Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Brown-Ridge is a male MortarWing and L1quid's OC.


Brown-Ridge has primarily brown fur; his mane and tail fur are gold in color, as well as his wing membranes. The feathers on his wings are golden-brown. His long horns resemble those of a male deer, and his eyes are dark green like dense forests[1].


Coming soon...

Species Adaptations[]

Brownie has normal MortarWing species adaptations - cold resistance, weak fire, exceptional dexterity, and organ regeneration.



Brown-Ridge hatched at an unspecified time to Red-Wood (of Roach Ben) and Thick-Stone (of Wolverine Ban) in Wolverine Ban.

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Brown-Ridge appears in Caelum's Wings, the Wings of Fire adaptation of the non-canonical novella of the same name in These Alien Dragons[2].

He is first seen in the woods, when Turtle and the other dragons arrive at the cabins built in the piedmont.

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Snow-Caribou is a female MortarWing and Brown-Ridge's acquaintance.


  • Brown-Ridge was initially created to jump onto the MortarWing bandwagon[1]. He was later designated to appear in Passes to replace several characters seen in the original Alien Dragons short story[2].
  • Brown-Ridge's name is derived from his brown fur and the mountains he hatched into[1].
    • The character's "surname" is a deliberate reference to the Red River Gorge, which L1quid has visited a few times in real life[1].
  • Brown-Ridge's colorations were deliberate on L1quid's part to realistically portray a species that lives in piedmonts[1].
    • Brown-Ridge's appearance was also based on Forest Dragons, a powerful kind of Earth Dragon seen in L1quid's fantasy series Archai[1].



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 L1quid's notes for their Wings of Fire fan-characters
  2. 2.0 2.1 L1quid's notes and outlines for Wings of Fire (Pern): Passes