Stop, drop
And drag me into place
And lock the fire escape
I'll break your pretty face
(yeah, yeah)
- Mainly sandy tan scales
- most of her underbelly is pale tan
- well, most of it. The center of her underbelly is a gradient of blues, the colors iridescent.
- skinny underfed frame
- underside of wings is the same blues
Oh, you pretty little things
The sycophantic teens
What a precious basket case
(yeah, yeah)
- she is rather sycophantic and manipulative
- she used to be a kind and quiet dragon but prison... changed her
- has numbed herself from most emotions
- shes taught herself not to get attached to anyone or it will end badly for both of them
- doesn't care much for other dragons
- Short temper
- can get physical when she’s angry
Now shut your dirty mouth
If i could burn this town
I wouldnt hesitate to smile
While you suffocate and die
Street smarts
And that would be just fine
And what a lovely time, it surely would be
So bite your tongue
And choke yourself to sleep
- Hatched to a controversial family of sandwing nobles
- first few years of life were normal
- as I said, her family were controversial. She was mugged,
- she pulls a Johnny Cade (/ref) and ends up stabbing one of them with her tail
- the die rip
- in a fit of fear she runs, desperate to get away
- she goes back to her parents
- big mistake. They hear what she did and they disown her out of fear of the whole family getting condemned
- she lives on the run for a year or two
- until they catch her and throw her in juvie
- she’s here for a while and she hardens
- she finally escapes somehow
- she stays with another group of wayward dragonets for a while
- wip
You get everything you want
And money always talks
To the idiot savants
(yeah, yeah)
Anuke (positive)[]
- they are both two similar minds
- No its not dumb and dumber its angry and angrier
Now shut your dirty mouth
If i could burn this town
I wouldn't hesitate to smile
While you suffocate and die
- Has severe katagelophobia and tokophobia due to past experiences