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Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki
Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki


he / him homo demi rebel

belongs to radar; was received from fly's adoption center.

A1 adopt
Art By fly
Background Information
Creator radar / wisteria
Attribute bitterness, rebellion, justice, vengeance
Element bloodstains, meat hooks, harpoons
Color pale green, grey, forest green, mint green
Animal crocodile
Character Information
Age 56 (hy)
Gender male
Orientation homoromantic demisexual
Occupation rebellion leader, soldier (formerly)
Tribe leaf / sea
Goal overthrow foxglove and become leader, survive, stop the leafwing civil war
Residence outskirts of the poison jungle
Allies escargo, fellow rebels
Enemies foxglove & his followers
Likes justice, escargo, singing, water, humor, winning, fishing, seafood, tranquility
Dislikes corruption, foxglove, being controlled, fire, fishing hooks, dragonets
Abilities can hold breath for an hour, decent first aid knowledge
Weapons talons, tail, sword
Loves escargo
Quote "this road of war we take is paved with good intentions."


Pale pine green scales, slitted green eyes and a crocodilian mouth that is a host of several sharp teeth. Scars decorate his face, tail and legs, shredded membranes are seen on his sail and wings. And of course, to sell it all, a crooked silver hook pierces both of his nostrils, earning him the nickname Hook. Long wavy horns spread from the back of his head, looking like the tentacles of an octopus. A serious or embittered look crosses his usually scowling face. It only lightens up with certain dragons' presences. Slightly lighter colorations of Azeriel's main scales cover his back and mark the sides of his body.

Though not as obvious of a hybrid as some, the clear mint green luminous dots that go across his body are hard to ignore. One specific pattern protrudes from just below his ears, another much smaller dot is seen to the left of this. The old scars that cover his face are seen on his cheek and just at the bottom of his forehead, on the start of his snout. Silver membranes intersected with greyish green go down from his head, below his chin, and on his chest. Near the base of his neck the membranes are seen to be greatly torn. Azeriel's underbelly is a much paler pine green in comparison to his main scales.

His talons are slightly webbed, but not enough to give him an amazing boost in the water like a SeaWing would. They are hooked and very sharp, the tips of which are stained with blood, even if it's washed out. While his tail remains sleek and thin, it has slight thickness from his SeaWing side. A small membranous leafdrop tips the end of his tail, the same silver as his other membranes. His eyes, slits for pupils, show off his serious and bitter persona, though they often look tired or worn. Azeriel's wings are a sight to behold, they are truly magnificent, though such gracefulness is slightly taken away from the tattered state of them.

The wing membranes are a pale green, much lighter than that of his main scales. Clover and grass greens speckle the edges of his wings like spilt paint. These wings are bat-like in shape from his SeaWing side, though they're just as softly curved as that of LeafWing wings. Such wings are usually folded to his side as Azeriel usually travels by land and not by air as that would make him an easier target to spot.

The hybrid's build is lean and curvy, making him agile and quick on his feet. Though such agility is slightly weighed down by the long sword that is strapped to his back, it doesn't slow him down too much. His arms are well-muscled, decorated with various small cuts and claw marks here and there. Azeriel's tail is thick enough to be used as a decent club, but not heavy enough to slow him down too much. While he sticks to his weapon of choice, a sword that is dubbed the Stormbreaker, this is also a viable option if needed. The wicked fishing hook that pierces the hybrid's snout is rusty on the ends and seems to be incapable of removal.


