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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Content Warning
This page contains profanity, violence, mild gore, or other forms of content that you may find upsetting.
Author's note: Page may contain mentions or descriptions of death, body gore, and related. You hath been warned.

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Deep in the forest by shahzebkr ddz1kko-fullview

Do you hear me? I have become something else.

Artist IllusionTheDreamWing (unfinished!!)
Creator IllusionTheDreamWing
Attributes Text Text
Quote "Text"
Alignment True neutral
Voiceclaim Text
Character information
  • Carnium (contraction)
  • Caro (contraction)
  • The cryptid (nickname)
Tribe(s) LeafWing
Age 12 d/y (hatched in 4,978 AS)
Pronouns He/Him
Gender Non-binary
Orientation asexualaromantic
  • Summer camp counselor (currently)
  • Hunter (currently)
Residence Pantala, Leafsilk kingdom
  • Prevent the curse from being passed down (ongoing)
  • Loud chatter
  • Chaotic crowds
  • Transmutation
  • Mimicry
  • Enhanced strength, agility and night vision
  • Immortality (ages naturally)
  • Photophobia
  • Selenophobia
  • Full moons
  • Situational
  • Situational


That year, numerous reports had surfaced about "unusual" sightings.

Graphic accounts of large carcasses discovered near the camping site by Lake Scorpion had led some to speculate it to be another case of wild rabies affecting the local wildlife. However, the chatter had quickly spiralled into a mix of supremacist theories and humorous rumours about some considerate folkloric creature emerging at midnight to hunt down large herbivores.

One particular report fueled these beliefs: an elderly night watchman, after hearing strange noises from the woods, had stumbled upon the bloody, scattered remains of a moose. Alongside the guts, he'd also found a torn piece of scroll scribbled in slurred Pantalan, which read,

"Sorry about the mess...:("



Carnium is the kind of guy you might barely notice in a crowd—just another face in the background, easy to overlook amidst the hustle and bustle. He's not one to draw attention to himself, content to quietly observe the world around him rather than actively participating. There's a hint of mystery and awkwardness that clings to him like he's never quite sure how to fit in.

But beneath that unassuming exterior lies an easygoing soul. Carnium's small circle of companions is limited to his cherished (if somewhat begrudgingly tolerated) cat—an ironic choice, given his allergies and occasional sneezing fits. Still, he cherishes the quiet solitude of his solitary life, finding more comfort in the tranquil embrace of the forest, where he can escape himself, than in loud social gatherings. He's just a simple guy looking for a life of normalcy.

Not that his life is ever truly "normal," of course. Carnium is haunted by a deep well of guilt, a heavy burden he can't quite shake. He blames himself for the tragedy that took his family—though what exactly went down, he'd rather not dwell on. It was just one of those awful twists of fate, as he likes to tell himself. But the truth is, he can't let it go, no matter how hard he tries.

So Carnicula retreats into himself, hoping to avoid causing anyone distress. He'd prefer to observe the world from the sidelines than risk being the centre of attention. After all, the less people notice him, the better. It's not that he's antisocial, per se—he's just looking to keep his head down and his curse contained. A life of quiet solitude is all he wants for as long as fate will allow.




Carnicula is notably shorter than most of his kind. While he may be small, that does not mean he could not size up a fellow LeafWing if he ever found the courage to do so.

His tail is as thin and short as his stature, resembling a whip, and he bears a distinct pale scar on his hips. His eyes reflect light, glowing a striking red when illuminated, particularly so by flashlights.

Carnium has a laid-back tone of voice that seems perpetually but subtly on edge, as though he is always trying to keep calm (and failing).

He avoids wearing clothes that show stains, steering clear of white robes or bright colours. Instead, he prefers to stick to his checkered red and black shawl, which he rarely bothers to clean or take off anymore. Carnium never wears any jewellery—not so much out of personal preference, but more so because he cannot afford it, with taxes, poor pay and all of that. Additionally, he does not wish to draw any unwanted attention.

Every time a full moon shines in the sky, at precisely 3 a.m., Carnium experiences a rather inconvenient complication.

His tendons shift, bones elongate, his skin seeming to burst or peel away like a robe, revealing the full extent of his curse: a massive, slimy, skinless dragon-like figure with elongated limbs and exaggerated features. Though the process is undoubtedly painful, he has gradually learned to cope with the hurt. Additionally, contrary to what some might suggest, in this state, he does not feel compelled to hunt down and bite off the face of the nearest dragon. Any savage impulses he experiences are channelled onto the local wildlife, all while he remains fully aware and lucid. Afterwards, he often returns to his cabin, where he soothes himself with a hot cup of honeyed tea, some music, a pile of blankets, and plenty of pillows to cry on.

He unironically refers to this phase as “that no time of the month."




Though it may not seem at first sight, Carnium is indeed one of a kind. Perhaps not in the way some might assume, however...

He can shift certain body parts or transmute into objects, wildlife, and dragons—as long as he retains some unique characteristics belonging to him, such as eyes and ears—but he prefers to remain entirely dragon, thank you very much. While he could technically possess someone simply by locking eyes with them, he chooses not to. For one, being burned on a pyre as a witch doesn’t sound appealing, and he believes it’s downright inconsiderate to take control of another being without their consent or a valid reason.

Though eternal life comes with its cons, he has no desire to pass on the burden of this curse to free himself. In his view, it’s a matter of principle—or perhaps guilt—making a small sacrifice for the benefit of future generations. This may go unnoticed by those around him, but he figures it’s worth it in the grand scheme of his very lengthy existence. Plus, being a pseudo-skinwalker has its advantages; ever since the cursing, he’s honed his mimicry skills. But instead of using this talent to lure and trap dragons, he enjoys “chatting” with birds and squirrels to observe their reactions or to entertain visitors creatively.




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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus libero dui, gravida ac faucibus quis.





  • Name roughly translates to "Flesh Without Skin" in broken Latin.
  • If Carnicula was human, he'd be Canadian.



  • Feel free to share your headcanons or leave a comment (author eats them for breakfast) - all contributions are greatly appreciated!