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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

Brecciaslash was an adult male WorkWing and a member of Warthog pack. He started the index of plants, particularly differentiate similar looking herbs and ivies.


Brecciaslash had gray scales with cracks of cyan between them like a glowing chasm. He wore many satchels and was rather small. He often had a frown on his face that appear slightly aggressive, whether he's upset or not.


Brecciaslash cared about others and was determined to solve the unknown. He believed seemingly impossible solutions were reachable with enough effort and often disliked giving up. He was said to be somewhat haughty and strongly encouraging.


Brecciaslash was a medic in the Warthog pack, apprenticing one of his own. He was notable across Pantala, sometimes being asked by other tribes on details related to different herb usages.

Late in his life, he was apart of the hearing regarding forked-tongue basil. The plant was a remedy, however had a lethally poisonous counterpart that was hard to separate from the herb. The hearing had decided that the herb should be banned to prevent further deaths. Despite voting against the ban, the hearing deemed the herb unhealthy.

Such an herb was highly valuable and healed many alignments others could only subside. Not wanting the herb to he lost to time, Brecciaslash began researching the difference between the herb and ivy, reporting his findings in the next vigil. He had almost died from testing a small detail he originally believe was a normal trait of the basil, though recovered and looked into the detail further.

He soon denoted all the differences of the ivy and the herb, soon bringing it forth to the vigil. It was deemed that the basil may return as long as all holders abide by Brecciaslash's guide, honoring him with a closer position in the next botanist hearing. Additionally, the Hearing of Herb-Ivy Distinction was created and lead by him.

A Guide to the Fanon World[]

Brecciaslash was featured in the Hall of Records with his achievement.


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WorkWing Navigation
Vagues Present: GoldenwhispererRubysnapper

Historical: DiamondslayerDullemeraldCarpenterCrazy • Emeraldsplatter • AshsparkerPearlscrapperMonomoriumOnyxrunnerGarnetcrusher

Lesser Queens Present: CyrogladiatorAzulwashingJadeshovingPharaoh (queen)

Historical: Pebblestepper • Yellow • Peridotslammer • Dungbeetle • Yellow III • Malachitewrestler

Royalty Present: Dungbeetle IIAndesitecarver • Electric (ward)

Historical: Sapphirebolt

Other Dragons Present: Katydid • Ashglarer • Opalstriker • Chafer • Sardonyxchipper • Aphid • Blightclasp • Scarab • Amethyststomper • Junebug • Hercules • [ • Tapinoma • Belohina • Meru • Rubycrusher • Polyrachis • Oakburner • June • Goldbinder • Goldchipper

Historical: Amberscorcher • Violetslasher • SapphirecarverFireflyQuartzseekerScarabPharaoh (commander) • Deathwatch • Birchkiller (multiple)Coalkiller (multiple)MoundMoonrunnerJuneBrecciaslashCrystalburnerRoseWormTopazclawer

Hybrids Present: Asternix • Deathwatcher

Historical: Lapiscarver • Clearsight

Mythical Pannipha
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