns He/Him
Gender Male
Orientation demisexual
  • Unnamed mother
  • Unnamed father
  • Jester (formerly)
  • Lawyer (formerly)
  • Crime lord (current)
Residence Sky Kingdom
  • Kill the Ringleader for vengeance (failed)
  • Separate himself from Ra Mojave's body (ongoing)
  • Find a "soulmate" (arch-nemesis) (ongoing)
  • Interruptions
  • Getting labelled/scrutinized
  • Overreactions
  • Average SkyWing abilities
  • Ra Mojave's full name
  • Bipolar
  • Dual personality
  • Phototactic insects
  • Situational
  • Situational




Strings of yellow tears drip from black-wired fears in the meadow


Carnival is a blend of everything and nothing you might expect. At first glance, he appears as a sagging clown, draped in worn, once-sharp garments. It is a crude sight, especially under the harsh light of day or lurking in the shadowy corners of night. Yet, as you take a closer look, the true essence—and horror—of his character unfolds, and you'll be able to appreciate the full extent of his foreboding expression. No matter how his features contort, his sharp, jagged teeth like ice picks always seem to taint the vision of apparent innocence.

His body is smeared with paint. Glossy white coats his ankles, wrists, and face. Scars twist his features, crafting a mouth stretched into a grotesque, sinister rictus grin. His cheeks bulge from the disfigurement even as vibrant, flamboyant clown makeup transforms him into something both alluring and repulsive. Smudged blood-red highlights punctuate his nose, lips and ears, while sharp vertical lines and smudged eyeliner accentuate his piercing gaze. The red paint both conceals and draws attention to his scars, applied in an urgent frenzy, giving the impression of war paint.

Burnt red scales inherited from his SkyWing lineage stand out boldly against a vibrant yellow underbelly he owes to his SandWing roots. He lacks the traditional SandWing tail barb, only hinting further at his hybrid genes. His naturally wild, green-dyed sail of slick fur bursts out in every possible direction, chaotic to the point of looking comical.

He is eerily thin, almost like he hasn't had a proper meal in days. But don’t let that fool you—underestimating his strength or cunning is a mistake you won't live to regret. Trust the author's word, if you won't believe the clown's.

Many have had the opportunity to appreciate the putrid, damp stench of his breath, but let's be honest: no one dares voice their thoughts. The last thing anyone wants is to provoke an already psychotic clown with a penchant for chaos, especially when he's already constantly teetering on the edge.

Beneath his comically oversized striped sleeves, seemingly endless pockets hide an assortment of knives (and a potato peeler) in various sizes and shapes—some absurdly tiny and others far too large for anyone’s comfort.

His deeply wrinkled, dark bluish-black eyes peer out from beneath prominent brow ridges, the sheer intensity and ghostliness of his gaze enough to send shivers down the spine of even the mightiest dragon. His unwavering stare almost consumes every inch of his orbs, leaving little room for the whites of his eyes. The effect is haunting, especially when contrasted with the oversized rictus grin that rarely leaves his face, which appears forced at best and painfully strained at worst.

He strides with a predatory swagger that is unmistakably his, oozing an air of carefree superiority possessed only by someone who feels entirely invulnerable. Each movement, however twitching anxiously, is controlled with an agile finesse reminiscent of a seasoned performer, even as he bounces on unkept claws wrapped in white opera gloves.

Beneath the alternating baggy and fitted silken robes of his suit, red-hued bells jingle with every haphazard movement he makes, whether it's on purpose or not. They also ring out during his occasional mini-tantrums after special occasions in which a pseudo-plan goes awry. The tinkling sound provides an unexpected comedic timing, which is startingly endearing, even considering the often chaotic situations one may find themselves in in the clown's spotlight.

Although Carnival presents a specific outer appearance, it is merely a guest within Ra Mojave's body. One of Carnival's primary ambitions is to escape the confines of Mojave's limited form. Within the depths of Ra's mind-space, Carnival can alter his shape. Yet his true essence manifests as a colossal, twisted, nightmarish two-headed dragon lacking wings, equipped with six spider-like limbs and three tails, all draped in a silken clown outfit reminiscent of his exterior.


And their white halos spin with an anger that is thin and turns to sorrow


Carnival is entirely devoid of sympathy, a dragon who relishes the thrill of destruction. He could effortlessly gut a dragon in public and revel in the chaos, but that would be still far too…boring, for him. Instead, he thrives on savouring every little emotion before the moment of the kill. He delights in prodding his victims with his array of knives, each one tailored and personally hand-picked for torment, coaxing out their agonised cries. It’s his own twisted little game—a symphony of sweet sounds directed by his wicked hand.

