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Black Gold is a RainWing, with very few indications that she is in fact a hybrid.
Giving a menacing vibe withe the countless scars on her back and legs, Black Gold is often overlooked as a dangerous dragon. Those who don’t see her wounds at first describe her as a breathtaking sight, and would be the prettiest dragon they’d ever seen if not for her almost manic, creepy smile scrawled across her snout.
Her lack of a RainWing ruff is the most obvious sign that she is a hybrid; other dragons describe it as though something is missing behind her large pink ears, and the space it should have been feels empty.
A sleek, slim figure, graceful like most RainWings, though a little bulkier than usual. She has the most gorgeous golden eyes with two deep brown pupils, which are also of always thin slits. Her wings are a shimmery gold, almost metallic in the sunlight.
Gold diamond patterns march down her sides, and even in the corner of her eyes. They shimmer in the sun, and SandWings shy away from her for the sole reason that she reminds them of Princess Blister, whose black diamond patterns were unique to her and her brother.
Her scales are a very dark purple colour, and have been mistaken for completely black scales before. Black Gold’s shiny gold horns have faint black markings on them, like diamonds trailing down the side.
Black Gold has a gleaming jet of light gray-purple spikes trailing down from her head to her tail. A golden SandWing sail flops down around the end of her curled tail.
Two glimmering fangs hook out from her mouth, like a snake’s. These are useless, except for biting other dragons. Black Gold does like to believe it makes her look intimidating, like a snake poised, about to strike. Like the rest of her slightly yellowed teeth, blood is stained on the edges of her fangs, looking almost brown in the light.
Unlike most other dragons, Black Gold’s talons are the same pretty colour as her horns, painted to show her status in society. She is a fan of jewellery, wearing chains and rubies as accessories. Black Gold likes to think it makes her look rather imposing and strong.
Always pushing others away, a loner. Someone who believes fighting for themselves is the key. Only love yourself, trust nobody. That is her motto.
Black Gold is a treasure lover. There’s no point in hiding it. She isn’t obsessed with jewels and rare metals, just pleased by the sight of it. Especially rubies, or gold.
She hates other dragons. Unless they can get her what she wants, Black Gold will consider them useless and extendable. Black Gold loves being alone. Surrounded by luxury, comfortable and without worries.
Sarcasm is a big part of her ‘I’m better than you’ attitude. She loves to use sarcasm towards the most obnoxious ways, to irritate others while knowing they can’t do anything about it.
Forever a carnivore, Black Gold hates fruit. Just… hates it. She doesn’t understand how other RainWings live entirely on those nasty excuses for meals.
She loves fighting. Winning, is the best feeling, and is a feeling she usually got. No, Black Gold doesn’t just love battling with other dragons, she’s good at it too. Often seen grappling with other SandWings on the streets of Scorpion Den, and in the secret underground fighting arenas. Black Gold has a reputation for killing about 15 other dragons in the past, all with her bare claws.
Black Flame
Black Gold has a peculiar type of fire, a strange black flame that seems just as harmful as RainWing venom, though it is treatable with BrightSting cactus. One squirt of the juice in the burn wounds, and the problem is solved. The venom will eat away at the scales at a slower pace than normal, but faster than regular SandWing venom. It is also fatal if blasted in the eyes, and is less hot than normal fire.
Immunity to the Desert Heat
Like regular SandWings, Black Gold has no problem in the desert, being able to easily last long hours in the scorching sun.
Colour Shifting Scales
Black Gold has barely any colour changing scales, with only a few scattered near her tail and underbelly.
Sharp Claws
This isn’t really much, but Black Gold sharpens her claws each day at the crack of dawn until they can slice through scales at an alarming speed.
The hybrid is known well in the Scorpion Den, a name whispered among the commoners with fear. Black Gold is one of the most terrifying dragons in the city, with rumours spread about how on earth she can manage to escape and survive every assassin sent after her.
Due to be constantly in the desert, Black Gold doesn’t need to do suntime. She’s always full of energy, though still needs to sleep as much as a normal SandWing.
