Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

you appear familiar, dear!

  • alcoholism
  • crime
  • like a lot of crime

i’m in a meat pack plant by the gutterside

  • calais is maverique, and uses ae/aer pronouns only.
  • just your average criminal. doin criminal acts in the big city. you go little buddy.
  • code made by me (pluto), with help from Mezepheles and PointlessCircle :)

a slaughterhouse apartment with a slice of lime

calais is thin and lithe, aer four wings typically raised and perked up in great interest. ae wear aer emotions on aer's face, often to a comical degree. Calais' eyes are a forest green, quite strange for a hivewing. granted, nothing about aer is normal.

as have a tattoo of an ouroboros on aer right forearm, which ae got one night on a drunken bender. Calais doesn't remember why ae got it, but ae can't be bothered to get it removed.

i’m cruisin’ with the bruisers, boozin’, i’ll be a suitor-losin’ my mind!

boisterous, vulgar, and loud, calais is an acquired taste, some might say. aer default tone isn't just "outside voice", it's "screaming at the top of aer lungs voice". and calais doesn't really care if you like ae or not, as long as ae has damocles ae is content.

calais is the life of the party, willing to drink anyone under the table, get in a fight, and still have time to cut the cake with you. ae are loyal to the end if you've gained aer trust.

ae have a wicked sense of humor that typically derives from others' misfortune. if

you look just like my bathroom mirror!

hatched into an extensive crime family in unity, calais has never quite fit in with all of their ruthless, businesslike relatives.

Kamu (acquaintance, neutral): The two know each other from the criminal underbelly of Unity, both of them being criminals. Kamu's cannibalistic exploits, however, are unknown to Calais.

  • 6up 5oh Copout (Pro/Con) (Will Wood)
  • Front Street (Will Wood)
  • The First Step (Will Wood)
  • Necromancin' Dancin' (Bear Ghost)
  • Obsessed With You (The Orion Experience)
  • Bust Your Kneecaps (Pomplamoose)
  • Fabulous (Phineas and Ferb)
