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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Caltha Background
This is an OC by Calluna
Caltha and Sapphire by Iceshadow84
Creator Calluna
Artist Ice
Coder Peridots
Code Base Himmalerin
Attribute Sweet, bubbly, happy
Element Flowers
Color Yellow, Green
Animal Birds
Song "Lose You" by Tiësto
Age Six years old
Gender Female
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Fruit Harvester
Tribe RainWings
Goal To tell Sapphire she has a crush on her
Residence Rain Kingdom
Relatives Unknown
Nicknames Callie, C
Likes Flowers, Birds, Suntime
Dislikes Death, Darkness, Bird-eating snakes
Powers Venom
Weapons Venom
Love Interests Sapphire :)
Quote *Blush* H-Hi, Sapphire.


Caltha has muted green scales and yellow underscales. She has stunning yellow eyes. She has a splash of bright white scales across her nose like freckles. Her frills and wings are a deep yellow-pale yellow ombre. Her tail is a small gradient to almost white, with deep green stripes. She has white inkblot-like shapes varying in size down her neck. Her frills often turn pink when she sees Sapphire. She usually wears ropes of large yellow flowers draped around her neck and tail. She has a large yellow hibiscus behind her ear and a sapphire heart on a woven grass chain around her neck, a gift from Sapphire. She has a pouch around her neck made of woven leaves where she holds the fruit she gathers, with smudges of fruit and berry juice around the opening. Her front left talon has a large snake bite from where an anaconda bit her when she was picking a mango. She has a black sloth named Schorl.


Callie is very smart and social. She is extremely talkative, and she usually only shuts up and acts shy whenever Sapphire is around. She loves hanging out with Sapphire. She loves to play with Schorl, her sloth, and often slips him pieces of mango while she is supposed to be drying strips of mango for Queen Glory. She is very sneaky at night when she and Sapphire (Who somehow doesn't know Callie has an obvious crush on her) take walks under the light of the moons.


When Caltha was very young at the age of three, her mother and father were flying to the healers with her unborn sister's egg, which had cracked. The healers were unable to do anything, and her sister ended up passing away. Then, as they were leaving empty handed, an enemy NightWing, the escaped prisoner mentioned in Sapphire's page, captured them and drowned them in the ocean around the Night Kingdom.


• Sapphire: Love interest, Female

• Schorl: Sloth, Male


oh boy. wanted text inside of text? no? well too bad! here you go anyway


To be added once yall add fanart if you want :P
