Beardy is very energetic and loves to run around in the sand. It’s pretty much impossible to calm him down when he gets hyper. He is obsessed with reptiles. He especially likes lizards and snakes. He also loves turtles, though he doesn’t find many of them. He only saw one once in the oasis. Beardy is very cheerful and it’s hard to upset him, unless you kill a reptile. He will start screaming, and there is no way to stop him unless you bring him a new reptile.
Beardy has black horns, orange-brown main scales, cream secondary scales, and red-brown underscales. His snout fades to yellow and his head is brown. His short sail is a red-brown, slightly lighter than his underscales. He has spots of brown all across his back. He has large, brown eyes and a small fang that sticks out from his mouth. He is very short, but is a very fast runner.
Beardy’s parents, Insomniac and Heat, met in the den while betting on a snake-race. They both get on a red-orange snake and the organizer divided them into groups too see who the favorite was. While they were organizing Heat and Insomniac started to chat. They got along really well and after the race, which they lost, went back to Insomniac’s house. They started to hang out together and one day an egg turned up.
Beardy hatched in the scorpion den, but his parents quickly deemed it was too dangerous for him to live there. They took him to a large oasis to live until he could take care of himself. The first day they arrived, Beardy saw a bearded dragon and picked it up and started to pet it. That’s how he got his name.
Beardy loved the oasis so much. He loved to play in the water and roll in the mud. One day he was walking back to the hut from the oasis when he saw a bearded dragon. He picked it up and pet it and took it with him back to the hut. He begged his parents to let him keep it, and reluctantly they agreed. Beardy got a tank and put up a heating lamp, sand in it, and all kinds of twigs and leaves. One day he found another bearded dragon and put it in with his first, Rock. Beardy named his new one Sun. Soon after that eggs appeared. Three bearded dragons hatched and he named them Sunstone, Lava, and Flame. His parents said he could keep them as long as he fed them well. Every night he’d go out and gather tons of bugs ti feed his little guys. Over time he built up over a hundred pounds of insects and hid them under their porch. His parents still don’t know about this.