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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Cabbage is an adult female SilkWing spinner. Originally from Jewel Hive, after her metamorphosis she was moved too Cicada Hive where she was partnered to Emperor. They raised two dragonets together, Clearsilk (who had been the result of Emperor’s secret affair with Pastfinder) and Silver. She is recently divorced and currently a respected member of the SilkWing Assembly.






Cabbage was surprised to learn of Clearsilk existence. She had assumed Emperor had a secret affair, but she never thought he’d be stupid enough to have eggs with the mystery dragon. She would frequently use Clearsilk and his hybrid lineage as a way to blackmail Emperor and get him to do things he usually never would. She did end up loving Clearsilk like her own, yet it’s still hard for Cabbage to look at his black scales and not think of the NightWing Emperor had replaced her with.


Emperor and Cabbage were partnered together by Lady Cicada, while neither of them were initially thrilled by the marriage, Cabbage learned to love Emperor quite a bit. It was hard for her to be suspicious that he didn’t feel the same way. She frequently went out of her way and bent over backwards to plan romantic occasions for them, but Emperor always made some half-hearted excuse and backed out. It was painfully obvious he had a secret affair with someone else. Despite knowing this, it still surprised her he had been stupid enough to have eggs with the mystery dragon, who turned out to be a NightWing like Clearsight. Appalled by Emperor’s actions they argued until they came to an agreement. This incident pushed them further apart, but it also brought them closer as they now had to pretend they were a perfect family. For Cabbage this was the life she had been hoping for, but it always felt forced and somehow Emperor ignored her and Silver, focusing all his time on his precious hybrid son, Clearsilk. Once Queen Wasp was overthrown and SilkWings gained back their freedom, Cabbage was heartbroken to learn that the first thing Emperor did was divorce her in order to marry Pastfinder. A part of her still loves him.


While not surprised that Emperor had been cheating on her with another dragon, it was quite the surprise to learn that dragon was a NightWing. Upon meeting Pastfinder she felt they had a lot in common, which made her even more devastated that Emperor had chosen Pastfinder over her. Despite her personal feelings towards the situation she agreed to raise their dragonet, Clearsilk, as her own. It disappointed her that even having as little spare time as he did, Emperor still frequently visited Pastfinder over spending family time with her and Silver. Once Queen Jewel took over and SilkWings gained freedom, the first thing Emperor did was divorce Cabbage and marry Pastfinder. This was the final nail in the coffin, Cabbage despised Pastfinder. She was sure they all could have been a happy family, but then Pastfinder came along. Even after tolerating obstacle after obstacle, hoping it could work out, it felt like Pastfinder was trying to tear apart her happy family. While she doubts she will ever say anything to her face, she avoids her like the plague. Only glaring at her from across the room.




Family Tree[]

Pastfinder ———— ————— Emperor ——— Cabbage
| |
Utopia—— ———— Clearsilk Silver