Light Weight
Black Gold is a very light dragon, and it is rather difficult to pin dragons down in arenas for long when they can easily throw her off.
Scale Colous
Her dark purple scales don’t help her blend into the desert sands, and her golden wings don’t help blending into the night sky either. This is often frustrating for Black Gold, and she is easily recognisable in a crowd.
Inability to Read and Write
Due to her upbringing, Black Gold is unable to read or write, only managing to make out a few words on her wanted posters.
Lack of Barb on Tail
No barb. No extra weapon. SandWings don’t have to watch out of her stupid, curling RainWing tail with no barb on it.
Low Stamina
Being half RainWing, she cannot fly long distances and often has to stop for breaks.
The SandWing in her allows her to go a day without eating, but Black Gold has to drink regularly.
- Money
- Fighting
- Treasure (especially gold & rubies)
- Sand
- Winning
- Climbing
- Wrestling
- Fish
- Loosing
- Being broke
- Humidity
- RainWings
- Late Princess Burn
- The Outclaws
Black Gold hatched after the Great War of SandWing Succession began.
The war had begun over a century ago, and SandWings were scrambling for places outside the war, realising the utter stupidity of fighting for incompetent queens. They turned their attention to Scorpion Den, a city full of outlaws and criminals hidden in the shadows but streets empty of the destruction of war. In a matter of weeks, the towns were overflowing with dragons and the Scorpion Den was expanded to house more dragons. Money was tight; dragons had either too much or too less.
There was an increase in orphans and abandoned eggs, dragons didn’t have the money to look after their dragonets, or to-be dragonets. Hybrids were mocked, and recognised as lower class. Burn’s influence had taken over most of the city, despising the mingled tribe blood. Black Gold was one more example of an unloved dragonet, dumped on the side of a dirty alley. It was a miracle her metallic, black egg even hatched at all, most dragonets died in the egg either crushed by careless SandWings or frozen to death.
The world was never kind to her. Even as a young age, Black Gold often starved for months and had to stoop low enough to drink dirty puddle water. She was always fighting for food with the other orphans, scavenging at the laughing claw tips of the richer SandWings. Her status in the hierarchy was low, even lower than the other scrawny dragonets in the street. They held they held the power over her, with their threatening poisonous tail barbs.
Her life was miserable, though the only life she had ever known. Black Gold accepted the fact that she was meant to be part of the lower class, and others controlled her life like she was a puppet. If they binned scraps, dropped food, and made mistakes guarding the water supply? She was thankful.
Money was a dream. Oh, Black Gold wanted it, but could never get her claws on it. Treasure was a fable, barely existing in her world. Other orphans rarely even found a stray coin half buried in the sand, least of a crumb of treasure.
Black Gold grew up as a quiet dragonet. She let the others push her around, for she knew that was the only way of surviving.
Her life of crime began as soon as she hatched, stealing to live. Black Gold then accepted a deal with another young criminal, Panellia. She was also fighting for survival, and joined a band of dragonets, who had lost their way and were forced to join each other. They wanted to live, and had to rely on each other to do so. As a half RainWing, Black Gold had to follow others. Dirty, mixed blood was lesser in the gang of orphans.
She was a watcher, and one to look after the ‘home base’ while the others went off scavenging for food. They traveled around, discovering the best spots to quietly rob the richer folk, the exact times the guards for the oasis switched over, and all kinds of little secrets. The gang wasn’t exactly family, just a heap of scruffy street dragonets using each other to the full extent to survive. That was the true cruelty of the world.
Black Gold slowly clawed her way up the status ladder of the group, earning respect and finally was beginning to be slightly noticed by the other orphans. Panellia was her friend, who she liked to stick close to. The pureblood SandWing felt pity for the poor hybrid, and took her under her wing. Panellia had a higher rank, and was a food gatherer. She was a very good thief, once nicking a whole chicken from a merchant.