He revels in the art of provocation, poking and prodding at dragons' defences, pointing out flaws in their grand designs as if to demonstrate the futility of making plans at all. He insists he's constantly improvising, making it all up on the fly as events transpire, as though life's his stage and he's forgotten the lines.

Carnival isn’t interested in riches or treasures; in fact, he would happily toss his share of gold straight into the ocean or hurl it into dragons' faces in the streets. For him, every daring stunt, every explosive display isn’t just for show—it’s a message. Or at the very least, most of the time, an act to amuse himself.

He views life as a dark joke—no—an entire overrated comedy show played out on an endless stage. And tell me, when you're watching a comedy, do peeps often wear frowns? Quite the opposite, right? Following that logic, why should he keep himself from smiling?

He is not above employing underhanded tactics to prevail in a fight or achieve his goals. But when it comes to proving a point, he’ll readily cast aside whatever little instinct of self-preservation he has, willing to risk it all for the sake of making a statement.

Those working closest to him can appreciate how paranoid the Clown is; he often claims to sense the thoughts of others—their ignorance, the collective mindset of society. But he’s determined to ensure they know he’s here. One way or another, he’ll make sure they acknowledge his presence…

Carnival is a whirlpool of energy, never one to linger in the shadows or sit quietly in a corner. He’s always rambling or bustling about—often both at the same time. If he finds himself stuck with nothing to do, boredom sets in, and that’s when the trouble begins. An overthinking murderous clown can lead to nothing good, and nobody wants to witness that kind of wild ride, now, do they?

Those having interacted with him before could take notice of some of his most compulsive habits. One might catch him nervously licking the bulging scars on his lips or breaking into random humming that seems to come from nowhere. He frequently mumbles playful nonsense under his breath, creating a score of little sounds that only he seems to understand.

Then there are those moments when he erupts into fits of frenzied giggles and delirious laughter. Contagious—if it weren’t emphasised by a foreboding air of untamed madness.

His bipolarity is strikingly apparent; he can transition from being “perfectly calm and collected” to shouting or cackling out of the blue (perhaps as part of an elaborate prank) or even spontaneously humming along and twitching to music only he can hear.

His subtle impulsiveness often leads him to ignore the concept of personal space, leaving dragons feeling uneasy and off-kilter due to his disruptive antics. Whether he’s blissfully unaware or chooses to disregard their boundaries, the result is the same: a constant sense of discomfort.

Carnival hates being dismissed or interrupted, and being called a freak or crazy particularly irks him. Such labels coming from others often signal that he’s losing control of the situation, and during these moments, he becomes frighteningly sober, a sign of this change being his consonants popping louder than usual. He tends to address others as if explaining something to a small child, often adopting a teasing or condescending tone to belittle them and knock them off their high pedestal.

He seldom loses control of his impulses, his rages being deliberate and calculated, driven by a desire for vengeance. However, a bit of control might slip from his grasp if a particular dragon reminds him of someone who has hurt him and Mojave in the past. In such cases, he may lash out in a carefully planned manner unless there's something to distract him.

Although he might appear to treat them like playmates, he holds a deep respect for TRUE adversaries—those rare individuals who can match his cunning, and refuse to be easily manipulated. He craves the thrill of a worthy opponent, someone who keeps him on his toes and always has a surprise ready when the stakes are high. Unfortunately for him, the position of an equal beside him remains unoccupied, waiting for the proper challenger to claim it.

One could certainly claim that Carnival has built up a reputation amongst mobsters for his extravagant, doubtlessly dark persona, and there’s no denying the whispers and chronicles regarding his lunacy. However, he should not be mistaken for slow-witted or foolish; in fact, he has deceived many into viewing him as an agent of chaos. The truth is quite the opposite—he is anything but chaotic. With a cold and calculating intellect, perhaps the best way to describe him is as a living menace, an impending natural disaster shaped by unpredictable chance.

King of all, hear me call, hear my name, Carnival


Do you know how I got this face? And these scars?... Mh?... No?... Wanna hear how I got 'em? I'll tell you. C'mere...

So one day, Mommy and Daddy, bless their souls, they were starving...and oughta survive the winter somehow. So, tweeny little me... all of 4 at the time, mind you... has to go work in this big Circus with all the other dragonets. And it was big.

