Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Basic Information
Owner Jinx Designer Radar Artist Jinx
Pronouns he/him Gender Pixel Flag Female Orientation Pixel Flag Lesbian
Tribe hive/rain/sand Age 8dys/17hys Occupation traveler/thief
  • small lilac hivewing wings
  • spiky orange mane that only runs halfway down his neck
  • bright orange twisted horns
  • small thick antennae
  • bright green sparkling eyes
  • rounded but shaped features
  • sparkly light purple freckles on the sides of his face and a few scattered across his snout
  • medium light maroon-ish scales that fade into a slightly more purple color at random places, but especially on his face, shoulders, and end of tail
  • one to two stripes at the at the top of his wings and at his ankles, and more at the tip of his tail; all vary in width
  • thiner build but muscular
  • wings, frill, and mane feel like a thick leathery but gelatos substance
  • long ropy tail
  • androgynous voice
  • worn patch of scales around his neck from wear he carries his satchel, they are a slightly duller color from wear
  • wears small pieces of faux gold jewelry for formal occasions
  • the base of his frill is a thick leathery material that thins out at the top and splits to look and feel like fur
  • the membrane of his frill is a thick leathery material
  • wears a turquoise bandana with yellow fireflies and sparkles painted on it in glow-in-the-dark paint, although it doesn’t glow much now due to the wear of time
  • wears a brown satchel with colorful decorative patches with a yellow clasp. He stores art supplies and a small har of fireflies in his bag.
  • he likes to dye his mane but his favorite color to keep it is an orange-yellow
  • he enjoys traveling and collects lots of souvenirs
  • he is very muscular and strong
  • small hivewing wings, lilac and color, about 80% transparency
  • small golden stub earring that allows him to summon his dog
  • small antennae
  • carries a small lesbian flag and a portait of his girlfriend in his pouch to remind him of her while he is traveling
  • light sensitivity, often wears sunglasses
  • can play the piano and the organ
  • mediocre artist, but he tries
  • often forgets to clear out his bag so its filled with wads of paper, tape and other discarded materials
  • trying to get into pottery
  • pretty much a loner, doesn’t stay anywhere to long and doesn’t easily form close bonds
  • loves graphic novels
  • a little unorganized
  • has a ghostly dog named Gizmo
  • Gizmo can stretch himself out infinitely long
  • Gizmo is really good at picking locks
  • medium blue color
  • long snout with a large round nose
  • large vertical eyes
  • tiny round feet
  • not very tall even for a small dog
  • Gizmo wears a very loud but small bell around his neck on a red collar. The bells doesn’t turn invisible when he does but it stops sounding. It can’t be removed