  • cold, bitter, and strict. doesn't talk often and is very closed off from everyone but his closest comrades.
  • very serious and calculating in public, though intimidating he's a good leader who cares about each member of the rebellion he leads.
  • cool under pressure and tries not to let stress get to his head, brave seems to afraid of nothing except fire.
  • does have a softer side that he only shows with close friends. affectionate and sensitive, just a bit more light-hearted and humorous. still rarely smiles or laughs, but at least he acts a bit happier than he usually does.
  • escargo is the only one who can melt his heart and turn him into an awkward mess of a person.
  • open-minded to outside ideas, tries to make these ideas work in his game plan. will still shoot down some though even if they might actually work.
  • hard on himself and barely gives any of his time for working on himself. slowly breaking down on the inside, but he doesn't want to admit it as that's a weakness that could be exploited.
  • has two deep fears, one is of fire and one is becoming like the people he's trying to overthrow.
  • likes singing when he's alone. no one knows why he hides it, he's actually really good at singing when he puts his heart into it.
  • dislikes dragonets and most childish behavior. except if that said childish behavior is coming from escargo when they're relaxing.
  • fiercely loyal to his fellow rebels and the leafwings. wants what's best for them and what is best for them is removing the corrupt authorities.
  • can get a bit vengeful and extreme at times to the point where people notice and stay out of his way. in this state he's stubborn, careless, and very fierce. usually goes into this state after losing an important battle. it takes self-reflection to get him out of this state.
  • pretends love is pointless, but in truth he's head over heels in love himself.
    • everyone in his rebel group knows he loves escargo deeply, but most just humor him.
  • its really jarring when he, by some rare chance, cracks jokes around random recruits, so much so that it takes like a few seconds for said random recruits to respond.


  • cold, calculating and bitter, always plans ahead and can be very strict on how things are done.
  • is a great leader though, his leadership skills are very good.
  • often times, it seems as though he doesn't like anyone, as he can come off as rude sometimes, but he does love the other knights dearly.
  • perfectionist and a pessimist, finds it hard to see the positives of a situation. escargo is helping him with that.
  • not only that, but he's a bit hard on himself, if something isn't done perfectly, then he's not happy.
  • very good at hiding most of his emotions, doesn't like coming clean with others and often just bundles up his emotions.
  • the one who thinks talking to others about his problems is a waste of both their time and his.
  • confident but not too cocky, although azeriel doesn't appear that open-minded to suggestions.
  • very good at reading body emotions and facial expressions, it almost appears as though he's reading one's mind.
  • protective, serious beyond belief. NEVER smiles.... NEVER... okay maybe sometimes....
  • in other words it's really hard to make him smile much less laugh. although escargo and some of the other knights have been capable of doing it.


It's truly Azeriel's abilities that make him such a formidable opponent. While he doesn't have many of the abilities his tribes have, he makes up for it big time. The hybrid is a gifted swordfighter, it's perhaps his most well-known talent, with few matching his skill. Despite his gift, he finds he's not that talented at much else. The two other things one might give him credit for is his innate skill for strategizing and leading. These skills are what earned him the rank of leader in the first place.

Any abilities he gained from his tribes have been greatly reduced and he doesn't find much use in them. His ability to breathe underwater through the gills on his neck has been reduced to being able to hold his breath for just over an hour. And the luminous patterns on the hybrid's body are only sporadically found across his body. Because his talons aren't fully webbed, Azeriel isn't as good at swimming as his pureblood partner, Escargo, but he's certainly not bad at it.

The only other ability worth mentioning is his knowledge of basic first-aid. While he's certainly no nurse, the hybrid knows the basics. This is mainly just in case him or any dragons he's with get injured, he'll be able to assist them.


  • can sometimes lose control of his anger and act recklessly.
    • doesn't usually get overwhelmingly angry, but when he does, he's almost impossible to reason with.
  • tries to repress his emotions to come off as stoic or serious.
  • can be a bit unempathetic and cruel at times. this often leads to conflict.
  • bad at fighting groups of enemies.
  • doesn't "get" humor sometimes.



