Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Good things come in three

Divine blessings bestowed to thee

Third dragonet hatches way up high

With dreams of touching the sky

Misfortune follows her and she doesn't know why

She's scared that it will follow her to the day that she will die

For all magic there is a price to pay

The third SilkWing will learn this someday

Attributes/Personality stuff[]

  • Very loud laugh but a quiet voice. Her voice is often so soft it sounds like a whisper.
  • Constantly followed by magical misfortune from her family's curse
  • Very bad at hiding facial expressions
  • Disturbingly talented at reading others
  • The hopeless romantic type. Constantly crushing on someone, usually for long periods of time. Simple romantic gestures would make her heart flutter.
  • Very very clumsy. She almost always has cuts, scrapes, bruises, and other injuries because of it
  • Loves animals but they don't always like her because of her constant fidgeting, which often startles them
  • Constantly moving. Never stops
  • Loves making and decorating elaborate cakes and sometimes selling them to save up some money for things she wants or needs or for the future
  • Overwhelmed easily. It is not uncommon for her to freeze up or start hyperventilating in scary or dangerous situations. She keeps telling herself she will be stronger but it never really happens. She has a lot of regrets because of it.
  • Her regrets and embarrassing memories keep her up at night
  • Loyal to almost anyone who wins her over. Perhaps to loyal sometimes
  • Addicted to books, especially ones that involve supernatural happenings or romance. Or even better, both
  • Often tries to hide her insecurities
  • Gets lost in daydreams all the time, it can take a lot to bring her back to reality. Can black out for entire conversations
  • She sometimes feels like she's not really there. Like she's just a ghost. Like she's not in her own body. She sometimes just sits there, forgetting that she has a body or that she can move or that she's breathing or that there are people around her or that she's alive. She has no clue why it happens or what it is.
  • Smooth liar if she really has to be. She doesn't do it as a rule though, because lying makes her feel sickly
  • Loves photography and gardening, especially flowers
  • Always carries around a camera in her bag
  • Fascinated by diseases and morbid things in history
  • Loves cooking and baking with random flavor combinations that no one has ever used before to see what happens
  • Desperate to be valued and cared for and loved. She has been known to put herself in bad situations or cause harm to herself just to see if someone will come to her rescue. To see if someone really does care
  • She represses a lot of her anxiety, anger, and depression. She keeps it bound up tight until the final blow is struck and it all comes out at once like a volcano. Then it's a desperate scramble to get it out of her system somehow. After that, she gets mad at herself for her eruption which then leads to her shoving her feelings down ever further and the whole thing starts over again. A never ending cycle.
  • Caught up in ideas of romance and a perfect life after being taught to pretend everything is fine for so long. She longs for everything to be fine and perfect and normal. She practically lives for romance. This leads to an almost constant state of disappointment because things never happen the way she wishes they would. However, she desperately clings to this hope for happiness, love, and perfection because it's one of the only things keeping her afloat these days
  • Depressed because her mother died, and her father left them all, and her family is divided and broken and she has to wear a mask in public and pretend it's perfect
  • Startled very easily. Sometimes every startled by her own noises
  • Always in high spaces. Always. She loves heights. They make her feel free and happy
  • Ink stains are always all over her talons and wrists. She constantly draws on herself when she's bored
  • Often bobs her head up and down to imaginary music and taps her tail
  • Beautiful smile although she hates it
  • Callo has a very specific type of dragon in mind for her lover. She is very attracted to animal lovers with a golden retriever personalities who are naive in an innocent way. (Kinda like N from Murder Drones lol) It's very specific but it's Callo's vision.
  • Always smells like vanilla and toasted sugar cane from her baking


  • Cake decorating
  • Baking
  • Taking photos
  • Painting
  • Weaving
  • Anything romance related
  • Animals
  • Poetry
  • Books
  • Being cared for
  • Heights
  • Rainy/Sunny days
  • Storms
  • Forests and fields of flowers
  • Gardening
  • Solar eclipses
  • Dancing (Especially in the rain)
  • Telling stories
  • Jewelry
  • Libraries
  • Sunset colors
  • Fluffy textures
  • Blanket forts
  • Antiques
  • Being alone at home
  • Singing at the top of her lungs
  • Light wind
  • The smell of the earth and rain
  • Scent of baked items
  • Nostalgic scents from her happier dragonethood
  • Sitting in the sun
  • The heat of summer
  • Cloud gazing
  • Giving gifts
  • Being praised
  • Being admired
  • Compliments (Especially about her physical appearance or singing voice. She rarely gets there because nobody cares to pay attention to her)
  • The brief moments where she feels at peace. Where she feels like everything is going to be okay
  • Dragon watching
  • Trying to imagine herself in the life of someone else
  • Reading dragons
  • The color of her scales. It's pretty much the only thing that she loves about herself. Sad, isn't it?
  • Going on vacations/Traveling
  • Looking at old photos of her family. Before they became broken and divided. It breaks heart and it makes her cry every time. But it's one of the only things that gives her hope that the future might be perfect and happy because it used to be in the past.
  • Adrenaline
  • Speed
  • Flying
  • Looking at the stars
  • Spending time with her little sister, her auntie, and her brother Acmon
  • Lemons
  • Clementines
  • Cherries
  • Broccoli
  • Starfruit
  • Blueberries
  • Honey
  • Kiwi
  • Green bananas
  • The smell of old books, paint, ink, and paper