But here's the catch; The Ringleader was... a villain and... a drunk... he tells me I do not do my job right... he tells me... —'Young man, you oughta juggle FASTER... laugh LOUDER... smile WIDER.' And he is not satisfied with my performance. Not. In. the slightest.

One night, he drinks way more than usual... he goes nuts. So me, getting ready to call it a day, pass by. But I see him coming then... broken bottle in his claws... and before I can ask him, he grabs me, and he says,—'Let's put a BIG SMILE on that face!'

And you know what?... He sticks the bottle in my mouth, laughing while he does it... Annnnd...


No one across the vast stretches of two continents understands the puzzle that is Carnival. Where he originated from and what could potentially drive a dragon to such an extent remain unknown. Even Carnival himself seems lost in uncertainty—perhaps he’s forgotten, or maybe he has buried the truth so deeply that it’s out of reach. In any case, the result is the same.




Whenever he spins his tale—often before ending someone’s life—he twists it, shifting circumstances, landscapes, tragedies, and even the outcome. One day, he recounts the brutal story of how he earned his haunting scars, claiming he inflicted the disfigurement upon himself; the next day, he weaves a narrative about low-life criminals who butchered his partner and left him marred for life.




Every time he tells a story, it comes out differently. He revels in that. He enjoys having multiple options, a freeform saga about his origin story. He thrives on change.


Here there is no law but the arcade's penny claw, hanging empty


- (negative) + (positive) -+ (neutral-positive) +- (neutral-negative)


Carnival was born from the depths of Mojave's imagination, serving as his imaginary friend throughout much of his dragonet life. Initially, before facing abuse and disfigurement at the hands of the Ringleader, Carnival was a comforting presence for the lonely Ra—a flamboyant, childlike clown made to uplift and support dragonets. However, after Ra's dissociation led to a split personality, Carnival evolved into a more grounded figure, occasionally taking control to protect Mojave (and thus himself) or take him out of undesirable situations.

Over time, Carnival grew increasingly violent and corrupted by the darkness around him. He began to view Mojave as weak, seeing his mind as a prison. He sowed seeds of doubt in the dragonet’s vulnerable psyche, convincing him that his parents had sold him to the Ringleader for good and that he would surely perish in the Circus unless he allowed Carnival to take over and free them both.

Thus, Carnival murdered Mojave's parents one night and almost went after the Ringleader as well, but the dragon accidentally fell from a height while drunk, meeting a rather grim but deserved end from impalement.

The aftermath revealed the bodies, leading to Mojave's long confinement in a correctional facility. This trauma, coupled with the guilt of having unwittingly enabled Carnival to commit such a heinous act, drove Mojave to lock away the clown deep within his mind. It was not until over a decade later, when Harvester granted Carnival free rein over Mojave's broken mind, that Carnival could begin his reign of terror over Pyrrhia.

It should be noted, however, that in the end, Carnival fulfilled his purpose as a secondary personality despite being warped by the evil of the world around him. He protected Mojave—physically and mentally—by comforting his creator with silly puns and manic cackle when no one else could or would, even while trapped deep within his mind. Mojave, feeling hopeless, willingly allowed Carnival to take the reins. He did not fight back or try to regain control; instead, he retreated to a quiet corner of his mind and let Carnival watch over them both, knowing he could not manage it in his dismal state. Ultimately, it all boiled down to a lonely dragonet and his imaginary clown.

Harvester could technically be seen as Carnival's mentor, though it's a complicated relationship. To be clear, Carnival would only entertain a fleeting thought of vengeance if anything were to happen to Harvester, which he doubts is likely to happen anytime soon, given the psychologist's cunning nature. He isn’t the type to bend to blackmail, even for the sake of the dragon’s safety; Harvester is merely someone Carnival finds useful to keep around. He wouldn’t lose sleep over the dragon's potential demise or murder, a fact that Harvester seems fully aware of.

Carnival has mulled over this dynamic countless times, and while he might acknowledge that Harvester could rival or even exceed him in cunning and criminal savvy, he knows the psychologist will never take the position of his arch-enemy. Harvester simply doesn't provide the thrill Carnival seeks, and he’s too much of an ally for any betrayal. Besides, there’s little about the cannibal's character that could be twisted further; he’s already as dark as they come.