Two long years later, the orphan gang was gaining a reputation, they were the most feared among the streets. Wanted posters were put up, and Panellia was one for them. Black Gold and Panellia obsessed over the posters for a while, and the group was feeling great about themselves. They could survive! Two years together had paid off well, the younger dragonets had a shine to their scales and Black Gold had crawled up in the ranks to be one of the minor protectors, a sort of dragonet guard.
When Black Gold was around four years old, a year after the wanted posters, Panellia died. She was caught by a greedy SandWing, cornered in an alleyway with no escape, as he would easily catch her if she tried to fly away. Her tail barb and fire was useless against him, the older dragon who was more skilled in fighting. He handed her in to Thorn, who imprisoned her in a cage. Black Gold desperately tried to rescue her friend, but was caught in the act. They attempted to flee; but Black Gold was spotted in the sand dunes as they dug into them for cover. Panellia was accidentally stabbed by a SandWing barb in the eye as the Outclaws grappled with the dragonets. She died, almost instantly on the spot. Black Gold then fled in the chaos, shattered.
Returning to the group was shameful without the comforting presence of Panellia. Black Gold arrived, in tears and weeping with her tail dragging behind her. The other orphans were devastated and angry. Not at the ones who killed her, but Black Gold. It was her fault Panellia died after all; if she had never been born with her stupid dark purple scales they never would have been spotted. If she had never gone back for Panellia she could have asked for backup and rescued her successfully. If she had never joined the group at all, should things have been different? Only the stars knew.
She was exiled from the group, and was barely moving. Black Gold couldn’t still quite wrap her head around the fact that Panellia was dead, and it very well could be entirely her fault. In a half-daze, her mental state had drastically worsened, and she had began succumbing to madness. Black Gold began hearing made up whispers in her mind. In the darkness of the shadows, she had lost everything. And in the shadows, all she could do was laugh.
Black Gold was sent spiralling down back to the beginning. A loner, hardly surviving, lasting in a few morsels of food a day. A hybrid driven to madness, she survived. Grew stronger. Sealed up her wounds and became even deadlier than before. A new version of herself, strong and powerful. She didn’t have anything to fear. Instead, they had to fear her.
The moment her life truly started was the moment she stepped into her first fighting ring. Oh, she got absolutely obliterated, but didn’t care. Black Gold wanted to learn how to fight back and be the hunter, not the prey. Her physical health was severely damaged, as she couldn’t afford finding proper care after the harsh wounds from the secret tournaments. Permanent scars were slashed onto her back, and it only strengthened her determination.
For the first two years, she only has her bare claws as weapons. Black Gold was nothing, a mere piece of garbage amongst the other competitors. Then, one night, she discovered her black flames. After countless efforts to produce a hint of fire from her jaws, her hard work paid off. A dangerous tool had descended into her claws, and she used it to the fullest extent.
Gathering fame was easy. She ‘accidentally’ killed another in the fighting rink, and the crowd went wild for her. Black Gold quickly rose up in popularity, gaining supporters as she beat the best, after the best, after the best. Her name was finally noticed, whispered among the other residents of the Scorpion Den. A mere dragonet, at age five, had become the most dangerous dragon in one city of the SandWings. Many others tried to join her, but only mysteriously disappeared overnight; their rotting corpses found discarded in the dark shadows of the streets. Her message was clear: Black Gold works alone.
Her life was finally going in the direction she wanted, becoming richer with every win she got. Fame, wealth, power. All Black Gold desired. Her name was scribed on every wanted poster, her triumphant face well known in the Scorpion Den.
For the next two years, Black Gold only grew stronger. She learned how to properly harness her black flames, how to easily slice through scales like water. How to avoid those by blending that the shadows; to disappear in every environment. Though, even with all she could ever want, Black Gold is still that unstable, heartbroken dragonet, with no home, no future, and no one to ever care for.
Random Facts[]
-Name was originally going to be Cobra! I liked Black Gold better though :)
- Was first off going to be a RainWing queen, but I thought, I’ve made ENOUGH royal characters in the last month! XD
-Was going to be a gang leader, but nah..

Base by albluu!