  • gonna update this since more poisonwing LORE just dropped!
  • was raised in the poisonwing village to a single father, since most tribes except leafwings don't fair too well in the poison jungle. he nor his son, azeriel, were respected, with azeriel in particular facing a bit of hostility for being a hybrid.
  • father tended to suck up to the higher ups so he could keep some form of social status. azeriel wasn't particularly fond of this and refused to do the same. didn't have the best relationship with his father because of this.
  • became a soldier in the poisonwing army and became a war hero. so the poisonwings definitely had a change of heart after that.
  • at some point realized that these two factions of leafwings were fighting and killing each other for no reason, so he started an uprising against lady nightshade. who, along with her husband, soon died in combat against sapwing forces.
  • their successor, foxglove, whom was once fond of azeriel didn't appreciate the gesture and exiled him at once. that didn't stop him though, and his rebel army grew and grew.


  • Hatched in Cicada Hive, disguised as a typical HiveWing egg, although it was after wasp had came in and all that
  • was hidden in there by leafwings since they didn't really want him
  • he doesn't really understand why he's there and plus he stands out being green, but he didn't know leafwings were enemies of hivewings
  • snuck out of the wingery because he didn't want to be there anymore, although it was pretty hard to find an exit
  • had managed to escape and was now just wandering around the hive, disoriented, rather in dark alleys between houses and stuff so he wouldn't be noticed for escaping at such a young age
  • doesn't know he's a hybrid either, there's a lot he doesn't know, but all the same he loved exploring cicada hive
  • it went on like this for a few years, he didn't even know what he was, but from some of the paintings and posters, he could presume to be the enemy of the two tribes
  • hid himself and was never out in public, so he was kinda lonely, having no support whatsoever
  • when he was fourteen (human), azeriel was caught and sentenced to a public execution, trapped in the prisons below the hive or perhaps taken to wasp hive, who knows
  • met a hivewing named yellowjacket who was imprisoned next to him, she explained that she was there for attempting to sneak two leafwings into her hive but was caught in the process
  • helped him escape via picking the locks on their cages or something like that, they escaped to the locals school
  • yellowjacket painted him to look similar to a silkwing, although there were some questionable features that couldn't entirely be hidden by the paint
  • hmmm, probably gave him a silk cape too to hive his back, so he kinda looked like her servant or something
  • they managed to get out of the hive, rather towards the poison jungle until being seen by a few guards who may have managed to capture the hivewing criminal, azeriel just got out, left with a few scars
  • found his way back to the poison jungle, although the leafwings didn't really like his getup, but kept him all the same
  • things went smoothly for a couple of years before they kicked him out after finding out he was a hybrid and all, but azeriel himself couldn't really believe it at all
  • left for pyrrhia because he thought he'd actually be welcomed there


please roleplay beforehand

his most loyal recruit and right hand man. also his lover. cares about him deeply and wants to keep him safe. the two make a dangerous duo, with escargo being the shield and azeriel the sword. escargo is the only one who can melt his heart like butter. finds him incredibly humorous and has been able to make him actually laugh, which isn't something that is particularly easy to do. though he tries to repress these feelings, he can't help but feel this way. very open and casual when with him alone.

Very Positive


close friend, rebel commander. one of the few dragons who knows the full picture of his past. cares about twitch a lot and relates to them as they were in a similar situation. though the silkwing hybrid can be a bit brash and has a tendency to overthink things, he still loves them all the same.

Very Positive








one of his most loyal and faithful companions. azeriel respects him, but does question his blindingly and reckless loyalty towards the hybrid.



the two have become bitter adversaries ever since their "falling out." the two were never officially friends at any point in time, in fact azeriel only really heard of the guy because he was related to lady nightshade. only met him once before azeriel started an uprising against the leafwing's reign and he wasn't very impressed by him. now considers him a serious threat and respects his skill at not only the blade, but close-quarters combat. he's one of the few non-leafspeakers that can match his skill level.

Very Negative


  • he was originally going to be called hook, but that's now a nickname for the character.
  • original concept was for him to be one of the five knights of pyrrhia, this original concept can still be seen for right now. was scrapped to make him a bit more subtle, moved back to pantala as well to give it more attention.
  • is known by his group for not being able to understand jokes and needing to have them be explained to him.
  • favorite foods are sashimi and sushi (particularly california maki).