Every so often, Carnival drops hints and traces of himself for the doctor to discover—little gifts, notes, and so on. Occasionally, he even breaks into Harvester's space for a casual catch-up, discussing recent events, and so on. Harvester doesn’t seem to mind; he recognizes that Carnival only shows up uninvited out of boredom or loneliness, so he hasn’t taken any precautions against the clown. He’s not particularly wary, but being his former patient, he knows to take Carnival lightly, as the hybrid can get riled up quickly.

Carnival has no issues at all accepting polite food invitations from Harvester, even though he is fully aware of the kind of meal he's being served. If Mojave ever took control and somehow discovered that his alter ego had engaged in cannibalism, he would likely be horrified and gag at the mere idea—poor thing.

In their exchanges, Carnival often adopts a tone laden with dark teasing and witty comments that Harvester wouldn’t typically tolerate from others. Yet, the clown seems aware of the boundaries, even going so far as to respect Harvester’s space by avoiding any damage in the psychologist’s office.

At certain times, particularly to instil fear in his victims' last moments, Carnival might take on mimicking Harvester's voice, making similar cannibal puns, comments, or even quotes. For instance, in a deep, ominous tone, he might say, "RUINS THE SEASONING!" or, teasefully, "I THINK I'LL EAT YOUR HEART~," among others.

Dr. Harper H. Legis

Carnival finds the Nauthiz to be especially thrilling and enjoys teasing the dragon, well aware that Harvester would be displeased if the masked hunter attempted anything against the cannibal's most valued "creation." And that's exactly it—Nauthiz stands as close as an arch-enemy as they get, and the clown delights in pushing the dragon to his limits, wondering if and when Nauthiz will crack and instigate trouble between himself and Harvester.

There is certainly no love lost between them, and Carnival has always been particularly repulsed by the dragon's aristocratic, holier-than-thou attitude.


Blew the Wraith's forearm right off and then bragged about it. It's a wonder the clown is still alive and well.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis, congue id eros. Praesent et efficitur enim, at placerat nulla. Aenean nec lobortis nisl. Proin nec sem magna.

The Black Wraith


Relations throughout the wiki
Status: open

  • Fellow mob leaders, criminals, old alliances or enemies...that sorta thing.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis.

And the painted laughing smile and the turning of the style do not envy


  • The world's first fully functional(?) mash-up of Pennywise, the Jonkler, and several consecutive traumatic experiences.
  • Additional theme songs for Carnival are White Room (Cream) & Temptation Rag (Claude Bolling).
  • Likely vibes to ragtime music when he's not blowing up things.
  • Carnival's eyes drift in opposite directions whenever he zones out or gets deep into his thoughts. This seems to be a recurring phenomenon for him, which only serves to freak others out more.
  • Repeating Ra Mojave's full name three to five times serves as a powerful deterrent against the clown. Strangely enough, Carnival seems to harbor a foreboding fear of it and will desperately attempt to either silence or block out any mention of the name, fearing that it could cause the reawakening of the main personality from his deep slumber and allow him to take control. To knowledge, this is the clown's only genuine weakness, although it remains mostly undiscovered.
  • His favourite weapon, surprisingly, is his potato peeler. He finds it immeasurably amusing to think that dragons could be intimidated by an object so simple, only because it is he who brandishes it. He often parades around and shoves it threateningly in dragons' faces during interactions with hostages or anyone else who catches his attention in a bad mood, revelling in the absurdity of wielding a kitchen tool in such "serious" situations.
  • The clown's true essence, a being of pure light—or thought—creates a peculiar phenomenon whenever he is near moths. Phototactic insects, in particular, become restless and are drawn to Carnival like a lamp, like a moth to a flame, which is a source of great annoyance for him to say the least. This condition could certainly be viewed as a vulnerability, acting as an unwelcome alarm system that betrays his presence to others, while also leading to the frustration of being swarmed by flitting moths almost daily.
  • Many of his subordinates view him as a great boss, or at least a significant improvement over his predecessors. That is, when he is not busy carving dragon faces into twisted grins as his own perverse joke (you ought to smile more!)—something that even criminal low-lives like them find off-putting.
    • Each time he does, he might be unconsciously attempting to recreate the day his face was disfigured almost as if he's trying to fill the gap left by his failure to "properly" exact his revenge. Alternatively, this could be his mind's way of coping, replaying the trauma over and over to process what happened.

And the small can throw the ball, play the game of Carnival


  • Feel free to share your headcanons or leave a comment (author eats them for breakfast) - all contributions are greatly appreciated!