  • Being ignored
  • Boredom
  • Sitting still
  • Being embarrassed
  • Vomit/vomiting (She's terrified of it. It causes her to start hyperventilating)
  • Her flaws
  • Disappointment
  • Tea
  • Silence
  • Being insulted
  • Her own clumsiness
  • Her curse
  • Dwelling on how her family has changed
  • Thinking about her father left them/ how her mother is dead/ how her brother Sulphur is so wicked to her
  • Living with Brooke
  • Loud noises/Screaming
  • Eating in front of dragons
  • Raspberries
  • Guavas
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Yellow bananas
  • Allergies
  • Arguments
  • Blood (The sight of it can make her faint. Too many bad experiences)
  • The thought of being alone forever


Callo has a black bag with a little painted wooden butterfly charm attached to the strap. It was gifted to her by her Auntie, Magpie. She carries it with her everywhere she goes.

Inside of it is:

  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Many pens
  • A sketchbook and a notebook
  • A couple books that she brings with her in case of boredom
  • Her beloved camera
  • A small first aid kit
  • Some food and a canteen full of water
  • A dagger and a couple knives just in case




Callo has a . . . large . . . crush on the handsome Sand/Ice hybrid. And that's an understatement. He has the exact type of personality that she goes crazy over. However, she has no clue what his feelings toward her are. He's kind of clueless when it comes to these things so she's pretty sure it's possible he hasn't even noticed her attraction to him. Callo is normally quite good at reading dragons but Aurelio is like a completely blank slate to her. She has no clue whether he might be attracted to her or not. He acts like he might be with the way he gives her special treatment and follows her around literally everywhere, protecting her from harm to the best of his ability and constantly putting his life on the line in the face of danger for her. But that could just be because they're best friends. And she's almost definitely sure that she's seen him blushing around her and finding excuses to touch her, but she's worried that it might just be her imagination. The two of them met when Callo ran away to the forest in a depressed frenzy on the day that her father left her. While running, she tripped and hit her head hard on the ground. The impact knocked her unconscious. When she woke up, she was startled to see a very worried looking Aurelio standing over her. She got up and tried to run away from him but a wave of dizziness knocked her back down to the ground. Aurelio assured her that he was not going to harm her and told her that it would be wise if she didn't try to go anywhere for a while. Not really seeing an option, she decided to stay and talk to him. The two of them got along very well and Callo found herself already starting to fall for his golden retriever personality and sweet demeanor. They began a very long conversation about themselves. When they got to the topic of family, Callo broke down into tears. Aurelio of course has no clue what he had done wrong and started freaking out and apologizing profusely. She started telling him a little bit about the situation of her family and was shocked to find everything that she had kept to herself pouring out of her opened maw like a waterfall. It felt good to tell someone everything. And even better, he understood. He cared about her feelings and he listened. He did his best to comfort her and when she calmed down they continued talking about something else. By the time they finished, it was pitch black out and Callo had been gone for hours. Aurelio escorted her back home and they arranged to meet in secret the next night. And the night after that. And the night after that. It became a nightly routine and they became inseparable. They even began taking the risk of sneaking out in daylight to see each other. They started traveling together, leaving home with no notice for hours, or days, or even weeks whenever they got a chance to sneak away without being noticed. The duo got into many dangerous situations and each time they got each other out. And every single day, Callo found herself falling deeper and deeper into Aurelio. And she could only hope that Aurelio did the same with her.






  • Although she is more attracted to guys than dragons of other genders, Callophrys is starting to accept that she experiences romantic attraction to all genders
  • Terrified of blood, being alone, the thought of never finding her soulmate, people realizing the imperfections of her family, vomit/vomiting, embarrassment and many other things