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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

★ BARK ★


by x

Background Information
Creator Prema Melody
Fitting Music X
Infobox Artist Prema Melody
Attribute x
Character Information
Nickname Bark (Golden Beetles)
Age 9 years (21 in hys)
Gender Male
  • The Golden Beetles
Tribes IceWings and MudWings
  • Unknown, estimated to be around the Lost City of Night
  • Unamed MudWing (mother)
  • Unamed IceWing (father)
  • Fighting
  • Cold and Heat Resistance
  • Breathless

Bear is a male, IceWing-MudWing dragonet and a member of the Golden Beetles. He was the last to join, after a former leading criminal SandWing group in the Scorpion Den fell.


Bear always has bags under his eyes and a sloppy, yet menacing posture.


Bark is quiet, relaxed and reclusive. He doesn't talk, a word spoken being rather rare, and doesn't express a lot of emotion. Even with his group he doesn't share much about himself whether it's his favorite food or color. He can be sometimes cold, glaring at others. Despite his reclusiveness, he is very irritable though expresses it in hitting harder in a fight. He likes to take it slow and easy though is willing to ramp up his fighting when provoked. Though deep inside he's a rather nice dragon, being against fighting those who can't defend themselves and fighting others in general.


  • Strong scales
  • Great at digging
  • Thick claws
  • Temperature Resistance
    • Bark has resistance against the heat and cold. It takes a while to adjust to either, about an hour. If one or the other temperature is currently being resisted, so does the breath, ex; in the sand desert, fire breath is resisted, in the arctic, ice breath is resisted.
    • However Bark will be weaker against the other breath, ex; in the sand desert, ice breath has a stronger affect than average, in the arctic, fire breath has a stronger affect than average.
  • Chill
    • Bark is cool-headed, never really growing into rage. This keeps him at level and focused but he dislikes to engage in a fight if it can be otherwise circumvented so his first actions in a fight are always defensive until provoked.
  • Far-range attacks
    • Due to his genes clashing, Bark is left breathless making far-ranged breaths and spits often slow him down.

Bark originally hatched in a town close to the desert borders. His parents met up, getting into a fight that left Bark in the open, a SandWing using the chance to take Bark in anticipation of selling him to another dragon.

At the Scorpion Den, his abductor got into conflict with the former leading group of the Den, Bark being forfeited to the member. The member took Bark under their wing, eventually meeting Fang and Sparrow. The 3 became a trio, eventually becoming the Golden Beetles after the group disbanded.

Recently they abducted Ray for a Talons of Power member and later Fig for [PLACEHOLDER], though plans changed after [PLACEHOLDER] made a higher bid for both, taking both to him. Fang and Bark went out to hunt and scout the area while Sparrow guarded the dragonets. In the middle of their hunt, Bark recognized Ray and Fig flying off into the distance, Fang and Bark returning to find they had escaped. Fang left the group disappointed to finish the request by delivering the Clear Emerald.

However many days would pass without any contact, Sparrow and Bark decided to search for Fang, rescuing him from a net trap. Afterwards, Fang accepted them back into the group. Recently the group ran into the Golden Beetles attempting to stop the expedition and take them for ransom, Bark facing off with Armadillo in particular. However Bark was purposefully tricked into loosening a cave wall, splitting the Golden Beetles away from t he expedition, losing them.


Bark is aware Fang is a bad influence, but often pushes this aside as they've known each other for a while. He dislikes Fang's style, often hesitating to enter most battles following him, though does so regardless.

Bark finds Sparrow slightly unnerving and often has to stop him from nearly getting them all killed by his cactus bomb obsession.


  • Bark's original name, Bear, was only said by his parents. Wanting to escape from his old life he never mentioned it again, going by Bark.

Wings of Fire Sonic AU Navigation
MUDWINGS KnucklesMighty VectorBarkTumbleMatilda • Lanolin • Smithy • Barry
SKYWINGS SonicTailsRaySonia ManicJetSurgeKitSuper Sonic • Sally • Rookie
SANDWINGS MightyCreamVanilliaBeanFangTumbleRoughMatildaTrip • Bunnie • Antonie
SEAWINGS VectorStormMarineKit • Mimic • Barry
ICEWINGS SonicAmySonia ManicSilverShadowBarkStarline • Slinger
RAINWINGS AmyRayBigRouge EspioCharmyTangleMarineSticksJetWaveStorm • Mimic • Claire
NIGHTWINGS TailsSilverShadowRougeBlazeWhisperWaveStarlineRoughSurgeEggmanSage • Claire • Nicole • Ariem
SILKWINGS JewelWhisper • Conductor Pair • Ariem
HIVEWINGS CharmyJewelHoney
LEAFWINGS KnucklesSticksTikal
Credit to the Wings of Fire Wiki